Chapter 15

The small group sat in silence for a few minutes as they gathered their thoughts. Finally, it was Drew who spoke first.

“This is some bullshit.”

Thomas chuckled. “You’ve got that right.” He stood up and began walking around the small clearing. As he paced, he searched through the canopany for a glimpse of the sun. He frowned as the thick growth blocked the sky from his sight.

Ivan walked up beside him. “What are you thinking?”

Thomas raised an eyebrow. “You actually want to know what I’m thinking?”

“You aren’t completely worthless when it comes to these situations. You did get us out of the Jade Mountains that one time.”

Thomas grimaced. “I think this situation is a bit different than almost getting lost while exploring a cave.” After a couple more seconds of peering at the canopany, he came to a decision. “I think I’m gonna climb up a tree for a better view.”

“Don’t fall,” Ivan teased.