
Silent Protector

Aiden's POV

I was jolted awake by a scream, that sounded from Madi's room. I jumped out of bed as quickly as possible before falling to the ground. I growled and looked at my feet, I was a tangled mess in my own bedding. How I made it this far in life is unknown. Remembering why I was even out of bed, to begin with, I quickly scrambled to get dressed and rushed down the hall, I approached her door and could hear the pain in her screams. I was reaching for the door when everything went silent. Almost too quiet. After a few moments, I heard her inhale a deep calming breath. Shortly after I could hear footsteps headed towards the door, I quickly hid beside the door under the cover of darkness in the hallway. Madi emerged from her room, she didn't even take notice of me standing just short of a few feet next to her. She looked like she was deep in thought, distracted, to say the least. When she walked out of sight, I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

I Waited a few minutes before following her outside of the house, when I rounded the corner on the porch and checked the tree line for her I didn't see anything. I started to panic, that's when I caught a glimpse of something white. It was Madi's wolf. She was beautiful, pure white. She looked like fresh snowfall. I peered further to see something I'd never thought I'd live to see. The moon goddesses mark. It was a gold crescent moon on her right shoulder blade. I had read about it but there hasn't been a reported case in decades. She's a special wolf, the moon goddess herself has blessed her. A protector, a healer. That's what Madi is. While I was deep in thought, Madi had taken off like a bolt of lightning. I quickly shifted into my own wolf to keep watch over the newly shifted wolf. She raced through the trees and chased forest creatures. Splashed through the river, dampening her white fur. Her strides were fast and stealthy, with power and strength pushing her forward. With training, she would be a force to be reckoned with. She's our next alpha so I expect nothing shy of perfection from her, as she already is.

The feeling that took hold of me took me by surprise, what is this? I felt a link to her, not a mate bond, something else. Like I needed to watch over her, guide her.

I shook the feeling and left her to bond with her wolf in peace. I mind linked alpha Finn "Alpha, Madi has bonded with her wolf. And she has shifted."

"She's shifted already? Meet me in my office." Finn quickly replied.

I shifted back and grabbed shorts hidden in the tree line and walked back into the house, headed for alpha Finn's office. When I reached the office I knocked lightly and Finn said "Come in Gamma Aiden, we have much to discuss." I entered and closed the door behind me.

"Alpha there's something you need to know about Madi's uh, wolf." I hesitated.

"Well, spit it out Aiden."

"Yes alpha, her wolf, she's been blessed by the moon goddess. From what I've read in the books there haven't been any reported cases in decades. I think she might be a protector and healer. She has the gold crescent moon on her right shoulder blade." I spat out quickly.

Finn looked like he was deep in thought when he finally spoke. "And her wolf? Is she pure white?"

"Yes, just like kami was. She's a true alpha. A blessed wolf." I answered.

Finn sighed before responding, "Thank you Aiden, I fear this will bring her more pain than good. I hope for her sake I am wrong, she deserves more than all the tragedy she's been through. I pray to the moon goddess she has a plan for her, and that plan brings her the happiness she deserves."

"Alpha, there's one more thing.. I feel a connection to her. Not a mate bond but something else. Like I need to guide her. I can't explain it." I told Finn.

Finn looked at me for a moment before taking a breath, "It seems like the moon goddess has a plan, whatever that fate may be it seems like you will be there for her in her times of need. Guide her well, Aiden."

"With my life, alpha."

After I responded we heard the door open and shut. Madi's footsteps were headed towards her room. I took that as my turn to leave as well and headed back to my room. I fell into my bed and sighed 'the moon goddess has a plan for us, human.' My wolf interrupted the peaceful space in my mind. 'Whatever that plan is, I hope it's for the good of all of us. For everyone's sake.' I spoke back. I felt my wolf dissapear into my mind, and shortly after i drifted off to sleep.