
Mate Part 2

Kades POV

"Kade! Get your ass out of bed we're leaving for the crescent pack in 30 minutes!" My dad, Alpha Grant, hollered into my room. I groaned and rolled out of bed noting that it was only 9 am. I jumped into the shower and washed, last night I didn't sleep well. I had the same nightmare again. It was always the same one, of Madi.

Every time I had the horrible nightmare it ended the same way, torturing me, I couldn't save her. The rogues killed her.

I knew it wasn't real, but it felt like it. I knew she was sent off to a boarding school for her protection since she is the next Luna of the Crescent pack. I sighed and finished in the shower. I walked back into my room and threw on a pair of black shorts and a grey t-shirt. After I finished getting dressed I headed downstairs and grabbed something to eat on the road. "You ready son?" My dad asked, "Yup, all set here Alpha. Let's hit the road." I said back.

We got into my dad's SUV and left for Crescent pack. 20 minutes into the quiet drive my dad spoke "Oh I almost forgot, Madi has returned from the boarding school, she will be there to greet us with Alpha Finn." His statement took me by surprise. I hadn't realized she would be coming home anytime soon. "Oh I didn't know she was back home, do you think she remembers me?" I asked my dad. His reply was a soft chuckle.

We reached the pack borders and were greeted by some warriors who waved us through. We'd be arriving in 5 minutes. In 5 minutes I'd see her. Lost in all of my thoughts of the past, I felt my wolf stir. 'What's wrong?' I asked my wolf. 'Mate is close, find Mate.' He quickly responded back.

The car came to a stop and my dad was already stepping out, he greeted Alpha Finn as I was getting out of the car. I felt my wolf stir again, and when I looked up I was met with the most beautiful hazel eyes. The same ones that haunted me in my nightmares, the same ones that gave me hope. It's her. My thoughts were cut short when the only word I could manage came falling out of my mouth. "Mate"

We stood there, staring at each other. Not taking notice of anyone else around us, I felt a pull to her. I couldn't fight it, I didn't want to fight it. The next thing I know she was wrapped in my arms like my life depended on it. I clung to her never wanting to let go. My mate. A beautiful voice broke through my thoughts, "Kade?"

Madi said in short breaths.

"S-sorry, i.."

Before I could apologize for the sudden embrace, Gamma Aiden was pulling her from my arms.

A deep growl came out of my chest in warning to the wolf before me "Mine!" My wolf was pushing for control.

Aiden growled back in defense.

"Do not touch her she's mine!" I shouted again pushing Madi protectively behind me.

Our snarling was interrupted by alpha Finn "ENOUGH!" he shouted using his alpha tone, I could feel his Alpha power rolling off of him, causing Gamma Aiden to bow in submission. I relaxed at the sight of him stepping down.

"Sorry Alpha Finn I didn't mean to cause any problems, Madi is my mate. And when he touched her my wolf lost it." I said to alpha Finn.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my dad with his arms crossed over his chest and a big grin plastered on his face. Just as I was going to say something to my dad, Alpha Finn spoke. "Madi is this true, is he your mate?" Alpha Finn asked, with a smile gracing his face.

Madi came out from behind me and faced her father "Yes dad, he's my mate." As soon as she said that I pulled her into yet another hug. "Madi, I've missed you so much. I'm so glad it's you, I couldn't ask for a better mate." She looked up to me with her beautiful hazel eyes and said "Kade I've missed you too, I'm glad its you."

"Alright love birds let's move it inside, we have a lot to discuss" Madis dad said to us.

We all followed alpha Finn to his office, I was not ready for anything he said next.

"So, to make sure everyone is on the same page, last night Madi bonded and shifted with her wolf. She has the mark of the crescent moon, a blessing from the moon goddess herself. Some of you may not know that only one kind of wolf only comes to its human at the age of 18, that wolf is a protector and a healer. The moon goddess chooses when this wolf is born, and according to our history, it hasn't happened in decades. Madis mom was a white wolf, she too also was a healer. Madi is also the firstborn from kami and I, making her the next heir of this pack as Alpha. The reason I have asked Alpha Grant here today is to find out what this all means."