
A Father's Love

Kades P.O.V

It wasn't fair for me to ask Madi not to heal Mya's pain, but I just got her back, she needs time to process everything. Hell, even I do. Every time she did this we didn't know how long she would be out for, or if she would even wake up. This was all unfamiliar territory. It was tearing me up inside that she thought this was all her fault. Katie didn't die at her hands, No. This was all Miles.

Turning around to get dressed, Madi was no longer in the bathroom. "Madi?" The room was silent as I listened for a breath. Goddess, she probably didn't even hear a word I said about not healing, she was pushing herself too hard.

I threw my shoes on quickly and ran down the stairs. I could hear Madi shouting outside through the pouring rain. What the hell is going on?