Di pov
I woke to a cold bed, I felt so....lost. When I was so used to warm arms around me making me feel salf, Today I was met with the cold air of my misery. I got up and went to the shower, and again I threw up, and for the first time I felt alone in this reationship. Fresh tears came out my eyes, and it seem ,like all I do I do is cry, and cry,and cry. I didn't know I was being watch untill I felt Ty's arms around me. This is what I needed, and what made me feel safe at all times.
He whispered I'm sorry to me,and for some reason that didn't help that's all I hear, and I so tired of it. So I got up and got undressed, and went to take me a bath. I put bubbles, sea salt. Pretty much anything to put my mind at ease at this moment Shit my soul at this time. I got in and sat with my back to the end of the tub.
Ty pov