EARLIER ON: Alara gets caught by Aiden and is taken to the palace, handcuffed to prevent escaping. People comment on her and one dies by a mysterious arrow. She enters the court paying no attention to the oh’s and goes straight inside. Over there she hears a strange familiar humming voice and she faints and dreams about a woman singing a lullaby to a baby.


"Never turn your back to where you belong,

Hush little one and listen to the song"

I awoke with a start. Looking around it took me a while to remember the past few hours, wishing they were just a hoax or a nightmare that would vanish, I closed and opened my eyes but nothing changed. I stood up from the floor brushing off the invisible dirt of my dress, when something fell on the floor with a clang.

“Whopsy” I commented on the menottes that were on the ground. The lock that I had damaged must have broken off when I fainted. Aiden looked at them in astonishment.

“Ohhhh, you thought I came here because I had no other choice?” I snickered at Aiden, who flushed realizing I had just insulted him.

“Enough” She had stood up and walked down the dias and stood in front of me. I gulped down the urge to pull her hair on the spot.

“Leave” She ordered and everyone scurried outside. I stared daggers at her. She ignored my stare. I glared at her even more.

“This glaring won't take you anywhere, kizim” She smiled at me.

“Take her to her room” She waved at Aiden. I scoffed then followed him outside. After walking the grand staircase we arrived at a landing.

“There, your room” He pointed to a door on the right. I opened the door to a bright and cozy room . Moonlight littered through the window.

The bed was made of wood with velvet curtains hanging from the walls and a Chandler hanging down from the roof. The shelves were filled with books of different kinds. There was a desk with a laptop on it. A built in closet with clothes of different kinds. A dressing table and an attached bathroom. Everything spoke of royalty. I stood there in awe.

“Don’t try to escape” I shuddered as his warm breath ruffled my inside as he whispered in my ear. I turned around when I heard the door close behind me.

“Arsehole” I commented before flipping down on the bed. Sleep enveloped me like a cloud that covered the sky before rain.

“Wake up” I woke up with a start to a high pitched voice. I rubbed my eyes to see my dear mother, standing in front of my bed. I groaned before going back to sleep, which was fortunately not for long because I was pulled up.

“Bathroom, NOW” She shouted in my face and threw me toward the bathroom. I scowled at her before flipping my hair and going inside the bathroom.

“Can you please leave? I know very well how to scrub my self” I motioned them out.

“Renarde sans manières (manner less vixen)” They gossiped at me.

“Eh bien, je sais que je suis attirant, mais tu n'es rien d'autre qu'une paire de bavards (Well, I know I am attractive, but you are nothing except a pair of gossipers)” I gazed at them coldly as they moved outside the room. I heard a tinkling laugh which I drowned with the sound of water. The hot water soothed my skin and I relaxed my stiff limbs. After having shower to my heart's content, I came outside the bathroom.

“You are late” She eyed me.

“A queen is never late, everyone else is simply early.” I stauntered towards the changing room, to change into my dress.

“Already thinking about claiming the throne?” She let out a chuckle.

“No damage in claiming what is mine” I gritted back. I slipped on the gown, satisfied by my appearance, I stepped outside the screen. Everyone went momentarily quiet, looking at me. I smirked before sitting in front of the large mirror.

“You do cease to amaze me, young woman” She smiled at me, I rolled my eyes at her, before closing my eyes and resting my head on the sofa.

“I am a vixen, right? And aren’t vixens sly, fierce women, especially cunningly beautiful?” I smirked whilst looking at her through the mirror.

“You haven’t changed a bit, you know” She was now examining her perfectly manicured fingers.

“Old habits die hard, don’t they?” I questioned her.

“Mhm” She nodded. By the time my hair was done, I was half asleep. I glared at the maid for waking me up.

“Pardon” She excused herself sheepishly and I stood up.

“Let’s go” She motioned the maids to open the door and they scurried forward to do so. I stifled a yawn. We walked towards the garden where all the minister’s were seated. The noble ladies along with their daughter’s were also present. I stopped my urge to laugh in their heavily caked up faces.

The royal crier introduced us and everyone gasped as they saw me.

‘Well, I do know I make an impact on people, but this was way more satisfying’ I thought, smiling at them. Aiden stood near the throne, smirking at me. I fought the urge to tear his handsome face apart. The young men were fascinated to see me, whilst the young women glared at me. The council was called to announce my involvement and return to my family. After the announcement had been told there were murmurs of confusion, agreement and disagreement. Nobody had said anything until a girl who was my age stood up. She must’ve been a daughter of an influential aristocrat, or else she wouldn’t dare to stand.

“Does she have the blood?” She inquired. I let out a chuckle. Bitch had the guts to question.

“We could do the test” She looked at the Queen as if she wouldn’t be rejected.

“And who are you to question a Queen’s decision and a royal family member, Maddison?” She asked sharply.

“I didn’t mean that, she is a witch, we can be conned?” She quickly clarified herself. I scoffed as I stood up and left the council. Aiden grasped my hand and pulled me back.

“Let go” I spoke through my gritted teeth. But, instead of listening to me, he held me by my waist and led me back to the council. I stood there beside him, my mood sour.

“Now, Alara, you need to know a few things about Magna” She turned to me.

“First of all, we will talk about Vincula Civitatis (The imprisoned City)” She told me. I nodded.

“You must know all about it. The people, The commander, The rebellion that is being caused there.” I didn’t know if it was a question or statement but I nod. Who doesn't know about Vincula Civitatis? The City that beholds the Muhlak. Muhlak are the people that are more powerful than us. We are magic, They are death. We can be hope, they are wretched. They are now divided into two groups; The Malik and The Baghi. They are now raging a fight against us.

“You know about their intentions of attacking us, But I made a deal with them and they have stopped” Aiden looks surprised. I scoffed knowing she wouldn’t have told her.

“What deal, Your Majesty?” One if the council members asked.

“Someone from us, Precisely my daughter will go to Vincula Civitatis for an experiment and they will not wage a war against us” She answers the question. Maddison looked satisfied while Aiden looked in disagreement but never said a thing.

“Council dismissed” She stood up from the chair and motioned for me and Aiden to follow her.

“You didn’t voice your opinion Aiden” she questioned.

“You know my reasons and I know your answer” He replied.

“Life is like a bed of roses dear,” She looked at me wanting to complete.

“Roses have thorns too, dear mother.” I gazed in the distance.

“When am I leaving?”


“You wanted to get rid of me this quick?”

“We both know you will come back all intact, ready to claim the sword and throne.”

“What if I don’t make it?”

“You have to”

“Oh dear, Never in my dreams would I have imagined you saying that” Aiden listened to our banter quietly.

“I will come back, Aiden and when I do I won't let you off scot free” I turned to him and he left us.

“Why is he sad like I stole his candy?” I asked no one in particular.

“You didn’t, I did” I gagged at the answer.

“Are you sure you are my mother, women; because I have doubts that someone must've left me on your doorstep. Or am I the chosen one, Like Harry Potter?” I laughed.

“You are the Chosen one, Alara” She replied.

“You’re a wizard Harry could've been better” I countered.

“You are a witch!” She snapped.