I could feel eyes on me as I walked shoulder to shoulder with Alexander. Inside the trees stood Aiden and his sides watching us. He knew I knew. I did it to spite him whilst the guards with Alexander were taken aback. Maybe, they didn't know that I would listen to him so easily as I was a witch. We entered the house or I should say probably a villa. The interior of the villa was white and spotless.

"The guards will show you your room" He clearly had things to attend to and I wanted peace. So without any more further ado I walked behind the guard. Walking down the massive hallway, he stopped nd opened the door to my room and stood aside. Suddenly there was a noise of some people shouting. The guard looked alarmed but didn't say or do anything. He was just doing his job and was doing it quite well.

"What is all the havoc about?" I asked him.

"Madam, Please stay in your room. It will be handled" He replied monotonously.

Instead of listening to him, I turned around and scanned the area. The security was tight, but then I was a witch. Temporarily paralyzing them, I ran towards from where the shouts were coming. My suspicion was cleared, as it was Aiden who attacked. Alexander stood in front and his guards behind him. I strode to where he stood and removed the dagger that was pointed at his chest by Aiden. Aiden looked surprised.

"Changed sides already" He smirked.

"Aren't you among those women who choose power over their own" And that was the end of it.

"You are going to choke on your words" I raised my hand and the witches on his side tried blocking my magic but I was stronger than them. Years of pain and agony had made me strong enough to create chaos.

I am stronger because of the pain I endured.

I am impenetrable because of the agony I suffered.

I am indestructible because of the torture I went through.

And all this pain had made me mad and now I was ready to wreck havoc across the world.

"Yeah, about earlier what did you want to tell me?" I asked him, curiosity visible in my voice simply just to mock him.

"That it's your word that has to be followed not the Queen's because that is the only reason you can have power over me when you are here to take me back against the word of the emperor" He was taken aback.

"I am here at on my own accord and I will leave when I want. You certainly cannot boss me around" I turned around and left.

The trees outside were moving along with breeze. The night had fallen completely and everything outside was wrapped in the darkness of the night.

"You do know that he was here because the Queen had sent him" Alexander's voice pulled me out of my stupor.

"Probably, because she loves you. I mean, She is wouldn't want you to be around people who hate you but in order to save her people she had to send her daughter away.."

"She did because she wanted to not because she was obliged too" I didn't let him finish.

"She broke the bond through me. She sent me here so that the bond would be broken because I am the future queen and the future queen would never abandon her people and that is how it got broken and she wanted to do I don't know what she wants so kindly shut up and don't ruin my already messed up life." I literally was screaming at the top my lungs. My life is turning into a fucking cliché novel.

'Man, this is going to be one long night'

Alexander looked at me in amusement. Fire started from my feet and ended at the top of my head.

"Get the hell out" I screamed at him like a child.

"You are cute" He commented at me still amused. I turned around fuming and opened the window. There was no grill stopping me. I jumped outside the window. I landed among the trees. I brushed dirt of my hands and strolled forward. I had walked just a little further when someone pulled at me and placed a hand over my face to stop me from screaming. It was Alexander who had done it.

"What were you thinking when you jumped outside?" He hissed at me.

"To get away from you. Apparently that didn't work" I snapped back. He dragged me back to the window and a rope was dandling down it.

"I am not climbing up at any cost" I struggled against his hold. Trying my best not use magic. He turned me around, held me by waist and started climbing up. I tried not struggle as we both would fall. As soon as we reached the window sill. I tried to jump out again. Alexander caught me and hauled me up on his shoulder. A tired giggle slipped out of my mouth as I no longer opposed him. He threw me on the bed, face down. I stayed that way until I drifted off to sleep.

It wasn't until the sun came back to wake the world up. I was up and about in the morning satisfying my curiosity of the whole villa.

"Yeah, I will try my best. Don't you feel bad about it. I know that you need to find out your mother and Katie's too. Keep doing your work. Rest assured" Our chat ended as Katie walked out of the infirmary, her face red. Not from pain, but from blushing. She looked like a ripped tomato, for real. I ain't joking with people.

"Why are you looking like someone poured crimson red paint over you?" I asked her, smirking, my question asked as if in suspicion.

"Is it Jeremy? huh..." Ivy joined me in teasing her. We were now close to each other, like sisters. Probably because we understood each other quite well. Anyways, Katie burned up on the mention of his name. Me and Ivy bursted out laughing at her face.

"What? he asked me to a ball, that is on Saturday" She smiled shyly looking at the ground. I smiled at my happy go lucky friend. She did deserve the best of all. We were still teasing her when Ivy suddenly turned quiet. I turned around to see Amy making her way towards us.

"Well ladies, I wish you all the best for the masquerade ball." She gave me a look of pity before leaving. Man, She didn't know what was in store for her, for she didn't know that I had met Hayden. Not even in her wildest dream she would've thought that the two people, who she feared the most, had ganged up against her.

It was late in the evening when I was walking towards my room when Dom stopped me in a haste.

"Would you like to go to the ball with me?" He asked, still panting because of the run he had taken.

"Ummm, I am sorry, but I already have been asked Dom" His face fell and he backed off.

"Dom, You need to understand that what I am going to do in the future requires a lot of strength to handle, and Hayden has given it all up to join with me without any hesitation. I trust him Dom and should you. And as for you, You are one of the best people I have ever met and I will never forget it" He shook his head and went straight into his room. I sighed before entering mine. The world really did mess with me, and may I add, quite badly.

"Hayden dear, are you coming on Saturday?" Amy drawled into the phone.

"Yes, mother. Do not test my patience" Hayden gritted his teeth, on his edge.

"Ok, honey make sure to bring someone along" She said in a sugar coated voice.

"Yes, mother I will" and the line went dead. Amy looked at the phone in disgust and threw it on the bed, facing the mirror she removed her mask that covered her face. An innocent woman was revealed. She looked like a female version of Dominic.

'Ah, the dumb world that doesn't know anything about me.' And she put the mask back on.

Saturday sun gave birth to many events that one might not even have dreamed of, but as they say, there must be some expedience for what has happened. I was getting ready along with Katie and Ivy. Hayden had sent me a dress and accessories for the event.

"Man, he sure does know how to impress a women" Ivy was impressed by the dress. It was an Icy blue dress with sheer neckline and shimmery embellishment. The gown's entire sheer blue overlay is embellished with silver and blue sequins and transparent floral beads paired with a pair of silver heels to match. Take a look at the whole ensemble—gorgeous, no?

When I came out, I looked like an ice queen ready to take down the world at her feet. Ivy and Katie's mouth hung low. They had never seen me dressed up, no, not even Katie. Ivy was wearing a black net dress that ended on her knee while Katie was wearing an emerald bodice dress. We looked at each other and started digging each other - girls. We were disturbed when my phone dinged. It was Hayden asking me to come outside as the driver was there to pick me up. I bid goodbye to Katie and Ivy and left.

I entered Hayden's penthouse and crossed the foyer, entering the living room. Hayden was talking on the phone and on the sound of the clicking of my heels he turned around. On seeing me, his eyes shined in a way that I had never seen before. He smirked, walking towards me. I stood my ground confidently and also walked towards him until there was no space left between us.

"You sure are a cunning one" He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. He was looking ravishingly handsome in a white pant coat.

"I do cease to amaze people" I tilted my head and Hayden chuckled.

"Let's go and make some news" He held my hand, leading the way. We came down the elevator and entered the parking lot. I looked around in amazement. The cars there were something I dreamed of.

"Which one?" Hayden asked me.

"A 35 Sedan Mercedes-Benz" I walked towards the car, opened it and sat down, admiring the interior.

"You like it?" He asked as he slid in beside me.

"Are you kidding?, I love it" I looked like a child in a candy store. He started the engine and moved forward to secure my seat belt. I stopped breathing at their close proximity. I couldn't deny that he had an effect on her which sent her mind in a frazzled state. He smirked inside knowing he had succeeded in affecting me. His presence did make me nervous as it made him restless. We glided through the streets of NYC to reach S.A.C where the ball was to take place.

Amy was looking forward to seeing who his son would bring. So were all the camera men because the news had broken loose that Hayden Daunter was also coming, with a date. They were tired of picturing all the other guests and therefore wanted someone to gossip about. Well, their wish was granted. For, we had entered the area. The car stopped in front of the entrance and Hayden walked out. The camera flashed and so did the desperate girls. He walked to the other side and opened the door for me to step out. Everyone held their breath to see the mystery girl. I stepped out and everyone gasped. I had a strong resemblance to Jane James, for I was her daughter, but all everyone knew was that her daughter was normal and not supernatural. So, they were shocked. The camera's clicked madly. We certainly looked like a perfect couple. Everyone started gossiping and Amy quickly regained her composure and smiled at us.

"Oh my god, Hayden. Must I congratulate you on your perfect choice" She said softly as I leaned in on Hayden, whose grip tightened around my waist.

"Now, mother don't bully my dear fiancé" He smiled fondly at me and I returned it with the same fondness and this time it took Amy time to regain her composure while the ladies that surrounded us gasped.

"Well, I must say son, you did made me proud. The ring?" She smiled at us and kissed my cheek.

"Patience mother, I want to make it unforgettable for my Fiancé" He kept smiling at me. And Amy excused and moved towards the other guests, doing her duty of being the host.

"She does love you a lot" He sniggered.

"What can I say, I can easily be loved" I gave a tinkling laugh. The lights dimmed and the light was on Amy, who was ready to make an announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, Ahem. I would like to announce that my son, Hayden Daunter and Clare James are engaged. So, the boy is off the market, Please enjoy."

Perfect by Ed Sheeran started playing.

"May I?" He asked me.

"The woman you are asking is all yours, Mr. Daunter" I smirked nodding my head in yes. We moved towards the dance floor. Hayden pulled me towards him and I sucked in a breath.

'Man, this is going to be one long night'