We looked up at the sky as little sparkling dots surrounded the moon. “Petits Espirits” We both whispered at the same time, looking at the sky. We were still staring at the sky when we heard footsteps running. We both turned around saying Jeremy’s name simultaneously, knowing it was him. He was pointing at the sky.
“Petits Espirits” He called out loud.
“Yeah so?” I asked him.
“Legend says that they come down to protect the protector of the Magna. Et toi, petits esprits, tu seras envoyé de l'Eden au-dessus pour protéger le protecteur de Magna.” I gave him a look, destroying the moment.
“What exactly does it mean?” I asked him not knowing what the hell he had just said in french.
“And thou little spirits will be sent from the Eden above to protect the protector of Magna” He translated the line for me.
“And it is from?” I queried further.
“Les légendes de la Grande Magna” He answered me.
“And what exactly does that mean?” I sassed, repeating my question.