Li Jun and Liu Yang helped their friend with his robe, the heavy material weighing Li Xiwang down, he sighed as he turned around as they tied the belt around his slim waist.

"You look like a bride"

"Are you sure about this?" They asked him, the robe he was wearing was bright red, the colour alone was blinding, it had a long train made out of a tulle material, his long hair was tied up to a low ponytail, a red ribbon holding it together, his fan was matching with his robe, he did look like a bride.

"I don't care, I have to look good if I'm to represent the sect remember, you guys also look like the bridesmaids so we're in tune" he joked. The two girls rolled their eyes, Li Jun opened the door and Liu Yang helped him with his long heavy train.

Li Qiang gasped to himself seeing him, he wants to shield him away from the preying eyes of these people, he walked up to them but Li Xiwang stopped him.

"Stay 10 cun (inches) away from me, you kick dirt whenever you walk so I don’t want this stained" he said laughing at the end. He sighed and did as told.

"Okay okay, let's head inside the banquet is about to begin"

Zhang Wei had put on his dark green robe, the robe was just perfect in length, his hair was in a ponytail with the front sides left as bangs, a lime green sheer cloth headpiece held his ponytail up. He grabbed his sword and walked out of the room.

His friends didn't change though, they had planned to wait outside for him.

"I'm ready, let's go" he says walking ahead. Zhang Shao wen chuckled.

"He looks like he's going to war he should loosen up" he teased, the spirit tiger bumped into him following it's master. Zhang Xiu Ying giggled.

"If it could talk it would've told on you, let's go I want to see if these people are more beautiful than me" she says making Zhang Jing roll her eyes.

Wang Zunyan put on his favourite robe, the long train making it difficult for the maids to hold it as he walked towards the hall. His father, King Wang Jun smiled seeing him.

"You look like the crowned Prince indeed, are you ready?" He asks. Wang Jing walked up to them, the flower hairpin in her bun made her husband smile.

"Ah Zun, you should remember to befriend them, you will rule the sects along with them so forming an alliance with them now will be beneficial to the future" she said. Wang Zunyan nodded, he walked up the large set of stairs leading to the front door of Zhengyi palace.

Li Xiwang flapped his fan cooling himself down, the other sect leaders in the hall giving him odd looks.

"Announcing the arrival of the crowned Prince of WangShi Jaizu!"

Everyone stood up and bowed as Wang Zunyan walked in, behind him were his personal guards, his aura was oozing with confidence and authority.

Zhang Wei sat down once Wang Zunyan had sat down, a group of dancers entered the hall and danced for them, their bright pink robes and long sleeves portraying the cherry blossom flowers in full bloom.

"Do you think my mother would agree if I had them at my birthday celebration?" Li Xiwang asked his friends, they shrugged and took swigs of the white wine provided.

Once the dance was finished Wang Zunyan stood up with a golden cup in his hand.

"To the current and future sect leaders, thank you for coming all the way here, I know it was short notice but I'm happy to see you here, cheers" he said finishing with a smile and chugged the wine.

Li Xiwang raised the cup and drank as well, the burning feeling of the wine left on his throat made him cough a little, Zhang Wei chuckled again, he took a swig and turned to Li Xiwang.

"That is how a man should drink" he teased. Li Xiwang rolled his eyes and flapped his fan open.

"We do not engage in such small things, being proud of taking down a cup of wine shouldn't make you a man, your cultivation skills should" he said. Li Jun and Liu Yang smiled in pride, their Childe was a bright and wise person.

Zhang Wei smirked and turned to face Li Qiang.

"You should confess your feelings for him or else they will whisk him away" he says and stands up. Li Qiang was baffled.

How can a stranger like him realize his feelings for Li Xiwang yet the said person himself doesn't even realize it.

Wang Zunyan walked around the hall, gifts were showered to him as he greeted each of the guests, he froze when he stopped at Li Xiwang.

" dressed up like this?" He asks. Li Xiwang stood up, the robe not shifting out of position.

"I came wearing what I usually wear, if people have a thing against it they should go drown, don't you think" he says smiling. Wang Zunyan looked him up and down.

"'re really not afraid of losing face huh?" He asked. Li Xiwang shrugged.

"It's not about losing face, it's about people minding their own business, now will you like to have your gift or not?"

He nodded.

"I'll have it now"

Li Xiwang turned to Li Jun and nodded, a long wooden box was presented before the crowned Prince.

"From the Li Shizu sect we hereby present the crowned Prince with a replica of his sword made from white Jade and ice" Li Xiwang said and bowed.

The gift was large, bigger than everyone else's gift, Wang Zunyan smiled and picked up the sword, the ice was not melting meaning a spell was used to keep it that way.

"Will the spell run out?" he ask. Li Xiwang shook his head.

"Sect leader Madam Li Na made it herself, it is to celebrate the crowned Prince's birthday and future friendship between the WangShi jaizu sect and the Li Shizu sect"

Wang Jun and Wang Jing smiled after hearing that, it seems Li Shizu sect will be a great alliance for their sect.

Zhang Wei joined them with his gift, a small box. He opened it making Wang Zunyan gasp.

"From the Zhang Shi sect, we present the crowned Prince with a jade pass to our sect, you are welcome any time you wish to visit" he said and bowed. Wang Zunyan took the jade pass in his hands, the green jade tied with a grey tassel made him smile, it seems he has found future friends in these Childes.

"Thank you, to the both of you" he said. They bowed and went separate directions.

Li Xiwang sat down and smiled, it seems it was a good idea coming here.

"You are smiling, it seems the Prince liked the gift" Liu Yang said. Zhang Jing giggled and sat next to them.

"But yours was bigger so it seems Li Shizu sect came to show off"

Li Jun glared at her.

" dare you say that to Childe Li Xiwang"

"Li Jun it's okay, it has already happened" Liu Yang said trying to end the unnecessary conflict.

Li Xiwang sighed, his action caught by Wang Zunyan.

"If you want I can show you around, you seem bored"

Li Xiwang stood up to his feet and smiled.

"Yes, I've been meaning to walk around to see the palace"

Wang Zunyan chuckled and walked away with him, Zhang Wei watched them walk away, he looked at Li Qiang who was gripping at his sword so hard his knuckles were now white. He shook his head laughing to himself.

"When will people start listening to me"

Li Xiwang smiled looking at the antique collection of the WangShi jaizu sect, the portraits of past kings and queens made him realize that the WangShi jaizu sect is a powerful prominent sect.

"You behave as if you never leave your sect" Wang Zunyan said, his face straight yet his words sounded like he was teasing. Li Xiwang shrugged.

"It's not everyday you see such rare beauties"

Wang Zunyan hummed and walked ahead, his train leaving no room for Li Xiwang, he frowned and stepped on it, the robe choked the crowned Prince and he fell backwards on his behind.

"You! Why did you do that?" He asked. Li Xiwang smirked and walked ahead.

"You should let your visitors walk besides you, your train is so long I had to step on it" he said walking ahead. Something stirred up inside Wang Zunyan, he huffed and his foot stomped on Li Xiwang's train. He choked and fell backwards as well.


"I what? You clearly deserved it!"

Li Xiwang was lost for words, he looked around the room looking for a water source, he smirked when he saw a flower vase.

He flicked a finger and water sprinkled down the Prince's head. And he ran off holding his train in his hands.

"Li Xiwang!"

He chased after him, his face dripping in water. Li Xiwang laughed in victory as he made it outside, he turned around only to be tackled to the ground, the two rolled down a small hill leading to the field of Yuqiong flowers. Li Xiwang laughed along the way.

"Oomph!" Their eyes widened in shock, neither of them moved as they realized what was happening, their lips were connected and they were kissing. Li Xiwang stood up and apologized immediately.

"I'm sorry, it was a mistake and all my fault" he said bowing with each apology. For the first time in his life, Wang Zunyan chuckled.

"You should calm down, it was just a mistake" he said trying to calm him down. Li Xiwang nodded, his eyes roamed around the field of white and pink flowers for his fan.

"I lost my fan, my mother is going to skin me alive"

"I'll help you find it"

About thirty minutes passed and they still failed to find Li Xiwang's fan, he sighed and stood up.

"It's getting late, I will have to get a new one made, Thank you for the invitation and happy birthday" he said and left the Prince there.

Wang Zunyan watched him leave, it seemed the fan was very important to the Childe of Li Shizu sect. He sighed and kept searching.

"And where were you?" Li Qiang asked, he looked him up and down. His dishevelled hair and robe made his heart skip a beat.

"I was with the crowned Prince, we....we fell"

Li Jun smirked and Liu Yang laughed quietly.

"Riiight" Li Jun said mocking him. Li Xiwang walked to the pier to get on the raft, his entourage followed behind in silence. Li Qiang was silent along the way home, the only thing ringing in his mind was Zhang Wei's voice.

"You should confess your feelings for him or else they will whisk him away"