Liu Yung was dropped to the ground, she gasped for air.

"Your father betrayed us, he almost killed my mother!"

Liu Yang stood up, her eyes stinging tears, she held him by the collar of his robe.

"We've been friends since childhood Li Xiwang and never had a raised a hand to you, yet humiliate me like this?"

"This isn't about you, it's about your father!"

"He's my father which makes it about me! Isn't it why you came here?"

Li Xiwang looked at her, he pushed her away.

"As the official sect leader of Li Shizu sect i hereby banish your father Liu Wei from the sect, Li Jun don't allow that man in here" he said and stormed off. Liu Yang looked at her.

" wouldn't do that would you?"

"I'm sorry, the sect leader's orders are to be followed...regardless....I'm sorry" she said and walked away.

She tugged on the grass and stood up, she glared at Li Xiwang's retreating figure.

"Li will pay"



Wang Zunyan sat on the throne, his personal guards standing at his sides. Since his parents left for the night hunt, things have taken an interesting turn in WangShi jaizu sect.

The people now developed a tendency of stealing from their neighbours, the rice plantations are left to die and the weather is not even helping.

"Don't worry, your parents will be back and everything will be alright" Wang Yun said. He scoffed.

"Don't you see that this is a test, they are testing if i could handle a large sect like WangShi jaizu"

The doors opened and Feng Qiao walked in, in his hand was a scroll.

"Sect leader Wang Zunyan why did you change the locks of the bursary?" He asked.

"Only officials will be allowed in there, so in other words you are no longer an official but only a sect elder, have a problem? Then I suggest you talk to my parents when they return"

Feng Qiao smiled yet it wasn’t honest, he bowed.

"As you wish"

He turned to leave but was stopped.

"Are you forgetting the scroll? Leave it here"

He gritted his teeth.

"Of course"

The doors closed and Wang Zunyan glared at it. The hatred he was feeling towards the sect elder was a growing habit he's not fond of.

"Take the scroll to the bursary, I have to go battle my internal demons"



Zhang Yong and his wife were inside the palace, Zhang lei Wang was serving wine.

"This is a token of appreciation and to show that i hold no grudge" he said. Zhang Yong smiled and raised the cup.

"Cheers to the most understanding man"

The two downed the wine and smiled. However that didn't last long as their bodies suddenly felt drained of power.

Zhang lei Wang smirked and stood up.

"You really thought i was going to let you off that easily? I will kill you, take over your sect and make your precious son a slave"

The doors opened and someone came inside, it was Liu Wei. He held their wrists and checked their golden core prowess.

"It's completely gone"

He smirked.

"Good, where is the rat?"

"He's out, he went to visit Li Xiwang it seems"

Zhang lei Wang laughed.

"It's all coming to plan, sect leader Zhang Yong, my apologies but you have to die now"

Zhang Yong gasped, his son was right.

"You....we trusted you, why?"

"Why?? You brought us here against our will, you and madam Li Na will pay for destroying our lives"

Zhang Min fainted after hearing that, Zhang Yong held his wife closely.

"My son will get you for this"

Zhang lei Wang and his accomplice mocked him.

"How we quiver with fear, your son is walking into a death trap, just wait and see"

Zhang Yong felt scared for the first time in his life, what will he do now?

Zhang lei Wang stood up and opened the door, the inner disciples of Zhang shi sect had drew their swords.

"These are the people that separated you from your families, kill them!"



Li Xiwang walked around the sect looking for Liu Wei, he froze when he saw Liu Yang in front of him.

"What do you want?"

Liu Yang smirked and blew white powder in his face, he took a step back and he opened his eyes, it was blurry, he used a nearby water source and washed his face.

Liu Yang walked into the forest without a word.

"Li Xiwang!" Zhang Wei called out.

"Over here"

Zhang Wei walked over and gasped, Li Xiwang was staggering as he walked, he held him.

"What happened?"

"It's Liu Wei, he betrayed us....and his daughter"

"Zhang Lei Wang also betrayed us, i came here to look for help but i see you're tied up.

Li Na and Li Jie ran to them.

"What happened?"

"Liu Yang blew poison ivy powder in my eyes"

Li Na gasped in horror, poison ivy powder is used when an assassin wants to blind his victim before they are executed, someone wanted to execute her son?

"Li Jie take him inside, I'll go find Liu Wei"

"With what power? He locked your powers remember"

"I know...however a mother should protect her children at all costs, if I'm not back...Ah Xi, you know what to do?"

Li Xiwang didn't reply her, the only thing evident on his face were his blood laced tears.

Zhang Wei stopped her.

"I'll go with you"

She looked at him and nodded.

"Let's hurry"



Wang Zunyan stopped walking when his eyes started to itch, he cried out as his retinas burned, he cried out blood and dropped to his knees.

Hearing the screams, Wang Yan, Wang Min and Wang Qiang ran out of their rooms with their swords drawn, they gasped.

"Take him to the doctor quick!"



Li Jie watched his son sleep, the blood soaked cloth around his eyes breaking his heart.

"Why would they do such a thing?"

Li Xiwang turned to the direction of his father's voice.

"When you and Zhang Yong decided to leave Qingcheng, you uprooted a lot of people from their families, we are the masters of water but that doesn't mean everyone in one family will be a water channelling master"

"So you mean....they want to destroy us and head back to Qingcheng?"

Li Xiwang nodded, it was clear as daylight, that's why he didn't blame them, he just hated the fact that innocent people are going to be killed.

Li Jie stood up.

"I'll go join your mother, Li Qiang is outside"

He nodded.


Zhang Wei and Li Na ran into the forest, despite her low spiritual power, her agility was unmatched, with a sword dragging behind her they arrived at a very quiet Zhang Shi sect.

"Something's wrong"

Zhang Wei nodded, he whistled a sharp tune and the spirit tiger came from behind.

"Go investigate, clear the path"

They waited until the tiger roared, Zhang Wei turned to Li Na.

"Let's go"

They swiftly went inside Zhengyi palace, he opened the door and stepped in, his foot made a damp squelch sound making them freeze.

"Don't look down" Li Na advised, he took a deep breath and nodded, they walked inside and froze.

Blood painted the walls in messy strokes, the feathered splatter dripping down the walls to the floor, the heavy scent of copper and metal burning their nostrils.

"Mother? Father?" He called out. Li Na stepped forward and something popped under her foot, to her horror it was an eye, it looked like a runny quail egg.

"What the hell happened here?"

Zhang Wei slid the doors open and froze, his parents were in bed, their tied up bodies making him sick to the stomach, their inside out for the world to see.


Her body shivered hearing that, she turned around and dragged him back outside.

"Don't look"

He pushed her away and went back inside, he cried loudly, his wails scaring the birds outside.


Li Na stood up and leaned against the walls, her eyes glossed over with tears, the fact that this could've been her earlier on made her feel uneasy.



The doctor sighed.

"He's fine, however his eyes were affected by an unknown source, did he fight with someone?"

"Not that we know of....we'll investigate"

Wang Zunyan heard them but he didn't want to talk, he wanted to be better, so he could see him again, the person who changed him.

"Ah Xi"