Wang Zunyan smiled at Li Xiwang, he had come to rescue him?

"Ah Xi!"

Everyone in the room watched as the two embraced each other.

Zhao Yi's face scrunched up in disgust.

"What are you two doing? Men shouldn't do that"

Fei fan turned to Gong Sun.

"Let's hope he doesn't hear you punish me tonight" he joked only to be hit on the head.

"Two punishments" Gong Sun said making Fei fan frown.

Wang Zunyan pulled away from Li Xiwang's embrace.

"You came to rescue me?"

He nodded, but he also came for something else.

"I came to tell you that....I...." he looked at Fei Fan who nodded as encouragement.

"That I....I want to be with you Wang Zunyan, take me with you wherever you go, it doesn't matter if you are poor or rich, as long as I have you"

Liu Yang smiled, her friend was at least happy, unlike her.

Wang Zunyan nodded and he did the most shocking thing he could've done, he kissed Li Xiwang before everyone.

"Under the cherry blossom tree in the Yuqiong flower fields"

Li Xiwang blushed, why did Wang Zunyan remember that old memory.

Liu Wei cleared his throat.

"Can we just kill Zhao Yi?" He asked. Li Xiwang looked at him, the man that killed his mother. He threw the fan in his hand at him, the bright fan hit the man on the temple making him fall to his knees.

Liu Yang dropped to her knees as well, Li Xiwang walked up to them.

"You abandoned the sect and for what? Power? Look at you know, struggling and poor, Liu Yang, you made a vow along with us to friends forever and what did you do?"

Her head was down in shame but she couldn't help but to defend herself.

"If you hadn't attacked me that day i would've stayed, this is all your fault!"

He froze, that day....he did attack her and she made him blind, so why bother with the blaming game?

"You will answer for your crimes once we get to Li Shizu, Gong Sun, Fei fan, tie them up."

Two spiritual ropes tied the two up, the rope made their cores weak making them unable to escape.

The attention was then turned to a bleeding Zhao Yi, his nose was broken because of the brick that was thrown to his face.

"Wang Zunyan, what do you want to do with him?" Li Xiwang asked. Wang Zunyan walked away heading to the secret chambers.

Once he came back he had a scroll in his hand.

"You should read this Ah Xi"

Li Xiwang opened the scroll, there it was written about the day the fortune teller came to the palace a month after Li Xiwang was born

It is said that the lady told Emperor Wang Jun and his Empress that the son of the water master, Madam Li Na will take over the sect, regardless of the emperor having children of his own.

It is said that the masters of water are most favoured by the heavens especially by a deity usually represented by a woman holding a peach and a lotus blossom.

Li Xiwang closed the scroll, that lady....the lady who helped him escape the dream prison, was a deity?

"I....I don't understand" he said. Wang Zunyan nodded.

"We will ask your father once we arrive back at your sect"



Zhang Xiu Ying and Zhang Jing were at the inn, the sky was dark as the moon had gone to hibernation.

Xiu Ying sighed as she placed her sword against the table.

"Zhang Jing, I'm bored what should we do?" She asks. Zhang Jing smiled and opened her pouch, a Guqin then emerged on the table.

"Let me play you a song"

Xiu Ying smiled and sat in the lotus position and closed her eyes. Zhang Jing sighed and laid her fingers on the strings.

With a gentle touch, the strings played a beautiful melody, the tune made Xiu Ying feel at ease and smile.

Once the melody had ended Xiu Ying opened her eyes and saw Zhang Jing blush.

"Eh? why are you blushing? Are you playing a song you played for your man?"

Zhang Jing laughed softly and strung the Guqin making it disappear.

"No, I was just thinking about someone"

Xiu Ying smiled

"Is it a man? could it be Shao Wen?"

" that person, I will tell you when i feel ready"

She nodded and got in bed.

"Okay then, let's sleep, in two hours we have to wake up and find those demons" she said getting under the covers.

Zhang Jing nodded.

"Very well, i will wake you up" she said and was replied by soft snores making her shake her head.

"Good night...Xiu Ying"


Shao Wen smiled as he watched Zhang Wei sleep, the moment they had just shared was something he hopes happens again.

"Why are you watching me sleep?"

He blushed and looked the other way.

"I wasn’t, i was looking at your wrinkles"

Zhang Wei chuckled and sat up, his hand caressed Shao Wen's hair.

"Shao Wen..."


He swallowed, it was too early to say this but.

"I love you"

His eyes widened and he sat up.

"What did you say?"

"I love you"

He got out of bed and jumped up and down in happiness.

"I've been waiting to hear this from you, Zhang Wei i love you too you idiot"

Zhang Wei laughed at his antics, the lady next door banged on the wall with her fist to let them know she was still asleep.

Shao Wen blushed.

"Do you think, she heard us?"

Zhang Wei smirked.

"And if she did? What would she do?"

He smirked and kissed him.

"Nothing at all"


On the journey to Li Shizu, Fei fan had fallen asleep so Gong Sun had to carry him. Wang Zunyan had been looking at the two males and he hopes that he and Li Xiwang will share the same close bond like those two have.

Li Xiwang inspected the broken fan in his hands but what was on his mind was the idea that he was to take over WangShi jaizu, how will the people react? will they accept him? And if they don’t? Will the people of Li Shizu forgive him for going to another sect?

"Don't think too much, you will cross that bridge when you get there" Wang Zunyan said.

Li Xiwang nodded, his eyes landed on Liu Yang, his dear friend, is it really his fault that he made Liu Yang turn against him? Maybe she is right, he blamed her father's mistakes on her, he shouldn't have done that.

The dragon they had got on flew towards Li Shizu sect and Li Xiwang smiled.

"I'm coming home"


In the middle of the night, Xiu Ying and Zhang Jing walked around the now empty city looking for the two demons.

"Where could they be?" Xiu Ying asked impatiently.

"Calm down, night hunts demand a patient person" Zhang Jing advised.

Their footsteps echoed through the city along with a dripping noise. They paused.

Drip. Drip.

"Do you hear that?" Xiu Ying whispered, Zhang Jing nodded and drew her sword, she rubbed a seeking talisman on the blade and the sword floated in the air.

"Go seek the source of that sound"

They watched the sword shoot up to the sky and vanish.

"Where did it go?" Xiu Ying asked.

"The talisman works like that, no need to worry, now, let's listen"

They waited patiently for the sword to make any nose. Minutes passed and then they heard it, the soft metal clanking against the cement pavement.

Tap. Tap.

They ran towards the sword. Xiu Ying used her free of movement ability and leaped to the roof of the buildings, her feet patted softly as they ran toward the sword.

They froze, there sat a demon in the lotus position, her white hair floating as is she was under water, in front of her was Zhang Jing's sword.

Zhang Jing tapped the ground two times and the sword flew back to her, she inspected it for any dark magic and turned to Xiu Ying.

"It's fine, catch her"

Xiu Ying charged at the meditating demon, Zhang Jing frowned, there are two demons, where is the other one, she gasped.

"It's a trap!"