"The sect officials are working against you" Xiu Ying said walking towards Zhang Wei.

"How do you know that?" He asks.

"The waiter that served them happened to owe me a favour, he heard little bits of their conversation and he told me what he heard, what are you going to do now?" She asks.

What WAS he going to do? He doesn't know, he will have to come up with a plan not even the sect officials will see it coming.

"Thanks for warning me, leave the rest to me"

She looked at him, did the sect leader even have a plan? With a sigh, she replied,

"As you wish"

❖ ── ✦ ──『✙』── ✦ ── ❖

They stood up from the ground after they had paid their respects to his dead parents. Wang Zunyan sighed sadly looking at the heap of dirt that devoured his parents.

"Do you think they are happy with my decisions?" He asks.

Li Xiwang didn't hear him, his mind took him to his mother's grave, the place he had not visited not even once, was a bad son? Was she angry at him?