Wang Zunyan was in the Yuqiong flower field, the scent of the flowers taking his mind to Li Xiwang.
"You can't go there, stop!"
He turned around to see the commotion and saw Li Qiang running to him, his face was smeared with blood.
"Li Qiang? What happened?"
"Zhang Shi is under attack, the sect officials have even captured Li Xiwang!"
What? No....that can't be.
"Let's go save them"
Zhang Wei sighed as the scent of deer blood filled his nostrils, the palace floor was mopped with blood, on a corner Shao Wen was placing an illusion talisman on a paper doll, the doll was dressed in a robe similar to that of Li Xiwang's.
They watched as the doll turned to a resemblance of Li Xiwang.
"WangShi is the nearest so Wang Zunyan should be here any minute, get in position" he said.