Chapter 4

"What!" Steph, Tessa and Amelia said at the same time. I know they might be shocked because it's too early to have a crush on someone who just meet but sometimes these feelings are true.

"Are you serious Maya because you just meet him and can't be hooked up with someone you just meet and someone who isn't even approved by us. And did you forgot about Aiden." Amelia said more in a serious tone.

" Exactly Maya. Even i thought you really liked Aiden and this year you were going to propose him. " Tessa said and gave me an expression that I should give a serious response. Steph didn't said anything and just sat there listening to us.

" Guys you know Aiden he never even talked to me properly and maybe in our previous school he was only the one whom I considered to be charming and now I've realized that maybe I can have someone better than him."

No one said a word and there was long pause of silence. Then finally the door bell rang and Amelia got up to collect the order.

We had a normal conversation during dinner and avoided to talk about Aiden. It was almost 11:30 and I realized that my parents our gonna kill me for that.

" Guys I'm leaving as it is it's too late and you know dad how strict he is. "

" Haha army officer aye!" Steph said giggling.

I booked the cab and I reached home by 12.

I took out my keys to open the door and suddenly dad opened it for me. He was standing right in front of me, his expressions were normal at least not annoyed ones.

" Why are you so late today. " he said in a very calm tone and I was surprised by that.

" Dad actually me Amelia, Steph and Tessa were hanging out as today George and Charlie shifted to Washington."

" Ok it's fine. Now go to your bed and please be early tomorrow me and your mom are going to India for a week to settle things over there."

" Fine dad. Goodnight."

" Goodnight sweetheart." he kissed my forehead and I hugged him. Even though there was a little terror of him but he meant the world to me.

It was 2:30 at night when my phone rang. It was an unknown number but still I picked it up.

"Hi Maya. I hope I didn't disturbed you."

Oh! It's Steve but why did he called me.

" How can I be disturbed it's a just a call which ruined my sleep." I said in a sarcastic voice.

" I'm sorry I didn't meant to."

" Fine. But now tell me how did you got my number and what destruction has occurred that you have to call me so late."

" I'll tell you but first can we meet. "

" Are you mad Steve! It's almost 3 at night and you want to meet me and it's not like you just live next door you live more than two miles away."

" So you know my address."

Oh fuck. What did I just said.

" I just got to know from snapchat location. That's it. And then also we can't meet now. Wait till the morning we can meet an hour before school like till 8:30 in a cafe or in the school canteen."

" No, I want to meet now. "

" Steve you know it's not possible and now I'm hanging up."

"It is possible."

"How Steve??"

"Open the window I'm standing down there."

I got up and rushed towards the window and there he was, Steve just standing down my window.

" What the hell Steve."

"Blame me later on. Now open the window I'm coming up."

"Wait. You know what you're speaking right? "

" Yes. Open the window." he hanged the phone. I opened the window and just brushed my hair a bit so it won't look like a mess. My room was clean so it was fine.

"Oh God! Give me your hand and pull me inside."

I did what he said and he was in my room. Like we both were alone in my room.