Chapter 21

It was just 1 in the afternoon and we all were already too tired to do anything else as we played in the water for like three hours.

Everyone was resting in there rooms. Jessica was already asleep. And even I dozed off in a few minutes.

When I woke up it was 3 at noon and Jessica was not there. I got up and changed my clothes. I wore my new bohemian midi and did some makeup.

I went downstairs and Anna, Jessica, Alex and Mason were sitting there. Others were probably still asleep.

"Look at yourself girl. You look dam pretty." beamed Anna.

"Thanks Anna." I felt good after all I spent a lot in this dress. "When I woke up you were sleeping so peacefully that I didn't wake you up." said Jessica.

"Well thanks for not waking me up then." I smirked.

"So when the others are gonna be up?" Alex asked.

"No idea man. But what we are gonna do by that time?" said Mason.

"We can go out in the garden and can have a good photo shoot." Anna said excitedly.

We all agreed and I was happy too as I'll get to flaunt my new dress.

We clicked a lot of pictures and made a lot of fun videos and boomerangs. We posted all the good pictures and almost an hour was spent in doing all this stuff.

When we went inside Mrs. Jones was already cooking lunch for us.

"Where were you guys?" asked Zach as he, Steve, Amelia and Noah came downstairs.

"Out in the garden, having a photoshoot. Hungry?" I said.

"Photoshoot without us. That's not fair. And yes we are hungry." said Noah.

We all sat down at the dining and Chase and Otis came downstairs and joined us.

Mrs. Jones made nuggets and garlic bread which were too delicious.

"So what are we gonna do today?" asked Chase.

"So we are gonna camp in woods today. And I hope no-one is scared of ghosts." Anna chuckled.

"What do you mean by ghosts?" asked Mason who was probably scared.

"Years back there used to a cemetery in the woods and people who own the areas nearby say that there are the spirits of dead people around haunting in the woods." Anna said in a serious tone.

"I'm out then. Sorry." said Mason.

"Chill Mason, Anna's just fooling you." Noah and Anna laughed.

"The plan sounds good. I'm so excited." I shouted.

Everyone was exited for the camp and I was happy too as this is gonna be my first camp in the woods. Jason was out of my mind for the whole day and I was waiting for the sun dawn so that we can set out for the camping.

We all played monopoly and some other board games to pass our time.

It was 6:30 in the evening and we were still playing

"Guys I think we all should get ready as its already getting dark." said Otis.

"Yeah. And please be fast." said Chase.

"Ok guys. We will be fast." Anna said smiling at me and Jessica.

We all went to our rooms to get ready. Thanks to the Lord as I was carrying my track suit with me. It was comfortable to wear during camping.

"Can I come in guys?" Anna shouted for outside the door.

"Yes you can." Jess said.

"You both look great in those tracks." Anna smirked.

"Yeah thanks. You too look beautiful." I said.

We all went downstairs.

"So is everyone ready?" Noah shouted excitedly.

"Yes." we all shouted together.

We all set out for the camp and it was too breezy outside.

"You want an extra jacket?" Zach asked.

"No, I'm fine." I smiled at him and he held my hand tight.

We walked to the woods and it was getting darker over there. We built our tents and Alex putted on the camp fire.

"It's so amazing over here." I said.

" Yes it is." Anna said.

We all settled down there and half burnt some marshmallows in the fire. They were delicious to eat.

"So what are we doing next?" Zach asked.

"So we are gonna play this game in which all of us will go to the cemetery in a sequence and we have to get a grave stone from there." said Noah.

"No way. I'm not doing it." Mason said.

"Don't be a bore Mason, it will be fun." said Alex.

"Ok fine." said Mason a funny annoyed face.

We all started to play the game. The first one to go and get the stone was Noah and then Anna, Zach, Alex, Chase, Mason and Otis.

Only me, Amelia, Steve and Jessica were left to get the stone.

"It's your turn now Maya." said Otis.

I nodded.

"Go for it girl. It's fun." said Chase.

I hugged Zach and took the torch and walked ahead towards the old cementry.

It was dark and spooky out there. I was too scared but I walked ahead as if I do it on daily basis.

There were a lot of bats and it was all quite over there. There were a few crows making that scary noise. I was ahead and something trapped my foot and I rolled down into the woods.

Zach's Pov

"It's been half an hour. Where is she?" said Jessica.

"I think we all should go and look for her." I said.

Me, Noah and Alex went into the woods looking for her. She didn't seem to be anywhere in the cemetery.

We went to hilly side and there she was lying down unconscious. She had a cut on her and her face was covered in blood.

I picked her up and tears rolled from my eyes. I don't get it why does she has to suffer from all of it.

It took her months to be fine and stay away from all the negativity.

We went to the farm house and she laid on the bed. I cleaned the blood from her face and sat beside her.

Anna called the doctor and he reached there almost after an hour.

He did all the check ups and gave her an injection.

"She's good but there has been a great loss in blood. She will be unconscious for a day or maybe more than that but you keep on feeding her on liquid diet till then." doc said.

"Thanks doc. Any special instructions." I asked.

"Just keep her away from the stress." he said.

I nodded at him and he left after giving us the list of medications.

It was a Sunday morning and she didn't even opened her eyes.

We all got ready to set back to our houses. I picked Maya up and she slept in the car as well.

We dropped everyone and then went to Maya's house.

Anna and Noah were already staying there and Jessica was too beside the house but still I insisted to stay with her.