43/XLIII-A. A New Breed Of Hope (Mastered)

MI7 Chief Point-Of-View

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“I, Elizabeth Alesandria Maria Lynn, Queen of the United Kingdom, do hereby dub thee, Sir Ziek Clay Johnson of Wales, Chief of Supreme Command. May your courage and devotion became a shining example to the people of the kingdom.” The Queen officially knighted me as the CSC of the MI7 National Intelligence and Safety Commission.

She elegantly unsheathed the royal sword and gripped its hilt and laid the blade flat on my right shoulders then on my left shoulder as I was kneeling with one knee adjacent and one feet against the floor.

I wonder if these are the process for the SIS high top-brass officials as well?

The shining silver double-edged sword and its golden handle and hilts reflected how important this event was to the whole country.