44/XLIV. A Call Of Mercy (Mastered)

The darkness that enveloped London that day was indescribable to the darkness of the night.

The lights flickered in Arthur’s vision as he fought the urge to pass out. He just used his physical body to the limit that Eon obstructed another use of angelic power.

His eyes darted from to and fro searching for a vantage point for the terrorist to execute his plan.

And the large wheel in front of him was the most practical, of course!

He already had a diversion, when Jonathan seized in front of many people, and the other opportunity he needed was to run past the line of people queuing for a ride in the London Eye.

“Chief! We spotted the kid!” One of the secret agents whispered from underneath his breathe, and of course, Arthur subtly turned his eyes down to his left to the direction of the secret agent.