Chapter 5

PB says "it will be months before you can move any part of your body except head" then PB leaves I look at Marcy and say "there seems to be some sexual tension between you two" she says "what no no no ....maybe but I'm with you I cant be with her" I say "I'm fine with sharing you but only with the person you really want too" she looks cheered up and says "if there is a person I'll tell you" I say "let's go home candy isn't a good bed" she laughs and brings me home

we reach the home and I say "it's going to be a long couple of months" the next morning I wake up Marcy is already up and I say "Babe I'm up" she comes in with a apron on and nothing else I say "you are just going to love teasing me won't you" she giggles and says "Maybe" she puts me to a wheelchair that has a strap to keep my torso up and we go to the kitchen she says "its nice to have someone rely on me for a while Instead of me relying on others" I say "its nice to rely on someone for a while but I wanted to know what happened after I turned crystal and what happened that almost millennia" Marcy says "well after you turned to crystal my dad showed up and trapped you in a necklace I stole the necklace from him and was really sad spent everyday when I went to sleep I would sing to the Necklace I sang I'll see you again" I say "I heard you singing and it kept me going" she seem happy that all that singing was not just for comfort but to help the one she loved the she tells me she didn't keep singing but had a new boyfriend and he was a douche he even tried to change her memories after she broke up to stay with him and we had a good chat while she fed me

after breakfast we just hung out catching up and she really liked that we just talked for a few weeks we went over to PB's to check up on my condition and she said I should be able to use my upper body by the end of the week Marcy looking excited and a little sad that she doesn't get to tease me that much anymore says "great" PB also says "look out for anyone matching these descriptions they are bed news" she hands us three papers with faces on it I say "it won't be a problem"

we go back home and Marcy says "I have a concert booked tomorrow do you want to come" I say "yes I would hope you are putting more emotions into your voice than when we were traveling back then" she says "I have been working on that still not as good as the human artists but better than back then" we used to practice singing after Simon left

the next day mid day I see Marcy looking out the window and open the door she talks to the people and then someone familiar comes in Hunson Abadeer I say "what's he doing here" he says "and what are you doing here you should be locked up" I say "love is stronger than you think" he looks surprised and says "are you dating Marcy hmmm at least your not ash" I say "at least" he asks "what happened to you to get you this beat up" I explain I over used my powers which he didn't even know I had Finn then slips up saying Marcy has a concert and jake confirms it

Hunson says "thank you Finn and jake for reminding her I'll come along too" I say "Finn and jake you are idiots" they have a look of realization on there face and say together "sorry"

Marcy gets ready and pulls out a huge axe guitar I ask "what's that babe" she says "its a family air loom or something like that" I say "cool" as Marcy gets ready I look around because I feel somethings off but I shrug ot off I say "how about I play with you you know I have wanted to play the violin and it would be perfect" she says "ok I think I have a violin somewhere in the garage wait you cant move you hands" I say "thats the surprise" I start moving my hands she looks happy and I say "so lets get that violin"

we go to get the violin and take off as we get there I could see a bunch of ghosts but I knew they were cool so Marcy flew me up on stage and I as we go to hunson interrupts saying "your doing great" Marcy says "I haven't started yet" and she starts I play a slow but romantic tone she starts singing "slow dance with you I just wanna slow dance with you I know all the other boys are tough and smooth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~" and as soon as she gets to the second verse Hunson starts making trouble and climbs on top on the ghosts and Marcy says "dad your wrecking the show" and then he says "I made this girl" then I hear some ghosts booing and then Hunson tries to attack them and they get into a fight I call jake to pick me up as Marcy goes to help and Finn saves them and Marcy flys us off but not before we see one pf the people PB warned us about it seems he messed up the concert

we go to a diner of all places and meet PB I sit on the out side with my wheelchair and PB says "thank you for telling me hes been trying to sow discord between the land" Marcy says "no prob PB" she also checks up on me to see how my health is doing and Finn take hunson to leave Marcy says to PB with a light blush "want to come over tomorrow and hang out" PB says "yeah I would like that I need a break anyway" Marcy says "alright Ben will make us his famous cake" and we go home

(did you like this chapter I spent a while trying to make it so my writing shows more emotion and I know I missed some episodes)