Chapter twenty five: Payback

Falling asleep beside the Queen had not been easy. There had been a lot of turning and rolling around before Salsa finally got her eyes and mind to slow down, and it was not her back keeping her awake.

The Queen's medicine had worked wonders for her back, she could barely feel the pain. The only worry for her is the scar that will follow.

Salsa let out a dry sigh in her mind hoping that the salve the Queen applied on her back will stop her from having a scar.

In a million years in her life, she wouldn't have believed she will find herself in the same bed with the Queen of her Kingdom. If her brothers and parents should see her now they will probably collapse in shock.

Another nostalgic sigh slipped out before Salsa fully surrendered to her dreams.

While the dream king took her on a tour to another universe where she wasn't a slave and her father didn't sell her, Salsa's body rolled her to the magnetic warmth on her right pulling her towards the heat source.

The connection of her body to another jarred her awake and immediately her eyes flew open in panic. She has been doing her best not to let her body touch the Queen, is already bad enough that they were sleeping on the same bed which was making Salsa very uncomfortable.

Her whole face flushed with heat as she recalled what happened when the Queen applied the salve on her back. Her body tingled with goosebumps at the thought.

She opened her eyes and swallowed hotly when she found the Queen's face so close to hers. Her heart launched hard against her chest before it began to fight to escape her chest.

The Queen's face was soft in her slumber but quite beautiful. Salsa was used to seeing the severe and hardened look when she was awake now all those were washed away leaving her bare and soft.

Her eyes tracked the Queen's features from her thick dark brows high arched on her face to her high cheekbones, and then her lips. They looked so full and pink.

Salsa smacked herself internally at the silly thought of wanting a taste. This was the Queen she was fantasizing about. Nothing like that will ever happen between them. Another silent sigh as she moved her body away from the Queen.

Her new position placed her at the very edge of the bed. Uncomfortable yes, but that put a great distance between her and the temptation that was behind her.

She used her hand to feel her cheeks, they were burning hot from her amorous thought of the Queen. She still couldn't believe the Queen turned down the King to stay the night with her.

Salsa let out a childish embarrassing squeak when a hand reached out to curl around her slender frame and then pull her towards the Queen.

Her eyes flew open and widened in shock as she found herself staring at the very alert deep brown eyes of the Queen.

" You will fall off, " Onyx husked softly, her voice a little hoarse from sleep.

Salsa swallowed drily blinking up at the Queen still in a daze. The hand on her waist and their closeness were distracting her.

When Salsa continued to stare at her transfixed Onyx misinterpreted her dazed look to mean she wasn't alright and asked.

" Are you alright? "

Salsa shook her head hard, her body still held stiff within the Queen's light embrace and her eyes looking at the wall behind the Queen instead of her face.

Onyx's brow wrinkled.

" Is your back hurting you? " her voice was tinged with concern. She had done her best to care for the blonde's wounds. The reminder of what was done to the blonde made her body suffused with rage. Something she masked heavily behind a stony look that softened when she returned her focus to the blonde.

Salsa shook her head

" You do know you can talk right? " she teased with a little light in her eyes.

Salsa flushed while nodding her head again.

A teasing soft laugh poured like rain from Onyx. The blonde was just so cute. With the remaining of her laughter still teasing her lips, she leaned down to kiss the blonde's forehead.

Salsa's body trembled at the touch of the Queen's smooth lips. She could feel the heat traveling down her body towards her sex. She tightened her legs to reduce the burning there.

Feeling an unusual warmth radiating from the blonde Onyx peeped down at her and the look on her face made her heart skip. She stared into the blonde eyes captivated by the innocent hunger radiating from those green orbs. She wondered if the blonde knew what her eyes were begging for. Her body certainly knows as she could feel herself responding to the desire gazing back at her. Her fist tightened as she fought herself. They couldn't cross this line. It will be difficult to turn back. There will be heavy repercussions should they be caught.

These words were meant to discourage Onyx from her hunger but when her eyes fell on the blonde's lips which were looking so full and inviting all reason flew from her head and she found herself leaning towards the blonde.

" Please push me away, " Onyx begged in her mind as her head descended towards the blonde. Since she has lost all reasoning maybe the blonde will be the smart one between them and stop the madness before it grew wings.

Salsa's eyes bulged from their sockets at the sight of the Queen's lips descending towards hers, her heart rate increased and air ceased to enter her lungs as she waited for her lips. She couldn't believe this was happening. Unknowingly her body responded to the serene call that was the Queen's desire, beckoning her to dance. Her face lifted to greet the Queen's lips.

A sigh of fulfillment and hunger purred through her chest when their lips met. She has never kissed anyone before so she kept still and allowed the Queen to lead.

Onyx's body trembled at the velvet feel of the blonde lips. She kept them still for a few moments enjoying the heated caress of her soft skin before she started to move. The blonde was still under her caress so she doubled her efforts to coarse her to play.

Kissing her softly on her lower lips before journeying up to suck her upper lips, teasing it lightly.

A pleasurable moan slipped out from Salsa into the Queen's mouth as she started to respond. Like a flower opening slowly to receive the morning sun so was Salsa's response to the gentle persuasion of the Queen's lips.

Onyx smirked when the blonde started to respond to her kisses. " There you are, " she whispered in her mind before deepening the kiss. She swallowed the moan that came pouring from the blonde again, pulling their bodies closer.

They kissed each other till air became a problem and they pulled apart panting and staring at each other with their eyes dark with desire.

The innocence hiding behind the hunger in the green eyes staring in awe back at her made Onyx's heart fill with tenderness.

" Are you alright? " her voice was low and soft as she caressed the blonde back lightly.

Salsa nodded, her racing heart making it impossible to speak. Wow! so this is what a kiss feels like she thought in wonder staring at the Queen's lips.

Onyx smiled at the wonder in the blonde's eyes.

" Is this your first? "

Salsa nodded unable to hide the blush that swallowed up her face at the Queen's question. She looked away feeling a little embarrassed, knowing what the Queen must think of her. Onyx lower belly twitched at the blonde's innocence.

" So no handsome boy in the village that caught your eyes? "

" No, my brothers wouldn't let anyone get close to me. They beat off all the boys that wanted to be my friend. " Salsa's voice was sad as she talked about her brothers. She missed her family so bad, even her little brothers even though she hated how annoying they were. What she wouldn't give to have them playing pranks on her.

" Overprotective huh? " Onyx commented with a smile.

Salsa returned her smile even though hers was dimmed with her sadness. A look that didn't escape the Queen. She pulled the blonde closer to her body allowing her head to rest on her chest.

" Sleep now, " she encouraged with a pat while her eyes fluttered close.

Salsa's restlessness brought on by speaking about her family immediately calmed at the rhythmic sound of the Queen's heartbeat and she allowed it to lure her back to sleep.


The morning sun of the next day greeted the Queen's household with its burning tender caress and found the two lumped together in a tangled mess.

The feel of the sun on her face woke Onyx from slumber and she gently extricated herself from the clutches of the blonde. She gave the blonde a fond look before getting out of bed. Mei and Sally will soon arrive it wouldn't do for them to find them sleeping together. She strengthened out the kinks from her body and stood to use the bathroom when she came back, Sally and Mei have arrived.

" My Queen, " the two girls bowed their heads in greeting while Mei shot a dark glance towards the blonde that was sleeping soundly on the Queen's bed. Who does she think she is? Her jealousy knew no bounds as she focused her glaring eyes on the blonde. It angers her how the blonde came out from nowhere and took their mistress attention from them.

Onyx noticed where her servant was looking and hid a smile when she saw the blonde floundering around as if she was looking for her.

" Let her sleep, " she told her other servants.

" Yes, my Queen, " Sally responded before going to help the Queen with her bath. She too was amazed at the Queen's deference for the blonde but thought nothing of it. Her Queen was happy in the blonde's presence and that is what matters to her.

Mei grudgingly left the room to prepare a bath for the Queen.

After her bath, Onyx allowed her servants to dress her. The dress they have chosen was a rich blue with the image of a flying pigeon sown into the dress. It was beautiful and the softness of the material caress her skin. After getting her hair done she stood and allowed them to slip the coat with matching color over the gown.

A rustling at her bed made her look in that direction.

The blonde was awake.

When their eyes met, she smiled at her.

Salsa couldn't respond to the Queen's smile because her breath was knocked off her chest by the magnificent sight that was the Queen. She looked so beautiful and intimidating all at once. She couldn't believe that the powerful woman who now stood before her was the same woman who kissed her a few hours ago. She sat at a loss for what to do. The approach of the Queen towards her made her strengthen up.

" How are you feeling? " Onyx enquired when she stood in front of the blonde.

" Fine, my Queen, " Salsa looked down.

" So she could go back to sleeping in the servants' quarters now, " Mei blurted out before she could curb her tongue.

Onyx turned to look at her servant sharply.

What was that?

" I alone will decide when she goes back to the servant quarters, " she spat sharply at the servant, her tone hard and cold.

Knowing she has overstepped, Mei cast her eyes to the ground.

" I am sorry, your highness. "

Onyx stared a few seconds at her dark-haired servant before speaking.

" You will go to the kitchen and prepare medicine for her and stay with her today. " Onyx turned to her other servant, " Come, " she said and headed out of the room.

Salsa swallowed in fear when she looked at Mei and found her glaring at her with hatred. She didn't understand the servant's dark feelings for her.

Onyx had something she needed to take care of. It was time she dealt with the ones that dared lay a hand on her servant. She sat down under the shade provided by her servants and waited for the guards to arrive with the culprits.

It wasn't long before they arrived dragging three women with them. They pushed them down in Infront of her roughly.

Onyx's brown eyes hardened when she looked at them. Two of the three women were trembling in fear while the oldest among them the one that was wielding the cane stared back at her with a haughty and arrogant look in her eyes.

" Do you know why you are here? "

The other two servants shook their heads while the older servant remained swollen.

" A lesson on never to touch my servants again. "

A wicked smirk curved Onyx's lips as she waved her hand for her guards to take the older woman.

" What are you doing?! " she began to struggle as she was dragged towards the flogging block.

Onyx ignored her screeches and waved a hand for a cane to be brought to her.

Sally was quick to respond and the cane she brought was twice the size of what was used on the blonde. She learned yesterday from other servants what transpired and she was glad her mistress was taking revenge on behalf of the blonde. What was done to her was an injustice that needed to be settled.

" You can't touch me, I am the First Concubine's servant, " the older woman cried with so much anger and cockiness while her colleagues wailed in fear.

" Watch me, " Onyx smirked at the servant before raising her hand to bring down the cane on the back.

The woman's painful wail was music to her ears. Her servants had told her how many strokes the blonde received so she doubled it as a lesson to the arrogant servant.

After she was done she headed off towards the meeting room with her servants. She was having the first official meeting with the Concubines.

Her entrance aroused the four women in the room to their feet. Onyx noticed that the First Concubine remained in her seat.

When she stood in front of them she waited patiently for the woman to get to her feet. Grudgingly the woman got to her feet and Onyx returned her action with a smug smirk.