
A gloom expression drew on Thomas' face and a drop of sweat dropped on the ground.

"Nothing, really… ha-ha!" Thomas cracked a laugh and turned around then initiated to slowly walk away.

However the demon grabbed Thomas by his shoulder and pressed him against the wall.

"You are not going anywhere!" The demon cackled once more and formed a spear with his hand to try and impale Thomas.

At that second, Thomas headbutted the demon and then ducked to dodge the spear which targeted his throat. He began running in the hallway, desperately trying to get away.

"Damn it! Not again! I am not ready!" Thomas cried out.

Just the thought of reliving the entire pain and going through another day all over again, turned his stomach and made him sick. Albeit, Thomas' attempts were futile, and a spear was lunged and pierced his back.

Thomas coughed up blood and his vision blurred as he collapsed on the floor.

"Goddamn…" Thomas closed his eyes.

Much like the other times, complete darkness overtook him with Thomas remaining fully numb. Then a light would guide him through it and bring Thomas back.

"Rise and shine boys!" Alex grinned first thing in the morning.

"PETER!" Thomas screamed and woke abruptly out of bed.

He covered his face with his left hand, panting heavily and sat upright.

[Arcane System Warning:]

[Remaining HP: 1/5]

[Your health points are dangerously low]

"Did you have a nightmare or something? Looks like you have seen a ghost!" Alex asked worriedly and sat besides him.

Thomas began laughing maniacally again in full panic mode. Alex was about to put his hand over Thomas' shoulder and ask if he was alright. But before Alex could, Thomas hunched over, and began coughing up blood uncontrollably and hyperventilating.

Corbin rushed in from the bathroom and found Alex consolidating the sobbing Thomas.

"Wh-at hap-pe-ned?" Corbin mumbled with his toothbrush in his mouth.

Corbin found Alex pinning Thomas down, and rushed in to immediately help.

"I do not know! He began laughing, then suddenly coughed up some blood, and now he is hyperventilating!" Alex kept Thomas down with both arms and tried to make him hold still.

After a while Thomas settled down.

"Are you alright mate?" Alex gave off a worrying look.

Thomas nodded, "I am fine, just a nightmare and I have always had a frail body, sorry for worrying you guys," he smiled broadly.

Corbin and Alex could not help but to worry. During their walk for class, Alex mentioned something else this time around.

"How about you go to the infirmary after class?" Alex suggested.

Alex did not try to cheer Thomas up this time around. For Thomas the infirmary was a waste of time. He could not afford one more death, as this time, Thomas feared it would be permanent.

Straight after class and lunch, Thomas pretended to head off to the infirmary and rushed to the alchemy room on the third floor, in the South-Western Wing. It was right over the library layer-wise.

This was the plan Thomas had in mind the other day when he rushed out of the library. Preparing a couple of vials to help enhance his friends' abilities and take down the demon together. If they could combine their strengths, perhaps they stood a chance.

Thomas rushed through the alchemy books, luckily the room was deserted around this hour. While skimming through the pages desperately and looking at different sets of vials, Thomas heard a voice.

[Arcane System]

[Would you like to make an accelerant?]

"Yes!" Thomas yelled without wasting even a second.

[Grind Phoenix Flower]

[Mix it with powder substance, C41]

[Add three drops of distilled water]

[Blend it in a vial and carefully shake until it turns crimson red]

Thomas followed the steps and the female voice of the system. Thomas shook the vial until it gained a nice crimson red color. He held it up with one of his eyes closed and two fingers to take a closer look and confirm its color.

"Okay, that is one, I will probably have to mix a couple of more, then we move on to the second one!" Thomas hurriedly mixed a couple of more fire accelerants.

Thomas' passive skill "Lower Analysis" kicked in. Apparently it was not only used to "Inspect" people, but Thomas also began seeing molecular structures and how they magically bonded and integrated with one another.

Thomas assumed this passive skill and the system guided him forward with his preparations. After the fire accelerants were done, Thomas managed to mix an "Ice Mist" essence into a vial. The idea behind it was if it was exposed to cold water, the powder would crystallize and interact as an Ice ability.

The greater the water spell was, the essence would crystallize faster using the water's magical output. Therefore its power in terms of an Ice Ability was equivalent to the Water Ability it interacts with.

On his way out, Thomas received a new message.

[Discovered another usage of the system]

[You have gained 10 Exp]

[Experience 35/100]

Thomas smiled, "With a little luck, hopefully I am bound to discover more! After all, things just got interesting," he closed the door shut and rushed outside.

So far the system seems to analyze weaknesses, determine structures and you are allowed to spectate others. Not to mention the second and lovely part about Thomas dying while harboring pain to "Redo" things, as the other passive skill was called.

Thomas was already panting out of breath when he found Corbin at the rendezvous location.

"Corbin… I… we…" Thomas could not speak properly.

"Relax, take a deep breath and then tell me what happened!" Corbin smiled with a hint of worry for what was to come, especially judging from how Thomas was this morning.

"I know how we can save Alex, come! I will explain everything on the way!" Thomas grabbed Corbin's arm and rushed back towards the academy.

Corbin was still largely confused, but he trusted Thomas. There were no lies behind Thomas' eyes, he was serious about this.

"This has something to do with Alex leaving earlier, does it not?" Corbin asked and realized once he looked back on Alex's sudden leave.

Thomas nodded and began to explain a couple of things. Thomas mentioned the "the repentance" and why Alex left. Then moved on to how Peter was somehow in a demon-contract after most likely being bullied and now sought revenge.

Thomas remembered in class when he was spacing out, but still heard Olivia's explanation of how demons were created. This made him deduce the fact about Peter, thinking back at the two students and everything Peter said in his previous deaths. Everything lined up.

The system appeared not to affect Thomas this time around, since he managed to integrate Corbin into the last remaining scenario within the final hour. Thomas knew this from not receiving any more painful headaches.

This is where it all comes down to. There is no more room for mistakes, altering or preparations to be made. Together with his friends Thomas would make his final stand against the demon.

Corbin turned around, "How do you know all this?" He asked.

However he noticed the determination in Thomas' eyes and did not pry any further. Corbin trusted him fully with them saving their other friend, no matter the challenge or obstacle they had to overcome.

"Wait for us, Alex, we are coming!" Thomas thought and looked on ahead while nearing the 8th floor on the North-Eastern Wing.