After he hung up the phone, Cristan called Jade immediately. Shortly, Jade picked up the call.


"Yes, young master?" Jade replied politely.

"Did something bad happen to grandpa? He just called me and forced me to come home next week .. " Cristan asked him confusedly with a deep frown on his forehead. Great Grandpa is eccentric but he usually never done such unnecessary things. Like .. telling him to come home out of the blue like he just did. Unless there very few things which are important matters and couldn't be ignored anymore.

"Oh… did young master forget? Next week is his 70th birthday. "

Cristan's face suddenly froze as if he had been struck by lightning.

Jeez!Jeez! Jeez! Jeez!

No wonder Great Grandpa was so mad earlier!

Cristan has completely forgotten that this month was almost 2 years since he left the Rose Mansion. The main house and a headquarter of Levy Clan. He hasn't visited or sent any word to his grandfather in the past 2 years! To be precise, right after his mother died tragically in a car accident.

"I'm on my way to your apartment to send a formal birthday invitation from the clan." Jade continued again while he's driving.

"Hmm… Oh, and there is one more thing, young master. I heard that at next week's party, there seems will be a senate counsel afterward."

"A senate council?" Cristan repeated the three last words that he just heard confusedly.

What an unusual occasion! Senate council is never combined with a big celebration like this because it only would be held to discuss urgent matters that come into the clan's utmost priority, such as the election of a new leader or the inauguration of the newest core members for the Levy Clan.

So? Why does it change all sudden?

A strange idea suddenly popped into his mind as his brain swirled and began to think of any kind of dreadful possibility. Wanda Sonata!! And his father….

Most likely, based on Jade's explanation, it was his father's initiative who proposed for this occasion, and probably, he would discuss the chance of Wanda Sonata to become a core member of the clan. No no no! This can't be happening!

"Jade, I'm at Emerald Tower. Let's meet up now .. " Cristan ordered him firmly with a solemn voice.

"Yes, young master."


Cristan is waiting for Jade patiently at the cafeteria when finally, Jade comes up and hand over an embroidery off-white invitation with a gold thread and sealed with a wax rose-patterned. A classical signature of Levy Clan.

Cristan quickly opened the invitation and his eyes trailing to read all the information on it before putting it back inside the envelope.

"Great Grandpa, how is he?" Cristan asked his assistant in a soft voice as guilt was seen all over his face.

He had completely neglected the one and only family member he cared about and he forgot that…

Even though Great-Grandpa always looked good and healthy, he is also getting old. Time is tickling. His insomnia often recurs and it does affect his heart condition.


Jade's gaze lit up a bit as he informed Great Grandpa's current state.

"For the past few months, his insomnia was no longer disturbed him and Great Grandpa had shown a great improvement due to his health. Great Grandpa also no longer being picky about the kinds of food that are served on the table. Not like the old days when he always complaining about what he wanted to eat. His mood is also much better and relaxed now. He also smiles often recently… "

Cristan leaned back in his chair with a sigh of relief. "Good to hear it…"

After the death of his mother 2 years ago, they both suffered a huge blow psychologically. A deep trauma. If Cristan chooses to leave Rose Mansion, then Grandpa chooses to stay still and severely falls into a deep depression with alcoholic drinks and drugs.

"Mr. Jose's healing therapy seems to be working quite well." Jade continued his line again.

"Jose? Who is that?" Cristan asked confusedly and raising one of his eyebrows. He never knew that name before.

"The Great Grandpa got to know him when General Bissou invited him for the first time to the 95th Army celebration four months ago. At that time, Mr. Jose was in charge of treating the traumatized veterans that were severely depressed and haunted by their past experiences on the battlefield for too long before they could be returned to society and live a normal life afterward, " Jade explained again. He even didn't hide the admiration at all in his tone.

For a personal assistant like Jade, he knew very well how difficult the Great Grandpa's character was, especially when he fell into a grieving state after the death of Mrs. Arina. Every day, Jade only can watch the old man mourn in desperation and deeply regret the whole situation. He had tried everything to make the old man feel better. Every possibility that he could. Various sedatives and psychiatrists were brought in to treat and cured his depression but those were useless. The thing turns out, Great Grandpa's condition was getting worse over time. Only with Mr. Jose's "magical touch", Jade finally can blow a relief and watch the old man was gradually recovering from his previous golden age.

Cristan nodded his head and chuckled lightly. "That's great. Maybe I can meet him someday ..."

Soon, Jade bowed respectfully and immediately withdrew himself.


Arissa was resting when Vika gave her a cold drink. But, before she had time to take a sip of her drink, a hand deftly took her drink that she is holding and the same hand gave her a new drink.

"I'm also will be in charge of all your food and drink," Cristan said firmly. Whereas Vika was dazzled with a deep frown on her forehead, and silently, she feels a bit offended too when Cristan did it.

Tch! Tch! Tch! Such a lame and possessive dude!

But because the resettle of the manager was done by Jojo's idea, Vika can't do anything.

Arissa, who was utterly shocked by Cristan's action, blinked her eyes several times and was stunned for a moment before then, she took the drink bottle from his hand.

"Ah ... uh ... alright, thank you ..."

Fortunately, the photoshoot that day went smoothly without any interruption. After they finished, Arissa and Vika immediately rushed into the dressing room and she returned to her usual self. A freelance photographer.


"Do you have an event next week?" Cristan asked Arissa as he drove them home.

Arissa raised her eyebrows and checked her schedule for next week. Thankfully, the photoshoot that she will be going to do is not too hectic like she had done this week. Only a couple of offline runways and a photoshoot as being a muse of a branded perfume that chose her to be their ambassador.

"You're lucky. My schedule won't be too tight next week. What's the matter?"

"I would like to invite you to a birthday party. Will you come with me? " Cristan asked her politely like a real gentleman.

Arissa utterly silent all of sudden and lost in her mind for a moment. Most of the time, she always hinders from this type of occasion. She never likes crowds and the number of parties she attended in the past can be counted in less than ten fingers. If the invitee wasn't someone who she closes by, she would never want to come.

But now, unfortunately, the one who invited him was Cristan. The guy who lived under the same roof and the one who had helped her several times as well. So…

She also not someone who took everything in for granted, of course. He did something for her, so does she would do the same to repay the favor.

"Okay ..." Arissa replied to him softly with a faint smile on her face.

A huge grin appeared on Cristan's lips and showing off his line neat teeth.

"Gracias ..." Cristan reciprocated sincerely. (thank you in Spanish)

"De nada ..." Arissa answered him back.

(You're welcome… in Spanish)


Rose Mansion

An old man sat with a haggard face as his eyes stared at a large painting of a beautiful woman that sitting in a good posture and wearing a smile on her face. Whereas, the big room decorated beautifully in classic European felt solemnly lonely and quiet.

Soon, in the next couple of days, this house will become alive and full of guests from multiple backgrounds, but they were chosen from the best of the best. But, this old man is facing hardship and this circumstance was completely different from before. Recently, even though he still holds the authority as a clan leader, he felt as if he was sitting on a ticking time bomb that can explode anytime. Deep inside his heart, he knew, it just only a matter of time before the strongest of its clan members would stand and fight one another to take a claim as a supreme clan leader. He sighed heavily with a sinking heart. This situation was completely different when Arina was still alive before. All members would submit and swore their loyalty to her. She also can bring the clan to its peak and their golden age of wealth and prosperity in no time. But, now….

Even though no one dares to challenge his dignity, he could not predict and be assured what might happen in the future. His only hope was his only grandson, who still insisted to back off and staying outside the main house after the accident.

The old man sighed once again with a heavy heart. Immediately, he looked ten years older all of a sudden.

"Tell me, Arina. What shall I do now?"
