Chapter 4: Baibai was almost killed

Su WuLi went to the kitchen after leaving Li BaoGui in his room. He had already gotten used to preparing the medicine, and had memorized the necessary ingredients. It was thanks to this that he realized something important; something was left over.

Wrapped in sheets of paper, tied carefully, and filled with a powder Su Jian did not identify. He had vague memories of Su WuLi putting it in Li BaoGui's medicine, but it did not appear in the recipe, so he decided not to put it back in.

The medicine he was giving to his enemy-husband required plants and other milled things, and his half-baked knowledge did not allow him to recognize any of those things. He thought, foolishly, that that other unknown element might be to add some flavor. Still, he didn't want to risk it.

When he finished, he took the hot bowl and carried it to Li BaoGui, who was lying on the bed. He looked quite weak, which made Su Jian remember that, during his childhood, he saw Li Yan go through hard times thanks to his illness. [This time it's only temporary, that's good.]

Li BaoGui sat up in bed to drink his medicine in silence, Su WuLi found no better topic of conversation than death.

"Since you came here after me, that means I died first, did Wang Lu survive?"

Without stopping taking his medicine, Li BaoGui shook his head.

"Alright, serves him right, who the hell drives drunk? I deserve it too, shame on me."

Li BaoGui nodded.

"However, it is strange that you are here and not him." Su Jian concluded.

Suddenly there was some discouragement on Li BaoGui's face, who pushed the bowl away from his lips.

"But it's a relief, I would kill him myself one more time." Su WuLi didn't quite know why suddenly his nemesis looked sad, and wanted to change things with a few words. "It's better to have you here with me..."

Li BaoGui looked at him and a slight pink color bathed his cheeks, but his expression had no other change. Su WuLi thought it would have been a better idea to go hang himself from a tree in the forest, had he offended his beloved Li Yan?

"Is something wrong?" Su WuLi questioned in a harsh tone, trying to act as if nothing was wrong.

"The medicine is sour these past few days. I have memories of the original Li BaoGui, and it used to taste sweet."

Su Jian felt that his IQ was plummeting with each passing day. Li Yan continued:

"Su WuLi original had said that he would use something to make it not so bitter. " Li Yan added looking at his medicine.

Seeing that childish pout on his beloved's face, Su Jian felt a strong urge to kneel down and beg forgiveness for his incompetence. If he had just a few more drops of confidence, he would have thrown himself on the floor adoringly and kissed Li BaoGui's feet by way of apology.

Yes, that was the kind of man he was. An idiot trapped in the body of a dangerous looking grown man.

Back in their world and in their teenage years, Su Jian and Li Yan seemed to keep their swords drawn and bows bent. Che XuDan and Qu Yuan even swore that the pair could no longer live under the same sky.

But Su Jian was just a paper tiger, he was weak before Li Yan's beauty and calm personality.

If they had never separated because of their quarrels during their youth, no; even if they had never managed to reconcile, and Su Jian had been brave enough to stay together with Li Yan, he would have dedicated his life to him.

Su Jian was someone humble, he had never been a child of a wealthy family as Li Yan was, so he would not be able to easily afford the required medicines. But he would have worked for it until death if necessary.

Therefore, because of his great love and appreciation, he flatly refused to put unknown things into Li Yan's medicine. He did not even trust the original Su WuLi. However, in his attempt to express all, that he said was:

"Are you going to cry about it?"

Li BaoGui actually thought about it, and then shook his head.

"I don't know about herbs and I don't know the medicine of the time. Be strong and drink it so you can get better, winter is going to be hard without electric heating."

"All right." concluded Li BaoGui without much trouble.

Su WuLi watched his husband-enemy finish drinking the concoction, and asked a question that wandered through his mind.

"Did I have a decent funeral?"

"I'm not sure. If you had one, I didn't get to be there. But I heard Wang Lu's parents wanted to help Qu Yuan with that matter, after all, you left him your money."

"Oh, then it's all right."

"Aren't you afraid he'll waste it?"

"I've already died. Qu Yuan could spend the money in a casino, and I'll still be dead. "

Li BaoGui silently agreed with him, without adding anything else. Su WuLi got up and left taking the empty bowl with him, if Li Yan was not going to talk about his death then it was better to let him rest.

Likewise, with a weak heart like young Li's, his death was a bit obvious.

Later, Li BaoGui got up with more energy and went into the kitchen to fulfill the promise he had made to his son.

Su WuLi was sitting outside, thinking about the chores he had to do the next day. Li Huan was with him for a moment for lunch and then returned to the Li family, so the courtyard was silent and dull.

"I wish I had a watch." Su Jian complained.

Li BaoGui peeked through the kitchen door, the sleeves of his robes were rolled up as was his hair, and the white apron gave him a look that Su Jian thought was tender.

He looked up at the sky and then swept the courtyard with his gaze, he answered confidently:

"The goat."

Li BaoGui went back into the kitchen, and Su Jian got up in bewilderment and walked out without a word.

As long as there was no good communication between them, they could not understand each other better. Because Li Yan assumed some things, and Su Jian assumed others.

After the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, Su WuLi returned with a small goat tied to a rope. He stood outside the kitchen and tied the rope around a pillar.

"I have returned. "

Li BaoGui replied with a 'good' from inside, and continued his work in the kitchen. He didn't even know what Su Jian had gone off to, and he really wasn't curious about it, at least not until he heard the nearby bleating of a goat.

He went out to see, and found Su WuLi feeding grass to the young animal.

"It's one of the goats that came with the betrothal gifts, why did you bring it?" Li BaoGui looked at his enemy and the goat.

"Didn't you want a goat? You said so a moment ago."

"I didn't."

"You said 'the goat', so I went to bring you a goat." Su WuLi was confused.

"I meant the goat hour."

There was a rather awkward silence, so much so that not even the animal in question dared to make a sound.

When it came to Li Yan, Su Jian's brain seemed to have been kicked by a donkey.

"In that case..." Su WuLi broke the silence. "I brought her all the way here under the sight of many people, maybe it would be good to cook her so that it won't be in vain."

Li BaoGui returned to the kitchen and then came out again with a large knife in his hands. He handed the weapon to his 'sworn enemy'. They both looked at the poor goat. It was still small and it'swhite fur was soft, eliciting a certain air of tenderness.

It looked back at them with it'sround, pure eyes, as if it knew the couple's intentions.

"Do you know how to do it?" asked Li BaoGui.

"No. Do you know?"

"I only know how to prepare meat, I've never killed an animal." Li BaoGui wasn't lying.

"Insects are part of the animal kingdom."

"Mom killed cockroaches and spiders for me." Li Yan confirmed, flaunting his meager bravery. "I've never killed an animal."

"Ants and mosquitoes?"

"I'd let them sting me."

Anyone would have taken Li Yan for a fool, but Su Jian thought of him as someone the monks would envy. A pure soul full of compassion.

They turned their attention back to the goat, who kept looking at them with pleading eyes. In the end, neither of them had the resolve to kill it. Su WuLi lowered the knife, and the goat moved its head to look at him with disdain; in those creeping, deceit-filled eyes was engraved the word 'coward'.

"You!" Su Jian immediately raised the knife again, he had been tricked.

To the luck of that intrepid goat, Li Huan pased through the opening in the wall and entered the courtyard.

Li BaoGui, who had long since stopped paying attention to the goat, stretched out his arms at the sight of his beloved son returning. Su WuLi lowered the knife again and hid it behind his back.

While Li Huan was never mistreated by the original couple, he was also never openly pampered or treated with affection. The original Li BaoGui was submissive and quiet indoors, and the former Su WuLi was an aloof man.

Again, he felt puzzled to see them so happy, as if they had been looking forward to his return. But his heart felt very happy, so he ran into Li BaoGui's arms.

"Huan'er." Li BaoGui squeezed him in his arms tightly. As if this new body had some kind of sixth sense, he felt the need to let go of his son and check the sleeves of his clothes. He just happened upon a bunch of ink stains.

"Laoye said I have to become more careful."

"It's not too much trouble, Hua Zhang can wash it." Su Jian was happy to remember that the Li family had maidservants.

His parents had become sentimental and lax overnight and, like any child, Li Huan was grateful to know that he would not be scolded or punished.

Suddenly the goat bleated and reminded them of his presence. Li Huan approached the animal at once, his eyes full of brightness, and stroked it.

"Yifu, you have brought BaiBai!"

Su Jian thought: [Ah, what about my luck? did I peed in a tomb and get cursed?]

"Huan'er had a long time without seeing her, so I brought her so you can play." Su Jian knew planting and cultivating, but not so much about animals.

How could he tell his son's beloved 'pet' from the other goats? If he had killed itand made Li Huan cry, with what face would he go to the underworld and demand to be reincarnated as a human?!

That goat knew, and looked at Su WuLi accusingly.

Li BaoGui was not aware of anything, so he went to the kitchen door and spoke to his husband and son before entering.

"Huan'er, go wash your hands, you can play with BaiBai later. I have prepared the cakes."

The boy gave his goat one last hug and nodded at the command. He ran to fetch water to wash his hands, leaving his father behind.

Su WuLi crouched down next to BaiBai:

"Look, it was my mistake. Consider me blind for not recognizing you. I'll put a bell on you and I won't ever aggravate you like this again, okay?"

The goat bleated and turned its face away, its gestures too arrogant for a farm animal.

"Who the hell do you think you are, you little bastard?"

BaiBai didn't even give him a tiny drop of attention and turned it'sback.

Su WuLi tugged on the rope to continue arguing with her, but a shrill voice called out from the opening in the wall of that courtyard.


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1. The goat.

Li Yan was referring to the time of the goat, which is between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

2. Laoye.

Maternal grandfather. Li Huan uses it to refer to Li BaoGui's father.

3. Shushu.

Uncle. Younger brother of the father.