Chapter 7: I'll tell you later

Su Jian and Li Yan knew each other even before elementary school. At that time, Su Jian had an unfavorable mushroom-shaped cut on his head, and his aunt had not yet left him and his grandfather.

Su Jian's aunt worked in a store, Su Jian was young at the time and never wondered what exactly they sold and could never remember. She was forced to take him to work because his father, Su Jian's grandfather, also had to keep working despite his age, and did not have enough money for a babysitter.

It was a situation Su Jian remembered as sad. It was obvious that his only aunt was not happy about it, but it was thanks to that store that he met Grandma Li and Li Yan.

Li Yan was a year younger and, despite his calm personality, he was willing to cry to get what he wanted.

"Su-ge!" The boy exclaimed with tears in his eyes. "Why don't you play with me, Su-ge!"

"I didn't say I don't want to play, I said I'm going to the bathroom first!"

"So, are you coming back to play when you're done?"

The little one with mushroom-hair cut Su Jian used his hands to wipe Li Yan's face, at the same time keeping an eye on the surroundings to watch that his aunt was not around.

"I will. Just don't cry, you're going to get me punished."

Even when several years passed, Li Yan did not change that aspect of himself, and always seemed to be on the verge of crying whenever Su Jian seemed to want to push him away. So much so that, one of the many times Su Jian lived for weeks at his house, Li Yan wanted to sleep with him.

Madam Li was a busy person, but not as busy as her husband, so she could spend more time at home with the son she had wanted so much. She placed a sleeping bag next to Li Yan's bed and said goodbye before turning off the light, however, once she left, Li Yan hugged his pillow and began to sob.

"Su-ge doesn't want to sleep in my bed."

"Li Yan will sleep better if he's alone in bed." Su Jian really didn't know what to answer.

"I want Su-ge to sleep with me!"

The tears on Li Yan's tender white face seemed to be sincere, falling and falling like a waterfall. Su Jian was very young and at that young age he knew what it was like to feel cornered.


"Su-ge, I want you to sleep with me, why don't you sleep with me?" Li Yan looked truly pitiful.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm sleeping next to you, don't cry anymore."

The aggrieved tears stopped immediately, and Li Yan filled his face with a victorious smile. He slept without worries.

Su Jian's current situation was identical, Li Yan got what he wished for once again and then slept peacefully.

His original WuLi had always slept next to his Li BaoGui, and Su Jian had also slept next to the original Li BaoGui when he first came to that world. To tell the truth, he was not uncomfortable sleeping next to Li Yan, he was uncomfortable because his heart was beating so fast and his hands were sweating.

He felt pathetic seeing himself so nervous.

Su WuLi sighed, staring into the deep darkness of his bedroom. He wanted to hold Li BaoGui while he slept, caress his hair and kiss him until they both fell asleep. If he had the chance to stay longer with the original Li BaoGui, he would not have let him out of bed for three days.

With that bitter feeling of frustration in his chest, Su Jian fell asleep.

The next day there was a light drizzle in the morning, fortunately for the family, it didn't last too long and the sun came out in a good time.

Li BaoGui and Su WuLi spent the light rainy in their room with Li Huan's company, and that's when they remembered something important.

Su WuLi took it upon himself to look for the said object, while Li BaoGui was still sitting in front of his little son.

"Huan'er, look." Li BaoGui received the object in his hands from his enemy-husband, and then bent down to get closer to the child. "When we are in the temple, you must also ask for good health for yourself, and a good marriage in the future."

"Marriage? He's not even 10 years old yet!" Su Jian could not remain silent, he barely had a son and already such things were being talked about. "You must cross the bridge when you come to it, not before. There is no need to rush."

"I will follow what yimu and yifu decide. Huan'er will marry if yimu and yifu want him to, and will not if they do not." Li Huan was indeed an obedient child.

Su Jian was satisfied with that answer, he would never agree to any marriage! How could he let his first son go so easily! [He must first reach the age of 25 and obtain the title of Senior Scholar, only then will I accept such thing.]

Li BaoGui placed the Longevity Necklace around Li Huan's neck, then massaged his son's cheeks as he smiled.

"Your father and I have married against the opinion of the Li family, so you must not heed what this jealous man tells you." Li BaoGui pointed at Su WuLi with his eyes. "As a mother, I truly hope that my dear Huan'er will live happily."

Some time later they went out into the street on their way to Jiang Shui Temple. Li Huan ran in front of them both, greeting the other children their age, while his parents tacitly greeted anyone who greeted them first.

Li BaoGui, at Su Jian's demand, had three layers of thick robes over his body. He felt like he was roasting, but, anyway, he did not want to risk that the cold might risk the improvements his health presented. Su WuLi walked beside him, holding a paper umbrella over the other's head, making sure that not even a breeze or a drop of cold water would touch his husband-enemy.

Autumn was one of the times when Jiang Shui Temple was at its busiest, and other peasants in the county were walking with their families in the same direction, so Li Huan had plenty of friends to talk to and run around with.

Since Su WuLi was a peasant he knew the temple much better than Li BaoGui; this was because the original Su WuLi did not usually go out in the company of his husband, and took him to the temple with him only on special occasions. Many found it strange to see the family of three reunited.

Li Huan stopped at the temple gate and became silent and calm, waiting for his parents to enter.

The temple stood at the top of a pair of stone steps, and was made of firm, well-kept wood. The crimson walls had rustic carvings of red dragons and blue lines, which seemed to mimic water from rivers and seas.

Lanterns and bells hung in the eaves, echoing and swaying with each breeze of the autumn season. It was not a very large place, but it could welcome multiple people at once.

Inside Jiang Shui's Temple the smell of incense was strong and intertwined with the cinnabar scent of the talismans. The offering table was cluttered with fruits, food and burning incense sticks; so many that two more silver vessels had to be placed, because the first one looked like it was about to burst.

Behind the table, on a high pedestal, stood the statue of the immortal Jiang Shui. 'The lady of good harvests'. Her robes were simple as was the straw hat covering her head, her face was exquisitely sculpted and held a peaceful and contented expression. He seemed to say 'everything has already passed'.

What Su Jian and Li Yan found most interesting about the statue, was that the immortal's bare feet were sticking out from under her robes, and the reason for this was to show what was hidden down there.

That serene-faced Jiang Shui was not standing on earth or clouds, she was standing on the coiled body of a dragon. And that dragon's head was half hidden under her robes. The whole temple was decorated with red dragons and flowing water, there was even a small mural of a red dragon hitting the earth with its tail.

Above that magnificent statue rested a sign with a scripture. 'Once lovers meet again, everything will pass.'

Li Huan looked at his parents and they gave their assent, then stepped forward to offer the incense and fruits on the altar.

Li Yan could not get many memories about the deity from part of the original Li BaoGui's memories, but it caused him interest and he asked Su Jian:

"Can you remember what Su WuLi knows about her?"

"Jiang Shui is a deity worshipped not only in this county, but also throughout this empire and the northern empire. In fact, the northern border cities also have temples to her, both on our side and in the territory of the neighboring empire, because they are divided by the Great Dragon River."

"Normally, it would be considered taboo that she is trampling a dragon." Li BaoGui commented quietly.

"He's not trampling it. It's all to do with the story of the Great Dragon River."

"What's the story? "

Su WuLi kept silent and thought it was time to get practical, he should take the opportunity.

"I'll tell you later. When we're home." He replied.

Encouraged by the idea of learning more, Li BaoGui went to the side of his Huan'er to light incense and Su WuLi followed him.

After paying their respects and prayers they left the temple.

It was on the way home that Li Yan encountered someone he could not ignore, let alone carelessly dismiss. Li Yan now occupied Li BaoGui's place, and the friends of the original Li BaoGui were now his friends.

"Mo Zhan, it's been a while."

The young man in front of him, Mo Zhan, was one of the friends Li BaoGui possessed since his childhood. Moreover, he was the most beautiful man in the county, a title conferred on him by everyone in YongLe County.

Li Huan also knew him and was fond of him, he jumped towards him while calling him 'uncle'. Mo Zhan patted his head gently.

"Well of course it's been a while, does he even let you see the sunlight?" replied Mo Zhan disdainfully as he pointed at Su WuLi. "Even Huan'er hasn't come back to visit me."

Su Jian had a vague recollection of this fellow thanks to the original Su WuLi, and it was indeed better for him to keep quiet.

Mo Zhan was beautiful like Li BaoGui, but he was not meek and charming like Li BaoGui. He was a bit of a troublemaker, and had a reputation as a heartbreaker despite already being, aparently, an eternal bachelor.

"You know, I've been sick."

"And have you gotten better?" he asked Li BaoGui, still judging Su WuLi with his gaze.

"I have." Li BaoGui nodded.

"I see. In a couple of days I will send a maid to your house, you no longer have any excuse to visit the Mo residence and spend time with us."

Li Yan knew who he meant by 'we'. He smiled and nodded again with his characteristic quietness.

"I'll be waiting."

"You must take Huan'er with you, Sheng'er wants to play with him." demanded Mo Zhan.

"It all depends on whether Huan'er wants to accompany me."

"I want to go!" Li Huan didn't think twice.

Su Jian was squatting on the side of the road back to the town, counting the round stones as he waited for the end of the conversation. He did not notice that both his enemy-husband and Mo Zhan and Li Huan were looking at him.

According to the rules of the time and that world, Su WuLi was the one who had the final say on whether Li BaoGui could go uotside somewhere, but Su Jian was a modern person and was actually not interested in limiting his husband-enemy. That was one of his differences with the original Su WuLi.

"Very well. I'll be on my way, I have work to do." Mo Zhan was content with Su WuLi's silence, and took his leave without further words.

Li Yan sighed, he had successfully passed the first part of the examination. He had to show changes in his personality little by little, to avoid too much suspicion or being branded as insane.

However, Su WuLi was still counting stones on the road together with his son. Li BaoGui caught his attention by tapping him on the shoulder, but Su WuLi did not turn to look at him.

"Let's go home." said Li BaoGui.

Li Huan stood up and took his 'mother's hand, but Su Jian followed squatting on the ground. He said without looking at them:

"You can go, I'll catch up with you in a few minutes."

His husband-enemy left without daring to ask, taking his son with him.

Su Jian had nothing to do outside, in fact, he needed to hurry up and go fulfill his work on his parcel of land. The only thing stopping him from going home was worry.

[Su Jian, you're a dirty idiot. Your brain was kicked out by a donkey! How could you say you would 'tell him later', if you don't have the testicles to carry out your own plan?]

"In a situation like that, what would Grandpa tell me?"

A voice rang in his head and was accompanied with the image of his grandfather holding a rattan rod:

"You silly little dirtbag, you've barely learned to go to the bathroom on your own! Don't you dare underestimate your own abilities!"

That wasn't much help. His ancestors must have been looking down from heaven and spitting on him for being a coward and an idiot.

After wandering around for the time it takes to eat a meal, Su WuLi noticed that people were starting to look at him strangely. He had been crouching there for so long that his calves were already aching.

At last he stood up firmly and walked to the Li residence, his head was down and his steps dragged him into his courtyard.

Li Huan patted BaiBai on the head in farewell, then bid farewell to his father as well and walked out through the opening in the wall.

The little white goat turned its back on Su Jian with disdain, and went to chew the grass away from him.

Su WuLi took a breath and walked a few steps towards the kitchen. He did not go inside, but stood outside watching Li BaoGui go back and forth amidst the steam from a pot. The sweet smell betrayed that he kept his promise to cook tangyuan.

Suddenly Li BaoGui turned around and Su WuLi was discovered. Li Yan was unaware of his nemesis's dilemma, so he beckoned him inside to eat. Su Jian heeded and shuffled his feet into the kitchen.

"The tangyuan is ready, you can take it once you finish eating." he said, and took a wicker fan to whisk it in front of the only lighted pot. "I'm decocting the medicine myself, Huan'er handed me all the ingredients. Li XuDan will keep me company while Huan'er and you are away."

Su WuLi grabbed Li BaoGui's arm and turned him around suddenly, cornering him against the nearest wall. The distance between them became really small.

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1. The time it takes to eat a meal.

A time between 30 and 45 minutes.