Chapter 2: Bloody Hour


Everyone looking to Sylvester. Who's curently at the top of Death building.

"O my gosh is that Sylvester?" student 1

"Well he is." one of my schoolmates

"Why he is in the top of that building. We all now who went their really died. And if he thinks he can survive and came back here. Everyone can think that he is crazy." student 1

"Maybe he can't accept the fact the trone of Emperor still in Emperor." Student 2


Everyone who's looking at Sylvester got shocks. Someone put a rope on his neck. Then another person try to stab him on his chest. Sylvester try to get out from the person who holding the rope. He kick the man who's holding the knife in the stomach.

Seems Sylvester can't escape from he's death. Everyone got shock when Sylvester get down and someone step in Sylvester back. Get his head and stab on he's nape and neck.

Everyone still in shock after how many years. It happens again really confusing why it happens. And when the screen off. All the students go back to their room. This is a new secret that no one should know if their is a new students came in this Academy.



Announcement to all the students of the Silvenia Academy. I would like to inform you all that Sylvester Andrada died exactly at 12 noon of the afternoon. We know that Sylvester is one of the great hunter in this Academy we would like to make a tribute for him. So we would like to inform you all that the tribute will be happening at 4 PM this afternoon before we bury his body. We expect everyone in the Auditorium.

This is your Empress Ms. A


Tribute really??

I walk at the AZ Building this building had three floors. In the first floor you can see here the Allies room. We have our own allies room they have there own beds. I enter Tame Allies room.

"Master Tame what brings you here?" Jake said

"I just want to check if my allies are safe. We know that bloody hour event still on going. I just ant to know if all you are still complete."

I look around and recognize their face if they are same allies that i have before. But someone caught my attention.

"You? What is your name?

"I am Kris your new ally." She said

"Seriously a girl will protect me? Jake did you know her? How she pass the challenge. No offense but seems you can't protect me with just your tiny body." I still look at her.

"Yes she passed all the challenges and she even defeat some of our best allies." I got shock on what Jake said but I don't show it on her.

"Seems I need to congratulate you with. Give me her information Jake and all of you be ready. We have a participation in the 2 PM Bloody hour."

"What participation we will do?" Jake said look confuse.

"We will have a match with James Cyler Allies team."

"Jake is that James who is the leader of the Red Arrow hood." Kris said

"Yes he is. So Tamaraw's Blood let's give them the fight they won't forget.' Jake said

"1 pm I need all of you in the Bloody ring." I said and they bow on me walk out of the room

I go to Kairus office to look if he know what happen to Sylvester and if what the reason behind of it.


I'm here inside of the bloody ring it's look a staium where all the students waiting for this event when the bloody week came. Two of the best team should be compete to win the title of being the greatest team. The title holder is the team of Kairus and Tame Silvereas.

And this year the challenger is theteam of James Cyler known as Mask Shadow and his team really want to defeat the team of Tame.

"Do you think who will win this round?" Hestia said while looking at the ring.

"Still Tame team for me."

We saw Khai going on our way.

"Hey Janna wanna seat with us in front?" Khai said while looking on me.

"Can we?"

"Sure Alexa wants you with us so he tell us if you two can seat beside us."I sigh

"Okay we will yo go first." I said then get my things

We walk down the stairs and went in the front of the ring."

"Why do you seat with those students?" Alexa said

"Well for our safe you don't want know the real relationship we had right?" i sit beside her

"Yes I insist with tht idea but you can come closer on me and pretend that you are one of my allies. I should protect you as I promise with mom." She had really differents side that sometimes I really think if she really my sister.

"Okay I understand from no on I will be on your side." I smile then she look at the screen again.

Our seat plan look :

Kairus- Leonale- Light - Rylex - Teejay - Alexa - Me- - Khai - Hestia

We all look at the announcer who hold the mic in the middle of the ring.

"Good Day to all the students of the Silvenia Academy. Are you read for the battle between the Team Tamaraw of Tame Silvenia and the team Red arrow hood." then the crowd noise we can hear different students shounting team Tame and Team James.

"So let's start the battle. In the team Tamaraw we had. The new recruite of the team. Kris Chua, as the main killer of the group. We also have Jake Steward as the lead killer of the group and we had the Kim Williams as lead leader of the members. And all the members of the Tamaraw hood."

All the supporter of Tame team shouting their name.

"Is that the new recruite look so familiar on me," Khai said.


"Yes she is," Then we saw the Red arrow enter the ring.

"And let's all welcome the Red arrow. As the main killer of the team we had Carlos Reyes. And the lead killer of the team is Ashwin Lee. And all of you waiting in the Red arrow the leader of the members is Mico Seviurex."

Kris and Carlos went in the middle of the ring they look at each other eyes.

"Are you ready?" The crowd shouts to get ready.

"2,1 FIGHT!" then the bell ring.

We watch how Kris look at Carlos move. Carlos try to punch Kris in the stomach but Kris avoid the punch and she kick Carlos arms then kick again on Carlos forehead.

Jake get the hand of Ashwin and twist it before he kick the head of Ashwin. We saw Ashwin get a knife then try to stab Jake, but Jake can avoid it.

Kim just relax while Mico trying to punch him in different way to he's face. Then Kim jump so high before kicking Mico on head then kick again on his balls.

Almost in the midde of the fight when Tame and James enter the bloody ring. Everyone shouts when the two enter but the fight still continue.

The two enter the ring and they take of their T-shirt and all the girls scream.

James get the knife of Ashwin that on the floor try to stab Tame buttame kick the knife out of no where. He kick James face then she get James stand before punching James face.

Almost end of the match team of Tame almost win. No one have bruise in their body. James can see how Tame mad on him in all the wounds he got seems really the battle between them really show why Tame called the Childish Monster.

The announcer back on the ring. Everyone screaming and shouting. The countdown start.












Announcer: As we can see the fight of the two teams really show how the both teams want to win. But one team win... TAMARAW OF TAME SILVEREAS.

All the fans of the Silvereas brothers screaming.


All the students get out of the bloody ring and go to the Aditorium.

"Do you think who will next with Sylvester?" Out of no where I ask Janna about Sylvester.

"I wish no one?" Janna look at Khai.

We fall in line before entering the Auditorium. Silvereas Brother who enter first. When all the students already enter the Auditorium. One by one who will look at Sylvester bury. At exactly 5 PM of the afternoon. All the students went home in their own dormitory inside the Academy.

Me and Janna enter our room.

"At 7 PM the bloody hour starts again. Are we ready? Did we have still some bullet for our guns?" I said.

"I will check on it," Janna said.

She went to her room. I cook for our dinner. waiting for Janna came back in the dinning area.

I'm wonderinh until now Janna not coming back. So idecide to go on her room.

"Janna? Are you their?"

But no one reply so I get my hun from the drawer and I step forward while looking around. I look at my wrist watch.

"Shit!" I run going upstair

"Janna!" I shout.

I get my phone and call Alexa



Me: Hello Alexa I need your help. Someone get Janna.

Alexa: Okay give me all the information and the last time you with her. I will try to trace her.

Me: Thanks Alexa

I hang up the call and text Alexa those information that she need.

Janna where are you?


I will make sure when I enter the Academy everyone will give me their respect. Soon wait for me Kairus I will get what is mine. Even your position and her trust wait for me.


Walking in the middle of the hallway. When I saw Kairus looking at my dorm.

"Why are you here?" He look at my side and give me a serious look.

"Why are you still outside of your room? Don't you know the bloody hour rule. Everyone can kill you get inside."


"Fine. You can stay here if you want. You said everyone can kill us if we are outside of our room. So wait here till the bloody hour end." Iput my code in the screen and open the door of my dorm.

I enter and he just stay outside.

"I can protect my self you can close your door. I just want to assure that you are safe." He turn around and sit at my dorm wall.

"Why are you doing this? You should protect Alexa instead of me."

"Alexa can protect her self while you. A new students here doesn't know anything about the rules in the Academy without knowing one of the rules. That is why I am here. Helping you and protect you so no one can touch you. Understand so now get inside." I can see in his eyes how sincere he is to protect me.

"Come inside if someone wants to hurt me we. He will scared if that person saw you outside o my room. So if you want to know who is that person what if we wait inside the room."

He stand up and walk to my way.

He sit in my sofa then I close the door. Get some cup of tea.

"Emperor may I ask you few questions?"

He look at me and gave me a node.

"What happen if I call you in your name? Instead of Emperor?" Then he smirk.

"Well you will be the mother of my childs." Then he laugh

I beating him on his arm.

"Okay serious, everyone know if they call me Kairus and not Emperor they die. But if you want if no one see us you can call me Kairus instead of Emperor and I promise no one kill you." I slightly smile when he promise but I know I should not trust anyone like what light said.

"Are you sure?" I said

"Yup. what's your next questions?" He said while taking a sip of tea.

"How can we escape from this Academy?"

"Wanna know how?"


"You can escape to the Academy if....."

To be continue