Chapter 1: Death and Reincarnation

Words Used in this chapter: 1542

(A&N NOTES: I only uploaded this chapter to know about your thoughts of changing the storyline I am currently thinking that he would join the Revolutionary Army and also please tell me if this is better than the old one.)


???: Ugh! where am I?

After looking for a bit what he saw is a forest.

???: Huh? What am I doing here? Where is this?

Suddenly he felt A headache that felt like his head is gonna burst and the cause of this is because the memories of his past life, how he died, and how he got saved by a celestial being that accidentally stumbled with his damaged soul that is floating in the Void and ended up healing him and bringing him to some other space and granting him 3 wishes since the celestial being is in the good mood.

His 3 wishes are To go to the world of One Piece because he can't do Multiverse travel as it will mess up the entire solar system's balance, his 2nd wish is to have Limitless Growth, and for his last wish is to reincarnate as a teenager with age of 15 years old and also he chose the timeline where luffy is still a kid and yet to meet up with Shanks.

Chrollo: So my name in his world is chrollo D. Lucifer huh.... I was an assassin in my previous life but due to me quitting in my organization I was disposed they even sent their most precious dog to kill me also this body... this is pretty good for 15 years old I also can tell that the previous owner trained this body though this is not as good as my body in the past life this is still too good of course what can I expect from a body of 15 year old kid compared to my body in previous life that has been tampered to death.' he muttered to himself.

Chrollo: So.... where am I?

After asking the question to himself and looking around he saw himself in the beach where next to it is a forest then he decided to stand up and check his body if it has any damage.

Chrollo: Hmmm... So I must have been washed up by the sea as I can tell that my clothes are wet and also judging by the scar on my body that just healed the original owner of this body was sailing unfortunately he got attacked by some pirates.'

after talking to himself for quite a bit he then started checking his physical abilities.

-Few Minutes Later-

Chrollo: *huff* *huff* AHAHAHAHA! this body is really good I can do 200 push ups and 200 sit ups without taking a break I must thank that Celestial Being for giving me this good body well now enough dawdling I shall go now and look if there are nearby Village here.

Chrollo then began walking around the forest after few minutes of walking he then saw two kids that are running to some bandits.

Chrollo: Hmmm... Those two kids where have I seen them? Ah! they are Ace and Sabo if I remember correctly they are currently stealing money from some bandits so that when they become pirate they will have money to spend on for few months... Shall I help them.... No for now let's watch what will happen since I will not gain anything by helping them I will just interfere if something unexpected happened like when Ace was about to die due to the butterfly effect of me going in this world.

-Ace POV-

Ace: Damn this bandits they are persistent Sabo what should we do?!

Sabo: Just keep running! We will bait them later!

Bandit 1: YOU BRATS! stop running! I will kill you!

Ace: F*ck you dumbass why should we stop when you want to kill us!


Sabo: D*mb*ss stop threatening us if you can't do sh*t.


Suddenly while they are running from bandits Sabo got caught by one of the bandits that was hiding in the trees.

Ace: SABO!

Sabo: ACE RUN!


Bandit 1: HAHAHAHAHA! now I can have my fun so brats where did you hide my treasures?

Sabo: In your ass!

Sabo then spits in his face which made the bandit angrier.


The bandit came running to Sabo trying to chop his head off but suddenly a figure appeared in front of them startling both parties.

Bandit 2: WHO ARE YOU?!

???: Hmmm... The dead do not need to know my name.

Bandit 2: YOU BAST-

Before he could finish his head came flying to the sky which made other bandits shocked but Sabo and Ace finds this opportunity to sneak out and leave to the mysterious young man the bandits.

Sabo: Hey Ace! Let's go!

Ace: Ok!

they both whispered.

After untying themselves they began running away from the scene but the bandits did not realized it because they are currently focused to the young man that killed one of them.

???: Alright 3 to go.

Suddenly the man vanished in front of them which made the bandits Startled and confused.

Bandit 1: What?!

Suddenly one of them dropped to the ground following the other one until there is only one guy left.

???: So you are the only one left.

Bandit 1: HIKKK!

He dropped himself to the ground while pissing in himself due to the unknown guy killing his goons in a blink of an eye.

Bandit 1: Ple-please spare me!

???: Go now before I change my mind.

Bandit: Hikkk!

The bandit then stands up and started running where their hideout is located.

???: He should be heading back to their base to report what happened here I should follow him so that I will have no more annoyance during my stay here.

Bandit 1: Who is that guy he is a demon I should report this to leader quickly.

???: Now I should meet up with those kids to ask for compensation for saving their lives... And also I am glad that I am now able to synchronize perfectly with my new body thanks to my Limitless Growth.

The mysterious young man then suddenly vanished in his place.

Ace and Sabo are currently resting to their hideout after running away from the bandits that almost killed them but thanks to the appearance of some mysterious young man they are able to sneak away from those bandits while they are distracted to the mysterious man that appeared out of nowhere.

While they are resting suddenly a shadow of a young man appeared out of nowhere covering the sun and startling them after few seconds they saw the whole body of the young man it has Blue eyes, black hair, slightly brown skin with a height of at least 170 cm.

Ace and Sabo: What!

They both suddenly backed away and goes into fighting position against the young man.

Ace and Sabo: Who are you?!

Chrollo: Hmmm... nice reflexes though it is a little bit late and also isn't it quite rude to point a weapon to your savior *smiles*.

Ace: What savior?! I could've kill them even if you don't interfere!

Sabo: Who are you?

Chrollo: Well my name is Chrollo D. Lucifer.

Sabo: All right Chrollo what do you want?

Chrollo: Hmmm well what I want is compensation for saving you guys from bandits.

Ace: What do you mean compensation!? We didn't ask you to help us against those bastards!

Chrollo: Well let's talk about that later tell me first your names.(though I already who they are)

Ace: I am Ace.

Sabo: I am Sabo.

Chrollo: You Ace what is your full name?

Ace: Wha-what! why should I tell you?!

Chrollo: Well I did tell you mine.

Ace: tch! It is Portgas D. Ace.

Chrollo: I see.

Sabo: So what about the compensation you are talking about?

Chrollo: Oh that well what I want is money I know that you guys steal money on those bandits.

Sabo: How much?

Ace: Sabo! why are you asking him?! you should not give him any money since we didn't even ask for help!

Sabo: Shut up Ace! this guy can kill us in a blink of an eye this is better than dying.

Ace: *Gulp*

Chrollo: What a smart kid well I just need 100,000 B ah and don't try to haggle I know how much money you guys have. *smiles*.

Sabo: *Gulp* Fine but promise me one thing.

Chrollo: What is it?

Sabo: Promise us that you will not steal our money.

Chrollo: AHAHAHAHA! Fine I promise.

After hearing this Sabo then went where they hide their money and got 100,000 B that Chrollo was asking.

Sabo: Here don't forget your promise.

Chrollo: HAHAHAHA! Alright call me if you need help you know how much you would need to pay me.

Sabo: No thank you.

Chrollo: *Smiles* I shall go now I need to deal with the remaining bandits and also you can have their occupied land tell that to Dadan.

After Sabo and Ace heard the name Dadan they froze as they know who Dadan is.... It is their caretaker or more like Mother.

Ace: Yo-you! How do you kno-

Before Ace could finish what he is about to say to Chrollo... Chrollo Already Vanished leaving only a gust of winds.