***change in pov***
Me and master blake bolted out of the bed and got ready to go outside, we needed to finish some things we had left in the morning and we needed to finish some new tasks. I was really wet and messy after all what he did, I still couldn't stop thinking about it. His fingers touched every sensitive part of my body, making me feel very pleased. I was going to cook his favourite food, Alfredo pasta with shrimps and garlic bread! he really likes that and I want to make him feel special.
As we walked out of the bedroom we were met by Masters little sister and the maid that takes care of her. Master talked with the maid about his little sister and what she will do for the day. She's homeschooled so she doesn't have any friends other than her personal maid. As they finished talking me and master walked to the kitchen to start preparing the food. He was free that day so he helped me cook.
I couldn't stop remembering what me and master did so my face didn't change from the red color it had. He kept giggling and teasing me about how loud and sensitive I am. Its not my fault I'm like that! I hadn't felt the touch of a boy before he bought me. It sounds cruel saying he bought me but it is what it is, he paid to have me here as his maid, but I think we got carried away with introductions and got to know each other a bit too well.
He is a big soft pervert that likes to touch me inappropriately, that is, if i give him my permission. He always asks me if I'm alright with all of this and I cant find a way to permanently tell him I am. I like it when he peeks under my dress, or when he squeezes my behind, oh!, and when he kisses my neck and brushes his lips down to my chest, I really like that one. He is very gentle when caressing me, except when we're in bed, he can get a little rough there, but I like it.
It is already 4:30pm and we just finished making lunch, I'm very hungry and so is master. I served the food and set it on the table while he got some wine from the fridge. I had just turned 18 three months ago, way before I met master, so all this drinking and sex was way too new to me, but i was up to try it! We sat down and started eating, it was very delicious! The soft pasta, not too hard and not too overcooked, the sauce was garlicky just how we liked it and the bread had a soft buttery surface and a crunchy inside. We had a wonderful time drinking and talking, it was almost as if we were on a date.
After finishing master helped me with the dishes, he always helps me when he has free time, I don't know if its because he wants to or he just likes spending time with me, I hope its because he likes spending time with me. All the other butlers and maids had already eaten since mid-day, only we were here messing around this late in the afternoon. Its already 5:30pm, we sure did take a lot of time to eat, well we mostly talked but still. I love the way he treats me, like a lover. His family would never allow such things but I just like to imagine one day I'll be in a white dress just for him.