
Rest on Robin

Their discussion got deeper and deeper into things they will never mention to a young girl like Olivia. Suddenly, Molly remembered someone very important to her, then she hurriedly turned to Margie and asked interestedly

"How is Douglas? Have you heard from him? one of the police officers told me he was arrested before me?" 

"Yeah, he was arrested in the church premises when he stepped out of the church after morning mass" Margie narrated scratching her forehead as Molly slowly sat down on the floor and drew backwards to rest her back on the wall behind her

"Come on, don't feel that way, Molly" Margie calmly said as she swiftly sat down on the corridor to console her 

"His arrest must be a shameful one" Molly lamented piteously "I saw him first before coming here, he is fine dear" Margie assured holding Molly's shoulder

"Really" Molly enquired immediately lifting her back from the wall on which she rested

"Yes, he is totally fine. He asked of you and instructed me to make sure you are Ok" she stated as Molly rested back on the wall again

"I wish I didn't involve him in all this" Molly lamented as she bowed her head

"It's ok Molly, Douglas is fine, you worry too much" Margie assured holding her left shoulder

"I wish Robin didn't die in the first place. Everything would have been normal. No infliction of mom's wrath, no arrest, no jail, no court appearances and possibly no imprisonment" Molly worried frowning

"Stop please" Margie pleaded as she drew closer to her looking low-spirited

"Robin I miss you so much" she said and paused as Margie kept consoling her "I still remember all his favorite songs and raps" Molly added smiling impudently prompting Margie to smile too

"Really?" Marge asked "Come on, it's still very early to forget" Molly emphasized

"Yeah, that's right" Margie retorted as she tilted her neck down 

"You remember one of his favorite rap songs God has gat my back by Joe Joe?" Molly asked still smiling 

"Yes I do" Margie admitted as Molly started singing it as soon as she got her response, then Margie joined.

"I'm gonna win in all I can, 

because God has gat my back, 

the shameless fishes try na ditch me,

but ain't gonna give in, 

so they know I'm not a weakling,

God's gat my back (2X) 

Yeah my foot prints a powerfully covered" they both sang joyfully amidst so much pain in memory of Robin

"Another one by Silas Kiosk. Be calm, I'm here" Molly hastily reminded as they sang again to Olivia's delight

"Amidst all troubles dear one,

keep calm and know I'm here

if the troubles rage gets tougher

quickly whisper to the nearest cool breeze

I miss you dear

be calm my dear for just in a jiffy 

ripples of my love for you

will come directly to your heart

to adorn you with peace

absolute peace, so be calm my dear for I'm here

So be calm my dear for I'm here (2X)" They sang amidst tears

"That's deep" Olivia commented sadly

"I miss you Robin" Molly whispered to thin air, believing its going somewhere, then she closed her eyes and tears rushed down her cheeks 

"Rest on Robin" Margie said as she wiped her tears with her sleeves

Just then one of the police officers on duty came in and notified Margie that her duration is over

"Oh" Margie asserted in surprise of how fast the time can be "Just a minute please" she pleaded as she kneels down immediately in front of Molly

"I will make arrangements for your lawyer, everything will be fine trust me" she assured maintaining a direct eye contact with Molly

"Ok" Molly replied as she nodded in affirmation

"Do not worry about Douglas, he already has a lawyer" she added as she held Molly's hands "I will miss you dear, you have Olivia to hang on with. Be strong, I will be back soon" Margie said as she stood up to leave, while the police officer waited

"Take care dear" Molly said as they hugged each other tightly

"I will, you too" Margie said as they unglued from each other

Then she turned to Olivia smiling with patches of hope all over her face "Hey, your face is boldly inscribed in my heart. Take good care of yourself. All will be fine soon, I mean very soon. I'm sure you are in good hands"

"Thanks" Olivia appreciated as they hugged each other

"Madam, please leave" the officer warned meanly

"Alright, I have to go. Team MOM" Margie said smiling "Team MOM" Olivia and Molly chorused as they bid goodbye and the police officer escorted her out of the cell section.

Margie walked out of the police station with so much relief and optimism to start something in fight for Molly's justice. While walking to her car, she thought of so many lawyers she knows that can put up strong defense strategies for Molly" 

Unfortunately, all of her options gets disqualified either because of bad legal practice reputation or high service charge. She sluggishly stepped close to the driver's door and stopped when attorney Patrick Bee popped into her mind.

"Hmmm" she muttered to herself as she rested her arms directly on top of the car's roof. Patrick over the years has gathered good legal defense records for himself. His efforts in standing for the truth and advocating for the less privileged has earned him so much honor and respect from the populace.

His resilient fight for the voiceless summed up to the accolades of respect he gets from the whole of Gozax.

Accordingly, Margie doubted if he will accept to stand in Molly's defense in court due to his area of specialization in the field. Patrick majors in defending ills and abuses on the poor, displaced persons, less privileged and victims of undeserved circumstances. This narrows his career down to the duties of human right activist.

"I will give it a try and see how it goes" she thought, squeezing her left cheek equally pulling the other to the same direction. She gently removed her arms from the car's roof on which she rested on and lethargically opened her purse to bring out her car key.

Instantly, she felt a touch on her shoulder accompanied by an unfamiliar voice.