[9] The Second Young Master 

Mikael was pushing coins to the vending machine when he heard footsteps behind him. He peered on the vending's glass reflection and saw a familiar silhouette. He turned around, a few feet from him was Carlyle and David walking towards him.

"I heard that he is awake?" Mikael robotically nodded.

"Lead me to his room." Mikael swiftly clicked the button of his coffee and got it out.

After that incident in his school hospital, he and Carlyle didn't talk anymore. He only heard everything from his father, that Carlyle was blowing Brooklyn's previous school's reputation and all the people involved with legal force. James' mom was the one handling the case. So far they were winning from all the evidence and other victims also took their stands. The case wasn't about Brooklyn anymore, it was a piece of nuclear news just waiting to set off.

Walking towards the elevator someone's phone rang. Mikael watched as Carlyle picked up his phone and saw his irritation as he read the caller's name. Carlyle gave his phone to David who had been following them silently.

The elevator dinged and opened. Mikael went inside smoothly not wanting to be near Carlyle.

"Hello? He is currently attending to something. No, I'm sorry but he can't. Well then, goodbye." David gave the phone back to Carlyle. "She said she wants to see you, and that she will treat you to dinner."

Carlyle's brows shot up, not hiding his interest. David blinked and he felt his heart sank. Mikael tried his best not to notice David's change of expression, but when you're standing right beside the person and could see from the elevator's steel frame, it can't be avoided. He felt his ears red. Even though he wasn't gay, he can't help but blush and be saddened at the same time. He had always been preceptive of his environment, and sensitive to human emotion, it didn't take long for him to find about David's particular feelings towards a particular someone. It was only saddening because that particular someone doesn't reciprocate the feelings.

They got up from the floor and went to Brooklyn's room. James jolted and wiped his tear-stained face when the door opened. His eyes widened when he saw Carlyle.

"Older brother!" He greeted and bowed a bit with a flushed face. Carlyle nodded at his presence.

"I thought he woke up?" Everyone threw James a questioning gaze.

"Uh... He just had his medicine." James offered his seat and Carlyle sat. They bid their excuses and went out. David gave Carlyle a pursed smile before leaving.

Carlyle examined his brother. A bit of flesh was slowly building up but the face was still sickly pale. He reached Brooklyn's arm tentatively, in the end, he grasped it gently as if it were a precious jade that would break any moment. His brows furrowed when he felt something. He turned the wrist around, and his eyes widened when he saw a straight pinkish scar. It was longer than his pointer finger, the scar had a little bump telling that the wound was deep. He let go of the hand to his horror. It plopped down the bed without noise.

He looked at Brooklyn who still slept soundly and stared down at the arm in horror. His blood rushed with inexplicable series of emotions as he dumbly stared at his brother.

He was too late.

He stared at the face not seeing the same lovely child anymore. It was as if he didn't know this person at all. It was supposed to be his brother, right? He recalled those times where his parents would always remind him to be a good brother, a good example, to love his brother unconditionally. What now? Can he still be Brooklyn's brother after all this time?

He staggered up from his chair and went out.

Carlyle saw the three standing in the hallway, his eyes fell and never left Mikael's face. He strutted heavily towards him and punched him straight across the cheek.

It blurred Mikael's head and for a second he couldn't breathe and felt himself die.

James threw his phone on the ground.

David blanked for a moment. He had never seen Carlyle lose composure this much.

When they saw Carlyle wanting to pick up the fainted Mikael and was pulling another punch they finally reacted.



Each went to each respective side. James pulled Mikael away as Mikael woke up and clutched his aching cheek.

"What happened? Why?"

"Older brother? What are you talking about?"

"Carlyle? Carlyle, calm down." David's muscle clenched as he tried to stop Carlyle from nearing Mikael.

Carlyle threw a glare at David. David's stretched-out hand shrunken and he took a step back. Seeing his best friend's reaction made Carlyle refresh and realize his behavior. His gaze softened but when he looked back at Mikael, it became colder.

Mikael's mind was ringing. He was disoriented and furrowed with the question.

"What? I don't get it..."

Carlyle grabbed Mikael and hoisted him up. James' mouth was agape at the sight. It was like a rendition of David and Goliath.

Mikael squirmed but froze as he saw how deadly Carlyle's gaze had become.

"What in the hell happened for him to have that scar?"

Mikael's eyes widened in understanding.

David saw the realization in Mikael's face, but Mikael couldn't talk from Carlyle's choking. He decided to reach Carlyle once again. He placed his hand on Carlyle's shoulder and grasped it.

"Carlyle, he can't talk if you hold him like that." To his relief Carlyle let go of Mikael.

They went and borrowed Doctor Chen's office. As Mikael narrated everything: David was left in the dust, Carlyle blanked out, and even though James knew the gist, he was still surprised with the details.

"I thought you already knew when you came to RA. That's why I didn't talk. I'm sorry elder cousin. I'm sorry... I couldn't... I promise Brooklyn not to tell you... I'm sorry."

Carlyle left after that. David could only give his friend some space and bid a bit of comfort towards Mikael who was having a breakdown.


Late that night David swiped his card on Carlyle's apartment and entered the password. It beeped and opened. He went inside to find Carlyle on his mini bar, a series of bottles with high alcohol content lined up like good soldiers, and the subject person was pouring everything swiftly and gulping everything in one shot.

David stilled. In today's events, he had never seen Carlyle act this way even when his parents died. He decided to walk around the bar and place the empty bottles in a safe place, and out of reach in case Carlyle starts smashing. After all, today had been pretty much unpredictable.

"Why can't I get drunk?" He heard Carlyle speak, he glanced up and saw Carlyle's pinkish cheeks. The man was drunk.

He placed the last two bottles down and got up. "You're drunk, Carlyle."

"Don't. I'm still not drunk. Still not..." Carlyle grasped the bottle from David's hand looking pitiful. His intimidating image gone, all left was the Carlyle that David knows best. He let go of the bottle letting Carlyle pour another shot for himself.

"Bea called, I made some excuses for you."

"Am I a bad person?" David stared at Carlyle, the low lights deepened his facial features making him look more mature and utterly charming.

David shook his head. "No."

Carlyle looked up. David's pale white skin became yellowish from the light, his eyes soft and understanding. "Thank you." He muttered.

"What for?"

"For being here... All this time." David's eyes stung. He turned around and grabbed his glass.

"Don't drink." Was Carlyle's words as he grabbed the half-empty bottle from David's hand.

David shook his head, "Don't worry, just a sip." Carlyle lowered his gaze, seeing the resolute face, he let go. David gulped down the alcohol and winced as he felt the burning sensation in his throat.

Carlyle watched as David drank. "You're still weak."

"Well, you know I prefer wines." David placed down the glass with a small thump but didn't lift for another shot.

"Why drink?"

"Just because."

And the two went silent. Whenever Carlyle drinks other than some words, he would never talk and subject himself fully to drinking. David only looked as Carlyle finished the bottle himself, after that the drunk stood up and collapsed on the sofa.

He went to Carlyle and fixed his posture. Staring at the flushed face, the smell of strong alcohol hit his nose as Carlyle snored softly through his mouth. His whole face illuminated from the small light, the long lashes casted a fan-like shadow, nose tall, cheekbones pronounced, lips thin and pale. Carlyle moved his head to the side putting a full view and access to his neck. David's eyes went up to the powerful perfectly angled jawline. The socket was prominent and it moved with temptation behind the thick skin. David gulped and tore his gaze away.

To refresh his mind he went and removed Carlyle's shoes, propped the feet properly and grabbed Carlyle's blanket, and blanketed him. When Carlyle was properly tended he went behind the minibar and grabbed himself a bottle of the most expensive wine from Carlyle's collection. He stood by the glass window gazing down the city's landscape, a glass of wine in hand, the atmosphere melancholic and sad.


To be continued…