WebNovelThis Girl43.10%

Chapter Twenty-Five

Yume's pov

"Teehee~ how did you know each other?", I asked them both. But they've just ignoring me.

"Don't you, guys, ignoring me. Just answer me.", I almost screamed.

"I told you already, sis. We just met at the park.", Bigbro said while taking a sip from his favorite lavender tea.

"Why don't speak up, arth?", I looked at him and just like brother, ignoring me too. he loves tea too. Oh just a great duo.

"Fravis told you already, just deal with it.", They're both crazy as hell!

I sighed but there's really something about this two.

Since that day, arth always hang out here with onii-chan everyday but kinda nice.

Arth's pov

"How about if we call for Mika and aimie, for beach party, it's summer anyway.", Yume.

Fravis put down his tea cup, "sure, good idea!".

What? Seriously? I looked at him 'is that all right for him, he might be in danger'

"Wait, I'll call for them, and I'll ask the others too.", Yume getting too excited and went to her room.

"Is it alright for you? They might find you there.", I start panicking.

"Don't worry about it, I can handle but when it happens, just go on with yume and escape. Please promise me, dearth-kun.", Fravis.

"There's still something on your mind, don't you-", we're been interrupted.

"It's decided, King and third will join the party!", Yume's gone really excited.

"I'll ask mom if she wants to.", I said.

I say goodbye to both of them.


"Mom, would you to come with us at the beach party, aimie and Mika wants to join too.", I asked her.

"I don't know yet but I'll try to ask from the management if I could leave for days.", Mom while thinking.

"I'll ask later if I got home. See you later, guys", Mom continued and left.

"Onii-chan, who planned this party?", Aimie asked.

"It's yume. She's just bored and want to hang out with us.", I explained.

"Lemme check my swimming wear then.",


At the beach house, courtesy of third.

"Woah! This is so cool!", Aimie got very excited, "Come on yume-chan, let's swim!", She added.

"Sure, let's go!", Yume.

"Where's malory?", I asked third.

"She can't come, her dad brought to the hospital yesterday. She said.", Third answered.

"Oh, okay.", I said.

"Hey, guys! Foods' ready!", My mom.

"Fravis, is that you?", Mom.

"Hello, Mrs. Devon, it's been a long time.", Fravis.

"Just call me Auntie autumn, that's too formal. Just call me just like before.", she smiled.

"You've gone taller enough, huh?", she added.

"Not so much auntie.", He chuckled.

"Yume-chan, who's that guy?", Aimie.

"Oh, you don't know him, he's my older brother, fravis. I just don't know how'd they knew each other.", Yume.

"But he's very tall, unlike you. You're too short.", Aimie laughed.

"Say that again and I'll gonna kick your ass!", Yume said angrily.

"That's enough, yume. She said Is true so don't be mad if you're short.", Fravis teasing yume.

"Shut the hell up!", She gonna blast.

Me and fravis sat on the seashore while watching them playing and swimming.

"Hey, why don't you join them?", Fravis asked.

"Well, I can't swim. But I really want to talk with you.", I said.

"Hmmm?", Fravis

"I know you're hiding something.", I said.

"What are you talking about?", He pretends to smile.

"I'm serious, fravis, no one's around so why would you tell me.", I said in a serious tone.

He sighed, "but remember this, don't ever tell it to anyone even yume. Speaking of which, I noticed that yume have changed and because of you, she became cheerful and being open minded.".

"I don't want to say this but you must. Kazuo was the one who killed dad and Mr. Devon after they find out his agenda. I know you're mad at my mom but kazuo is the one who killed your dad. Mom helped us escaped from along with him, stabbed by a dagger, from that organization. But my mom got captivated again and kazuo did experiments on her but died in the process. But now, we're been his target and you became one of his spawns. There's no other than ryota nakishima.", he stated.

WHAT?! He's might kidding me, no way, this can't be happening until I saw his hands clenched unto the sand and face got very serious too.

He looked at me, "I already told you everything I knew so please, I'm begging you, protect her, I'm trusting you.", His tears fall from his eyes and kinda scared.

I want to calm him down.

"I'm fine. Just remember what I've said.", He said smiling.

"Of course.", I said.

"Thank you.", he said and wiped his tears.

"Onii-chan, join with us. You too, arth!", Yume pulling fravis to the sea.

"Okay, okay, I'm going.", Fravis came along with them.

I don't what to do, I realized that maybe it's connected with that fat guy.

"Arth, come on.", Yume pulling me over.

"I don't know how to swim.", Me.

"Let me teach you.", Yume.

"Ah, okay. thanks!", I feel like my face is turning like a strawberry.