Five Years(1): New Seals, Akira

It's been five years since the arrival of Arashi and Kushina to the Konoha village. In a month's time they would be graduating from the ninja academy after graduation test.

According to the new curriculum introduced five years ago, the graduation test had been changed to two types mainly. One for those who would be genin after graduation and the other for those who would be directly promoted to be a chunin.

Due to advanced courses introduced for the academy students, the quality of students had improved tremendously. Now a days, most of the students have already completed their chakra control training and nature transformation training.

Every student was at least proficient in their own chakra nature transformation. Some genius students like Arashi, Kana, Mikoto, Kushina and students from prestigious clans had already completed nature transformation training for more than one element.

In case of Arashi, he was a genius among genius for completing the training for five elements. Though nobody knew about this except for his close ones. Arashi had taken the training into another state all together by using only his thought to simultaneously use five chakra nature. He had come up with this idea while training nature transformation one day.

After completing all the chakra nature transformation training, he wanted to increase his proficiency in using them automatically without any hand signs. He also wanted to use two or more chakra nature simultaneously to combine them and form new element. For example, using Water and Wind nature transformation simultaneously to use ice nature transformation.

Though he had the theory part in his mind, training was difficult. Till now he was able to complete only Ice release and Wood release. Yes, you heard it right.

----- Flashback -----

After completing his training for five chakra nature transformation in six months with the help of his clone army, Arashi started training for using wood style. He knew that it was the combination of Earth and Water release but the hard part was how to convert the Mud into Wood. Because whenever he tried to use them simultaneously, it was always Mud release not Wood Release.

By now he had already successfully started using Ice release by combining Wind and Water release. Though it cost him huge amount of chakra, he was successful in his training. Others were also surprised when he showed them he can use Ice release. He told them that it was possible for them to use their chakra nature with another one and combine them for creating another chakra nature with huge amount of training and patience.

Though he knew it was easier for him because of his huge spiritual energy. He had already experimented with the relation between spiritual energy and chakra control. He started using his spiritual energy consciously without using his chakra.

He wanted to see if spiritual energy and physical energy were the Yin and Yang part of chakra like he had read in some of the books in the library. His future goal were dependent on Yin and Yang release.

He was pleasantly surprised when he could easily use his spiritual energy to influence his surrounding. He had gained telekinetic abilities. Though it was not powerful, he was happy that he had another skill. He decided to train it use during emergency.

His telekinetic training was a major reason for being successful in training Ice release. Using his powerful and trained spiritual energy to control his chakra nature simultaneous and combining them made it possible to use Ice release without any bloodline.

He had a theory that every bloodline ability was either due to genetic mutation or their ancestor being successfully able to use two chakra nature simultaneously which created the bloodline. Knowing about 3rd Tsuchikage's Dust release which uses three chakra nature simultaneously and 5th Mizukage who had two bloodline limit in the future due to her three chakra nature.

For him who had natural affinities for five chakra element, it was theoretically possible to use every nature transformation. He knew that if he managed to get Otsutsuki bloodline in the future, combining five chakra nature along with Yin-Yang release would help him to create Truth Seeking balls without even being the jinchuriki of Ten Tails.

So he was training to combine his chakra natures this early to make his body and mind acquainted to them.

But Wood release was totally a separated case. He thought that First Hokage's Wood release was different as it showed the properties of God Tree like chakra absorption on contact or subduing tailed beasts as they were a part of the Ten Tails.

So Wood release was not a simple combination of Water and Earth release. He thought it had some Yin-Yang release property within it. So it was not possible for other Senju to awaken it other than the reincarnation of Asura who had Six Paths chakra within him given by the Sage of Six Paths.

So to use Wood release either he had to use cells of Hashirama or find a way to learn Yin-Yang release. Both of the path was difficult for him. Though if he managed to convince grandma Mito to use Tobirama Senju's lab to experiment with First Hokage's cells.

But he didn't have the confidence that he could convince her. So he decided to at least try.

While he was thinking, suddenly new memories started appearing in his head. He was astonished when he learnt what his clone had discovered.

Without wasting any time, he went to her study room where he knew she would be studying more about Four Symbol seal to improve it.

Knocking on her door he waited for her permission.

"Come in." Arashi went inside. He saw her busy reading many scrolls.

"Grandma, I wanted to ask your permission to use 2nd Hokage's lab for experimenting on Wood release of First Hokage." Arashi didn't hesitated, he directly asked what he needed without hiding anything. Either she would allow him or she would scold him.

Mito was taken aback with his request. Not everyday you heard someone wanting to experiment with her husband's cells with permission. Her facial expression didn't show any sign of change. She put the scroll she was reading and looked at Arashi. She knew he wanted to do some experiment to combine bloodlines. He had already told her about the truth six months ago.

But she thought he would start after getting older.

"Are you sure you want to start experimenting this early? I thought you are working on the seal we have discussed."

"Don't worry grandma. I am currently using Shadow clones to work on that. I am currently reading every scrolls related to sealing to increase my knowledge. It will take me another month or two to complete reading. With my perfect memory, it is a piece of cake. Grandma I want to start my research on bloodlines starting with the First Hokage.

Also my clones have found a very interesting seal from the forbidden scrolls of our clan. It is called Karma seal and it is seal used by the Otsutsuki clans. It is a seal that serves as a compressed backup of an Otsutsuki clan member's biological data that they can embed in the body of a compatible recipient known as a vessel. Over time the Karma seal will gradually overwrite the vessel's genetic profile until they transform into a perfect Otsutsuki. Should the Otsutsuki be slain their soul will migrate to one of their vessels, and when the Karma completes will reincarnate through their body, completely replacing them."

When Mito heard about the seal, suddenly she knew why he came to her.

"Where did you find the seal?"

"I found it in the forbidden scroll. From what is written in the scroll, it seems all the previous Uzumaki clan leaders knew about the existence of Kaguya Otsutsuki and Otsutsuki clan. That scroll contains many other information about Kaguya. One of them is that Hagoromo and Hamura Otsutsuki were not her sons. Rather they were human twin sons of the then king of Land of That. Kaguya never loved him. It is written that Kaguya was injured and weak when she contacted them. She lived with them as they were near the God Tree. She wanted to wait for the chakra fruit to mature to consume it and gain more power to fight off others like her and use this planet as a base.

But when the king saw her, he was captivated by her beauty and tried to force her. But luckily Land of Ancestor attacked and Kaguya fled to the God Tree and consumed the fruit to heal herself. As a punishment, she then used his new born twin sons and changed their genetic structure to that of Otsutsuki hybrid, neither human nor Otsutsuki. She wanted to use them as generals during her fight.

But fate had other plans for them. Hagoromo was contacted by Gamamaru and the rest of the story was the same." Arashi told her everything he knew.

"So you are now planning to use this seal and modify it such that instead of overwriting user's genetical structure with another, you want to combine different genes with that of user making him a new Otsutsuki altogether." Mito had already guessed what was he planning. It was not that hard after you knew all his future aspirations.

"Yes." Arashi didn't hide his intentions.

Mito thought for a while. She knew even if she didn't gave him her permission, he would find a way to do what he wanted. She was afraid he would lose himself in search for more power. If she could supervise him rather than becoming an obstacle, he might not loose himself.

"Ok You can use it. Tomorrow come with Tsunade in the morning and I will show you both his lab. But promise me that you will not do anything inhuman."

Arashi was ecstatic. He immediately promised her and happily went to his room.

Looking at his figure, Mito sighed. She didn't dwell in it. Whatever he was planning to d, she would try to support him. She had come to like Arashi and Kushina as her own grand children.


As soon as he reached his room he started to study the scroll for more information. His clone had not completely finished reading all the information.

As he continued to study more and more, he became happier. He finally had a way to achieve his goals. The seal was originally left by Kaguya to further research it and find a way to make Hagoromo and Hamura a pure blooded Otsutsuki and using them to defend against her family.

But Hagoromo's and Hamura's betrayal had made it impossible for her to complete her plan.

Next morning, he and Tsunade were led to Tobirama's room where Mito showed them a secret seal left behind 2nd hokage that sealed his lab which he used for research. The seal was such a way that any forced intrusion would destroy the lab. Only the correct key left by him would allow anyone to enter it.

The security of the room was even more advanced than the barrier securing the village. One could imagine what length 2nd hokage Tobirama Senju had gone to protect his secrets.

The room was however like a typical science lab filled with various devices, scrolls, equipment etc. to perform medical research. He could see many dead remains of summoning animals inside glass jars.

He deduced that 2nd hokage used them to test his Impure World Reincarnation jutsu. There he also found all his research scrolls and information of various techniques that he invented. Arashi decided to read everything later. From the information he knew about 2nd hokage, he knew that man was a genius himself.

Creating 'Flying Thunder God' and 'Impure World Reincarnation' jutsu from scratch already proved it. Also his battle prowess was second only to Hashirama and Madara.

Tsunade was also excited to finally had a place where she can research the techniques which she had invented according to Arashi. She was determined to improve to the point where she could restore lost limbs without having to worry about decreasing her lifespan.

Soon the two were busy in their own works. Many clones could be seen doing a specific work or reading some scrolls.

From what Arashi read from the forbidden scrolls, Kaguya had almost found a way complete her research. Using all the data left behind by Kaguya, Arashi quickly found a way to modify it. Though it took him almost a year with the help of his clones to finish modifying the seal, he was very satisfied with the seal.

From the lab he got cells of First Hokage and Madara Uchiha. So he had no problem experimenting the seal on different animals. After many trials he managed to integrate First Hokage's cells in a fox cub. The cub's gene was successfully modified and it gained immense amount of lifeforce. It's size also increased along with its intelligence. He decided to keep the rat as a pet.

The cub also gained the ability to use chakra. When he asked Kana to use her Byakugan on it, she saw new chakra pathways in it. Deciding to further modify it's gene, he used his own cells to give it the ability to sense nature energy and transform it to that of Summon Animal like the toads and snakes.

Later he created another seal to draw in nature energy and transform the cub without overwhelming it. He wanted to change it's body so that it could at least draw in natural energy without any side effect.

After creating the seal with the help of Tsunade who had already halfway through her regeneration seal, he performed the test on the cub. According to both of their calculation, the seal required huge amount of chakra to keep the cub alive during the transformation process. The seal was such that it would break every cells in it body and create new ones.

So he had to gather everyone including Mito to use their chakra. The whole process took an hour to complete but the end result shocked everyone.

The cub had grown up to the height of 3 feet and had 3 tails. It's fur had changed to pure white. After some time, the fox gained the ability to talk like humans. As it's age was that of a toddler, it's intelligence was that of a human kid.

Kushina and the other girls instantly liked it. They gave it a name, Akira, as she was a girl. Mito ordered everyone to keep this matter a secret and raise it inside the compound. The girls decided to take care of her and train it language and other stuffs.

Arashi was also happy with the development. From what he could sense from Akira, she had gained the ability to draw in nature energy. Kana also told him that her chakra reserves had sky rocketed rivaling that of a kage. Also she gained the ability to change her size as she wanted. As for other abilities, they decided to find out later when they trained her.

Akira's successful transformation had given Arashi the result he needed to use these two seals. He named them Ketto no Maji(Bloodline Merging) and Shizen Enerugi Tekio(Nature Energy Adaptation) Seals.

Later he collected blood samples from Mikoto and Kana to use the seal on himself along with Hashirama's cells. Deciding to start the process, he called everyone to use their chakra and help. Tsunade and everyone were against the idea of him becoming the first human subject. They wanted to test this on humans before doing something. But Arashi's confidence and after reviewing the seal many times for any error, they agreed.

They asked him if he didn't want to use Kaguya clan's and Otsutsuki clans blood to complete the whole process. But Arashi assured them that the seal is made in such a way that it would allow for future modification. The seal worked in a such a way that it create a new gene structure by using his old gene as base. So he wouldn't have any major change in his appearance.

This seal would only merge the genes related to bloodline talent rather than other things. He told them that he had already tested this by using the seal to change his genes in a drop of his blood. He was satisfied with the result when he compared it with his own blood.

Finally they decided to start the process.