Ninja Academy(2)

Watching all the children of his age going to school with an excited face, chatting with their friends about what jutsu they could perform or what their chakra nature was; brought an involuntary smile on Arashi's face.

"Let's go you two. I will take you to the principal. Nawaki, you go to your own class. Hurry up! You are going to be late." said Tsunade making an angry face towards Nawaki. As they all started training with the seals, they had shown obvious improvements.

"Why do we have to go to academy? We can learn everything in our home. Grandma can teach us." complained Nawaki. He didn't want to go to school where they were teaching them basic academic subjects. Also he had not many friends of his age except Minato Namikaze, Shikaku Nara, Inoichi Yamanaka and Choza Akimichi. They were the only ones who didn't have ulterior motives to be his friends. Others were only his friend because he was the heir of the Senju clan and grandson of First Hokage.

His sister didn't want to play politics, so she had given up her title to him. Now everyone knew him as the heir to a prestigious clan. How he wish he could be normal. But his four friends kept him in line. They spent most of their time together in the school.

Shikaku was a typical Nara. He had narrow brown eyes and a typical expression suggesting he is either bored or irritated. He had shoulder length black hair tied in a spiky ponytail. He often wore a short-sleeved grey jacket with green-edged sleeves and the rudimentary Nara clan symbol on the back, under which is a green-lined mesh armor T-shirt. He also wore brown pants, a pair of his clan's traditional silver hoop earrings. He spent most of his time in the class sleeping. Cloud watching was another one of his hobby. The only thing that interested him was a battle of shogi.

His life had become miserable after 3rd Hokage had declared the revamped curriculum. As a genius with a good brain on his shoulder, he instantly connected few dotes and knew another war was on the horizon. Now he had to spend a good amount of time training his clans Shadow style jutsu. His parents had become extra strict regarding his training.

Gone were those days where he just laze around and do nothing. Academy had become a refuge for him. Learning the lessons were easy for him. So he spent most the time sleeping.

Choza had it easy compared to Shikaku. He was a plump boy with naturally brown hair, but seemed to wear a long, spiky red hair-piece. He had purple markings on his cheeks - a common trait in the Akimichi clan. He donned a green, short-sleeved haori with a long, white scarf over a light-green shirt (white in the anime), with the kanji for "food" (shoku) on it. He also wore black shorts, hoop earrings, and bandages around his legs and forearms.

He was a very kind, polite, and caring boy. He was easily motivated by the prospect of food, and became highly agitated when somebody called him "fat" (he refers to himself as "big-boned", "chubby"). Food could also make him over-react about silly things, such as who gets the last chip.

Being from a clan that needed to eat food all the time to build up fat to get stronger, all he had to do was eat. So most of the time he spent eating in the class.

Inoichi had long ash blond hair reaching into his lower back, which he wore spiky on top and ending in a long ponytail, light green eyes and strong facial features, which included a well defined jaw line. He had a calm and perceptive nature, generally staying calm under pressure. He was also very analytical being able to put together the information which he heard as a rumour. He and Shikaku were good at reading others intention.

Lastly was Minato Namikaze. He was a civilian born. His parents were merchants, one of the wealthiest in Konoha. He had no siblings. He had blue eyes and spiky, blond hair. He often he wore a simple white suit of clothing with green trimmings and a hood.

Among the five friends, he was the most capable one. He was an allrounder. He was good at studies, ninja training, making friends and solving problems. Everyone in their class respects him and were friends with him. Even the Uchiha children were friends with him.

He was the top of their class. Being the first one to be a shinobi from his family, he often tried very hard. He never spent time wasting around like Shikaku. He was one of the few children who were actually happy with the current changes made in the curriculum. Now he didn't have to worry about future training as the school would provide them. His parents were very skeptical about his decision to become a ninja. With the amount of money they had, he could spend rest of his life lazing around and still couldn't spend all his money.

But he against all their protest, he joined the academy. He made a promise with them that he would try to become very strong. At least this way he could protect his life in dangers. Now that 3rd Hokage had changed the curriculum and increased the graduation age to 12 years old, he could at least train till that age before going on actual missions. But his plans were cut short when he heard Shikaku's findings about the war. Now he was working hard even more. His parents had brought every kind of training equipment for him. They had even tried to persuade the hokage to find a good teacher for him. But the Hokage said he would first see his talent then he would decide something.

With the support of his four friends Nawaki's dream to become a Hokage had become even more achievable. They had given their words that they would help him in becoming the most famous hokage of all the time, even surpassing his grandfather.

Nawaki loved his friends. They were the only reason he was still going to the class. Otherwise he would have studied in the clan like old days. He had even thought about telling them about the two seals. But he knew these were Uzumaki clan secret techniques. Without the approval of the clan head which was Arashi as the older one among the two, he couldn't do it. But Arashi told him to wait for few months. He and others were trying to create a simpler version of these two seals for market purpose. After that he could gift them one.

"What? You don't want to go? It seems that I have to tell grandma about this." said Tsunade with an evil smile. "No! Don't! I am going. don't tell grandma." said Nawaki with fearful look. He immediately ran to his class.

"It always work." said Tsunade smiling triumphantly. She knew her brother feared grandma the most. Though she never scolded them he had one time seen her angry. After that he never tried to annoy her.

"You know Nawaki will figure it out someday that you are only annoying him more with the threats." said Kushina. She had watched it many times already in the previous month. Whenever Nawaki complained about training, Tsunade would threaten him to tell grandma.

"Its fine. I will enjoy until then." said Tsunade.

"If you two are ready, can we go to the principal's office. Everybody is watching us." said Arashi. All the parents that had come to send their children were currently discussing about the three of them. After the Hokage had announced the news of destruction of Uzumaki clan to the public, their life had become hectic. Every time the two of them visited a shop, they were showered with pity and sympathy.

They knew it was the people's way of showing their emotion, but it became quite annoying after a day. The duo was well known in this month. So everyone recognized them easily. Also their red hair was a dead giveaway.

"Ok Ok. Lets go. After introducing you two to the principal I have to go to a mission with my team. I will be out for 2 days." said Tsunade. They started walking towards the office.

"You are going on a mission? Why didn't you said earlier?" asked Kushina.

"Yes it is an escort mission. So don't worry. Beside this time Sakumo Hatake is our team leader." replied Tsunade. Due to being students of the Hokage, they had less mission. Most of the time they trained according to the Hokage's instructions or do their own training. Tsunade was going to be the medic of the team. So she was visiting the hospital sometime to work there to gain more experience.

Whenever they went on a mission, a jonin would be their team leader as Hokage couldn't leave the village. So this time jonin Sakumo was with them. He was a famous S-ranked ninja of the village. In the bingo book his title was 'Konoha's White Fang' stemming from his extensive use of the White Light Chakra Sabre, which emitted a streak of white chakra when swung. With him as team leader, this mission would not be difficult.

Kushina and Arashi had also planned to join her soon in working at the hospital. They had already decided to become medic ninja. Due to the upcoming war, they decided to play it safe. With medical ninjutsu they could heal their own injuries or others in times of emergency. No one knew when it would be needed. At least this way they would be safe.

Tsunade was very happy after hearing their plan. She had promised them to teach some basic medical ninjutsu when she was free.

Soon the trio reached the principal's office. Tsunade knocked on the door.

"Come in." said a voice.

They all entered inside the room. They were greeted by the sight of selves filled with scrolls, photos of graduated students and an old man behind a desk. He was around 60 years old. His name was Jin Sarutobi. He was the previous head of the clan of Sarutobi. Current hokage was his nephew.

"Greetings Principal." The trio said in unison.

"Ah! Good morning, Princess Tsunade. And you two must be Arashi and Kushina Uzumaki." said Jin.

"Yes" replied Arashi and Kushina politely. As for Tsunade's title, they chose to ignore it. They had gotten used it already. Tsunade was known as princess in the village. Well her mother was the sister of current Daimyo of Land of Fire. To increase the co-operation between the village and the royal family, she had married in to the Senju clan. She was actually a kunoichi. She had joined the academy when she was a child. So technically Tsunade was a princess.

"I was informed earlier that you two will be joining in the advanced class of this year. Well I have already completed your paperwork. You will be joining class-3 together. This class is mainly for geniuses who had already far ahead according to the new curriculum. So try to keep up with them. I have already informed class teacher Naori. She will take you with her."

Just as he finished speaking, they heard a knock. Soon a middle age woman with blond hair entered the room.

"Ah! Teacher Naomi you are here. I was just introducing your new students. Meet Arashi and Kushina Uzumaki. From now on they will be in your care." said Jin while pointing towards the two.

"Hello teacher." both of them greeted their new teacher.

"Hello! So you are the two new students. It seems my class is gaining two new geniuses." said Naori with a bright smile on her face. Teaching to genius students was a challenging task in itself. They had to be controlled properly so they didn't end up as arrogant brats. In a war, they were the main targets of many enemies. They had to be well prepared to face them.

So it ended up as a responsibility for the academy teacher to drill them with every knowledge they could for their survival. It was a huge task. But the new curriculum had given her a hope for a better future. Now they were going to teach them properly about the life of a true shinobi not the glorified version but the true facts.

Shinobi held great powers within their hands. The line of life and death had become blurred for them. Any wrong decision could take their life or any small information could save their life. To instill such facts in to the minds of children who were going to face such situations in the future was a great burden for a responsible teacher.

As a teacher, they could just teach them what they are specified to. But she didn't think this was right. She didn't want any of her student to go out on a mission and get killed because of stupidity. She held herself responsible for every death of newly graduated genin under her tutelage. She knew she could not save everyone but she tried to make the count as low as possible. She thought this was the true responsibility of a teacher.

So after the announcement of the new curriculum she had both time and permission to teach her students what they were going to face as a shinobi of Konoha.

"You can both come with me. I will introduce to your new classmates for next five years." she said and gestured them to follow her. She said her goodbye to the principal and walked towards the classroom of Class-3.

"Goodbye Principal Jin. Goodbye Tsunade, see you soon."

After saying goodbye, Arashi and Kushina followed their teacher to the classroom. Soon they reached a room in the 2nd floor. Loud noises were coming from the room which could be heard from the hallway. As soon as Naori sensei entered the room, all the noises came to an abrupt halt.

Everyone greeted her and went to their respective seats. This class had 20 students including the two of them. All of them were from some clans like the Uchiha, Hyuga, Sarutobi, Nara, Aburame, Inuzuka, Akimichi and Yamanaka. Every one of them had strength of genin as of what Arashi could sense using his Mind's Eye of Kagura.

He was surprised by their strength. If it was before, many of them would have applied for early graduation and joined a team. But as the new curriculum was introduced everyone was put together in an elite class. Though he knew this was not the only elite class.

Soon Naori sensei started to take attendance. After that he gestured the two to stand in the front and introduce themselves to the class.

Arashi walked to front and said "My man name is Arashi Uzumaki. I am new to the village. I am looking forward to learn together with you all."

After his introduction, Kushina followed "My name is Kushina Uzumaki. I am looking forward to know you all."

"Thanks Arashi and Kushina. Now you can go ahead and seat next to Kana Hyuga." she said while pointing to the last bench which was free and only had one student sitting.

Soon the two went ahead and sat near Kana. She was a young woman with long, black hair that reaches down to the middle of her back, with long parted bangs with a single lock of hair falling into her face. She also had large, white eyes — a trait shared by all members of her clan and a the cursed seal on her forehead.

Arashi instantly knew she was from the branch family. This was the first time he was looking at the cursed seal of Hyuga clan up close. Kushina sat beside her and greeted her politely. To her greeting, she returned in a stoic manner. Arashi sat at the left side and also greeted her. Arashi sat at the left side and also greeted her.

Soon the class started with the history of shinobi. Arashi had already knew about the topic so he decided to meditate with his eyes opened. This was a new way to meditate he had learned after few trials. This way he just need to be still and he could meditate any time.

After 25 days of putting the seals, the trio had already increased their level. Currently he was at level 3 and Kushina was at level 1.5 . Tsunade had increased her level to 2.5 after getting used to it. She had experience of using weights. So she was easily used to the resistance.

Following Mito's advice they had deactivated the seal everyday for some period to get used to the new speed of their body. Kushina had come up with a new idea for increasing their strength. She told them if they could create a seal which would compress their chakra to increase the density, then they could increase the power of low ranked jutsu to another level.

This way their consumption of chakra would remain the same but due to the increased density, it would produce huge amount of power. She got the idea when Mito had told them about tailed beast and nine tails when she was describing about 'Four Symbols Seal'. She described the tailed beast chakra as so dense that it would burn their chakra coils if their body wasn't used to it. She had told them about the chakra cloak that formed when using nine tails power.

That was first time she had mentioned about the nine tails. She hadn't hidden about the fact that it was currently sealed inside her body using the 'Four Symbols Seal'. She also informed them about the next jinchuriki after her death. That day was filled with many revelations about different secrets. She also informed them that the next jinchuriki was going to be Kushina due to her special chakra. Kushina cried for an hour while hugging her. Mito had told her it was going to happen anyway. Only an Uzumaki could seal the nine tails inside his body. Otherwise, Kyubi would escape the seal after killing the host.

During the whole time, Tsunade was consoling Kushina and Arashi was thinking of a way to change her fate. But everything required either power or him to be a seal master so that he could change the Four Symbols Seal into something that would help her by sharing the burden with him and making it such that even if the tailed beast was unsealed she could survive the extraction without any harm. he was not going to take any chance with the fate of his beloved people.

So while the class continued, he was carefully reading the memories his clones had transferred last night and thinking of a solution. He knew he didn't have many days. Mito had already informed them that she could only survive for five more years before the burden of Kyubi sealed in her would use up her lifeforce. This was mainly due to her not being in her young age when she had sealed the Kyubi. Her body couldn't get used to the chakra of Kyubi.

Kyubi being the most powerful of the tailed beasts and possessing's more chakra than the other eight tailed beasts combined, made its chakra far more denser than other tailed beast. She compared it be 100 times more denser than an average shinobi's chakra. And the quantity to be 10 times than her. But it being totally made up of chakra without any organic matter, made it impossible to be killed. Even if it was to be killed, it's chakra would reform again and it would be alive again. Its chakra reproduction capabilities were so high that it made it's chakra nearly infinite. So only way was to seal it inside a human or set it free.

Arashi had an idea for a new seal. This seal would create a pocket dimension where Kyubi would be sealed but the seal would be shared between several people so that not one of them had to share the burden and this way also helped to increase ones strength by making ones body became more resistance to it's chakra. Like in the future, the seal had made Naruto's body more powerful, more regeneration speed, more stamina and an infinite source of chakra.

Also he had further thought of using the dimension to store ones chakra like Tsunade had done in the future for future usage. Not only chakra but also anything they wanted. This way they could have their own personal pocket dimension like Obito Uchiha and Kaguya Otsutsuki. He could use it to built his own lab for research purpose. The plan to create the Otsutsuki bloodline by combining Senju, Uchiha, Uzumaki, Hyuga, Otsutsuki of moon and Kaguya clan of Kirigakure was not going to be perfected without intensive medical research. Though he had no plan of becoming like Orochimaru. He would use both medical ninjutsu and fuinjutsu for his plan to succeed.

Like this way, the class continued and Arashi continued to read and understand everything his clones had read.