They know a stick, now let's give them a carrot

"Huh... in that case, I guess the cooking and stuff will simply all fall on us."

Rotte summed it up with a nod.

"That's honestly not a bad deal... OW!"

He laughed but suddenly he jumped in pain when Lairs grind her heel on his toes.

"...fucking whatever... fucking, dumb Rotte..."

The elf grumbled furiously from under her hood.

Seeing that, Uresha and Lairs started laughing on their own and the mood lightened considerably.

"Say, Lairs. I've been wondering about something."

Surprisingly, Cranberry didn't just return to her books as she usually would do and instead started up another conversation.

"Fucking...! What it is, young lady?"

Without taking off her hood, Lairs grumbled in response.

"The way you're addressing your companions, how you change their names..."

"The fuck? You mean Ure-ure and Shan-shan? What's fucking wrong with how I call them?!"