Meet the Wraths (part 1)

Seven main families are the backbone of the kingdom of Fruit Salad.

Every single citizen regardless of their status and origin knows that.

Sloth family protects not only Fruit Salad, but the whole continent from the invasion of the monstrous titan-class beasts from the far north.

Envy family is responsible for gathering intel thanks to which their kingdom always has an upper hand in negotiations.

Lust family's duty as lorekepers is to preserve the history both past and present for the future generations to learn from.

Gluttony family watches over the army and trains the most excellent warriors and soldiers forever hungry for achievements.

Greed family's insatiable yearning for more wealth and power constantly pushes the kingdom towards the ever prosperous future.

Pride family watches over the other families with strict eyes so that the corruption would never sneak its way into their ranks.

And finally, the Wrath family.