Training session

The past ten hours could be described only as torture.

Without water, without a moment of rest, all the southerners in the facility were forced to run around with weights exceeding their natural carrying load limit while dodging the projectiles shot from training machines in irregular intervals.

"What is...! The...! Purpose of...! This...!"

Mika was wheezing while trying to catch her breath.


Bruiser 97-F who was passing her with much bigger weights than anyone else put together strapped to his back, stopped by her and tilted his head.

"Miss Mika? Are you alright? If you stay in the same place for too long you will get hit by a rubber ball."

He said looking around in concern.

Still, the people operating the training machines were concentrating fire on the rat-faced man running much farther ahead, so two teenagers were safe at least for the moment.

"Say... what is the point of this exercise...?"