Wraths territory (part 8)

"Haa... well, there will be a few things that I want to explain to you all."

Right at the beginning of the breakfast at the King's Apple, Cranberry sighed over her plate and looked at the people and monsters gathered by the table.

"I want you to have a look at something. I would appreciate it if you could share your thoughts about it. Honestly, I'm at a loss whether it's trustworthy or not - maybe you will be able to figure out the obstructed parts..."

She sighed and pulled out the sketchbook that Zombie 'borrowed' from the Sloth soldiers a while back, opened it at the right page, and pushed it to the middle of the table.

Road to rule

In the world abandoned by its creator, the )((*&X%^X%ve usurped the power fr--)(**&X&X(*X^XX&*?"<{X!@#$<>"}| the righteous ones.

^$%#% Heretic, )*((*^%X%^&XXXX%X": world.