[Bonus chapter] Who did they got...?

An androgynous short person with long red hair and piercing pale blue eyes was sitting by the edge of the cliff, looking horribly tired.

Their scruffy clothes only added to the overall effect too.

"Good work, Kopia we wouldn't have got him without you."

A tall dark-skinned woman with long wild black hair dressed up in a hunter's garb walked over and sat by them - she didn't look even a bit tired for a change, but her clothes were ripped in a couple of risque places.

"Oh, thanks, Nommanic, you too... but also, no, you would have got him yourself, you have that glitch going on for you - and you were much faster than him. One hit and it would be over."

The androgynous person denied with a shake of their head



The two of them went silent and just sit without even moving...

"Do you need something from me...?"

Kopia asked.