Unexpected meeting (part 2)

|What the hell are those guy's doing here?! Weren't they spending most of their time between the Prides and Greeds territories?|

Zombie squinted his eyes at the younger versions of the adventurers he had come to know quite well during his first playthrough.

|They are just low-level adventurers at the moment, they aren't actually bound to any territory – but they sure need money to realize their goals, that is why they traveling throughout the whole kingdom in search of work.|

Patience explained patiently.

|You know exactly what I have meant! Why are they searching for a job in this awful territory where basically everyone tries to scam every last penny out of everyone else? They look so naive too, they'll get chewed out and spat out by the first merchant they'll talk to!|

Zombie scoffed internally and furrowed his brows – which caused the five adventurers to flinch.