Waiting for the elf to notice

"Gh...! Wh-why are you doing this...?!"

Jackfruit groaned in pain, clenching his left leg, desperately trying to stop the bleeding.

"Got your tendons, huh... That sucks, I know how that feels."

Zombie nodded with a bitter expression while slowly tapping his shoulder with the blade of the scimitar, ignoring the wounded merchant's words.

"Master... I'm sorry. I didn't want to upset you..."

The sword's blade vibrated and let out a high-pitched noise that turned into apologetic words, and of course, the apology wasn't directed to the actual victim.

"Don't mind, don't mind. It's just that this reminded me of my past life, nothing of importance."

The boy laughed it off and waved his hand dismissively before gently patting the blunt side of the dragon wing-shaped sword's blade.