In the dark space

|Can we start trying to break out already? It has been long enough.|

The violet orb levitating in an ocean of darkness sighed and asked a slightly smaller white orb nuzzling against it.

|Not nearly enough. The global quest should originally start a few years after the night of the hungry wolves event – this powerful system overseer bend the rules a lot to start it sooner – also, that's why the system reset was necessary – to make all the necessary characters reach the appropriate age.|

The white orb spun around its axis and declared.

|So it wasn't just you trying to patch things up the best you could, it was planned?|

The violet orb asked for confirmation sounding rather surprised.

|Ha? You asked a weird question, neither of the things you said invalidates the other – it was something planned but it was planned in order to patch things up.|

The white orb scoffed and explained.