Durian's mansion (part 5) - Waiting for that first move

As it turned out, because of their sudden arrival, neither the bride to be nor the groom would be able to meet them the same day – but the maid informed each of them that they will be more than welcome to eat the breakfast together although later on the things might get a little bit hectic because of the preparations.

Although the maid had passed the message in the most timid way possible, it was rather easy to figure out the real meaning...

No. I don't want any of you to get involved.

The message that Durian was sending them was clear – and the fact that he couldn't find the time for his nephew even though said nephew was the first prince of the kingdom was speaking for itself.

Therefore the group spent the rest of the day in their respective room, mostly.

Cranberry refused to eat alone and demanded Zombie's presence with a big old pout, forcing the blue undead's hand.