Honeymoon (part 10)

Just as the ashen undead knight has said, the wyvern wasn't too impressive - especially for someone who had already seen a true dragon like Baron.

The winged lizard - that didn't have four limbs and a pair of wings but it's had bat-like wings instead had a torso that was only around the size of two zombie horses put together.

It had a snake-like head on a snake-like neck and its scales were in a muddled greenish-brown color.

The wyvern's hind legs were tiny and could be only compared to the landing gear of small planes, while its tail was another part that seemed like it belonged to a snake.

"...whoaa! So cute...!"

Zombie's eyes sparkled from excitement, as he also noticed a carrying bag attached to the wyvern's body - though, of course, his gasp was addressed towards the wyvern itself, forgetting about the undead riding it as well as the mysterious life signature that was arriving with them.

"...haa... I almost forgot..."