Sitting down in front of the admin registrar, Heron was waiting for Jason to finish his evaluation. He really wanted Jason to get admitted, not for Jason's own benefit, but for his.

Before helping out in the execution of his parents and brothers, he had a face to face talk with one of The Thirteen. The deal which occurred was what made him to do what he did, and to continue the plan he had to keep his brother far away so as not to distract him.

But, there was a reason why he didn't kill Jason unlike the rest of the family members. An oracle whose name was Yera- Cudra who was also an elite fighter told him not to.

According to Yera - Cudra, Jason carried the full potential in him to help the plan succeed if he could be convinced to join them.

But in case he refused, his power could be extracted from him from either him or the eleven other oracles.

Oracles were the guardians of a particular Nation like the carribean. In every Nation, there are twelve oracles.

They possess immense power as they control time and space, even the environment, but, they are restricted by rules and duty and cannot effectively use their power.

Oracles live for up to a thousand years before they die, and another is chosen to reign in their stead. But, Yera- Cudra was the opposite of all these good traits an oracle must have. Yera - Cudra was after the rulership of the carribean just like others were after the throne.

For Yera - Cudra to rule, he needed men who were willing to work with him as an insider in the Carribean workforce.

Heron was asked by Sir Philip's imperial guard to help kill all the thirteen in his village, before doing that he enquired of Yera - Cudra and spared Jason.

He had already managed to influence some people to join in the plan of Yera - Cudra and the last person he would convince to join them would be Jason.

" Heron, get down here immediately" a telepathic message from Yera - Cudra rang in his mind. He suddenly stood up as the fact that Yera- Cudra had called him meant he had something important to tell him.

" Please, just in case Jason doesn't make it just tell him to come home" Heron said to the admin registrar before leaving.




Arriving at Yera- Cudra's house, Heron quickly went in. Yera- Cudra was a really aged man with a lot of white hairs around his body. A purple aura was also emanating from him, he had a white long beard and a snake around his neck.

" Sir, you called for me" Heron said bowing.

" Yes I did. I heard you have put the boy into Kardeshin School of Royal Knights academy for training. It's a good one, but you must work harder, I don't have enough time to live, so we must get the throne early enough".

" Yes sir" Heron replied still bowing.

Standing up from the seat that he was sitting on, the oracle made his way towards a shelf. Putting his hand in, he brought out a sword and an amulet.

" Give these to the boy, it will go a long way in helping him" Yera- Cudra said handing the sword and over to Heron.

Heron was confused as to why Yera- Cudra was interested in Jason. What was so special about Jason that Yera- Cudra would be giving these priceless things to him.

" It will protect him from JUDAIS the god of death " Yera- Cudra said referring to the amulet " And the sword will help him develop the power he has to greater heights" Yera- Cudra continued.

This was of course a wrong choice, as Jason was already the god of death, and the sword would help him develop his powers even as a god of death.

After receiving the sword and amulet Heron made his way to his village before he would return to give these things to Jason. He was the head supervisor over his village to make sure the reign of Sir Philip went well in the village.

This of course was just a ploy to get more information and give it to Yera- Cudra to rule successfully when the time was come.