In the Kingdom of Benejie, the almighty ruler here was commander Zen. Benejie unlike other kingdoms was a place full of ability holders, and further into the dark island of the kingdom are the Zircod men, most times also having other strange beings.

Commander Zen had in his kingdom a large populace, this coupled with the fact that he had so many ability holders here made the kingdom the strongest ever.

Benejie was located far beyond the east of Tierurus, but with the power held by Benejie, he had little control over other kingdoms, and was greatly feared.

Although there were speculations about his ability being a strong one, no one really knew the strength of his power. This for one made him an enemy that no one could attack.




" Breakfast time sire " a chief butler working in commander Zen's house said. It was very early in the morning here. Curtains stretch, and table ready, Matthias Zen walked out of his room along with his wife Camelia Zen.

" Such a beautiful day" Matthias Zen said yawning heavily. Holding his wife by the waist, he asked " isn't it?"

Planting a kiss playfully on his cheek " Yes, it is just like you" Camelia said laughing.

A giggling sound suddenly arose from the corner of the dining room.

" Must you really do that?" the girl asked. Her name was Stephanie, the last daughter of Zen.

" Darling girl, so pleasant to see you again this morning" Camelia said giving her a hug.

" Uh uh uh..... " Matthias cleared his throat indicating that it was time for them to eat.

The rest of the children entered the room after a brief moment, but many seats was empty.

" Hmm.... seems like I'm really missing them" Matthias said looking at the chair. " Oh well, I hope they're doing well, I'll just check on them later" he added.

The little girl suddenly chipped in with a question why the eating was going on. " Daddy, can I meet Rosey today?"

Yes, Rosey Zen is the third daughter of Matthias Zen and Camelia Zen. In the family, there were eight children born to Matthias Zen and Camelia Zen.

The first was a boy named Raymond Zen. He had left the Zen house a long time ago to another kingdom to raise a family of his own.

The same went for the other boy who was the second son. His own name was Benedict. He was a official treasurer in the eastern part of Benejie, rarely visiting his family.

Manasseh was the third child who also was the third boy born to the Zen family. He also held a position as the vice imperial commander to the armed forces of Benejie. He attained this position under merit, as he was the strongest fighter in the whole of the Zen family. He also rarely came back to the house. This already ought to give Matthias Zen and Camelia Zen headaches, but not when girls were around.

The fourth child born to the Zen family was a girl who was the first daughter, Angela by name. She was a beautiful lady who at this a time already had a suitor, but was regularly with her family. She wasn't much of a fighter, but a magician.

The fifth child born to the Zen family was a boy named Anthony who was the fourth son. He was already in knights training school of Zamudi, a neighboring village. He excelled in fighting and light magic, was also a handsome boy, but again since he was in the academy was also rarely with the family.

The sixth child of the family was Rose who was the second girl. She was given Rosey by a servant who called her the name frequently, causing every one to call her Rosey. She was beautiful, once had a relationship with Greg, but broke up. She also wasn't much of a fighter, but had the ability to defend herself in a fight.

The seventh child of the Zen family was the third girl of the family also Helena. Helena was a very tough fighter, and was still with the family with her personal war guide. She was beautiful, but didn't pride in beauty, but strength.

The eight child was the fourth girl of the family. Stephanie was a very calm and lovely girl who hasn't even unlocked her abilities yet. She was much more closer to Rosey than any other in the family.

" You will visit her one day, but daddy wants her to be a better fighter like your brothers okay" Matthias Zen replied Stephanie.

" No problem" Stephanie said chuckling.

Midway into the meal, the butler walked in with some news privately to Matthias Zen.

" Please excuse me" Matthias excused himself.

Walking to his study, he permitted the butler to speak.

" I have dug into their information sire, and they seem no problem nor hindrance to Rose" the butler said.

" I'm still wondering how the young boy got into the academy when his energy record in his village was 1.4del. Then the magnificent increase to 5del before entering the academy in a week.Something is up" the butler added

Commander Zen's face suddenly contorted and became moody. He began to pace around room worried.

" That's okay, but I'm not satisfied. I want the boy tailed, he reminds me of someone I killed a long time ago. You well know the battle, I was almost killed because he was powerfully strong, I don't want that to happen again if it is him" Commander Zen replied.

