Hello my name is Drake Frex or better known now as David Smith my life has been very complicated. Lets start with when i was born my home world yes i said world we were still in the dark ages. But where i came from people were born with gifts to control and use different elements but normaly it wasnt that strong and they could only use one some people where lucky and could use two or three. The kingdom found out that the more power and elements you had though the shorter the life span would be unless you could use only one and had a strong connection to it and use it to the fullest. my father was king Larz Frex because of his bloodline he had the strongest connection to the fire element. My mother was Liz Frex she could use water. My parents thought that when they would bare a child that it would atleast have maybe both fire and water but they were saldly wrong. When i was born i was already starting to die because i was born with a powerful connection to all natural elements fire, earth, water, wind, and lightning the doctor said that i had maybe a week to live. My father remembered something he heard a long time ago about there being an item in our familys library that could summon a powerful dragon but what he didnt know was that our family had saved him a long time ago and thats how we got the item. My father found a dragons horn that was made into a flute and he took me and my mother out into the clearing behind our castle and prayed that this would work. He started to play the flute after five minutes of playing it he heard a loud roar and he could see a massive dragon coming our way. When it landed it spoke to Larz. Thax "What does then kin of the Frex family need of me". Larz looked at him" We need your help we need to know if you know how to save our son?". Thax "what is wrong with the baby if i can help i will do what i can" Larz" our son he was just born but he is already dieing because he was born with the strongest connection to the elements". Thax" could he be the one" Larz" what are you talking about". Thax" I can save your son but he will have a heavy burden when he gets older" Larz" What do you mean sir". Thax" there was a prophecy a long time ago that has been passed down from dragon king to dragon king that there will be a human child born with a strong connection to the elements that will rise up to be the strongest being in the world and he will bare the title of dragon king and bring peace to both humans and dragons alike and i think your child is the one to do that". Larz" how could he do this if he is already dieing he wont live that much longer?" Thax" because i will save him at a price.". Larz looks up to the dragon" what is the price sir" Thax kneels down " I will give my sould to your son and save him but in the process of doing so he wont be all human anymore he will be half dragon as well." Larz and Liz both start to cry and Larz asks" wont that also kill you giving your soul to our son?". Thax looks the king in the eyes" yes my life as of now will end but my soul will live on in your son and from time to time as he gets older and stronger my soul will wake up and i sould be able to talk to and help him out." Larz " I dont even know the name of the being that is willing to save my son?" Thax " my name is Thax the dragon king now place your child on the ground infront of me so i can give him my soul." Liz walks up to Thax and places drake down and looks a Thax " his name is Drake Frex please take care of him when you can." with tears running down his face. Thax opens his mouth as a bright light surrounds him" so Drake we shall be one from now on" as the light gets brighter to the point you cant see Thax or Drake it dies down and shows drake sleeping peacefully on the ground looking as healthly as ever. Time Skip to when Drake is four he has been having a nice life with his fathet and mother for the past four years until one day his uncle decided to over throw the kingdom at night it didnt get discovered till it was to late Larz couldnt stop it but he was able to make a rift to a different world. Larz and Liz" son we love you and want you to be safe so we placed a seal on your power because the place we are sending you will not have powers like ours and we have been here before and we made a bank account for you in case something ever happened and we needed to send you here you will have enough money to live a happy life just promise us that you will not let this turn you bad we love you and be safe" as they throw me through the rift my unlce broke through the door and the last thing i seen was him stapping through both my parents with a smile on his face.