Chapter 4

"Ahem, everyone please quiet down. You can call me Ms. Williams, I will be your teacher for this year and if all of you are able to advance, I will be promoted as well and will continue teaching you so please do your best to listen and work very hard for all of our sakes." The woman was strikingly beautiful but was clearly rather shy and dressed in a comfortable looking robe making it difficult for someone with ill intentions to admire her curves.

"Holy Knight Academy is an academy that takes in any and all students that show some kind of potential and so trusting those who conducted your examinations, it could be said that you all have potential in yourselves so do not feel discouraged for being considered the weakest among the rest right now."

"After this first week, the real training will begin but until then, I must advise you all concerning how to train properly, how to go about having proper nutrition, and of course explaining the different future prospects you will all be able to apply to depending on how far you get as students here including becoming a teacher like myself by reaching the fifth rank."

After telling the students that she was a warrior of the fifth rank, all of the students could not help but to admire and almost worship this new teacher of theirs. In order to be accepted into the military, one must reach the first rank as either a warrior or a magi. However, for a warrior to reach the fifth rank, even some wealthy lords would spend quite a bit for their salary to hire them.

This was indeed the influence of an academy even in a very poor and weak region as this one. "First off, since the Church of Light is a sponsor of our academy, you will be able to apply to be recruited by them if and when you reach the third rank. Otherwise, as long as you reach the second rank or higher, there are many merchant groups and organizations willing to scout you and offer contracts of employment."

The entire first day of class revolved around Ms. Williams convinced Cole and the other students why it was important for their future that they work very hard and are diligent in their studies. For first year students, the very first day's class would be like this in order to fire each student up with goals and aspirations in order to maximize their potential.

The remaining days of the week, Cole learned quite a bit about training properly and was even given a book on the different types of weapons that the academy offered students for them to learn how to use and become proficient in. And as long as he was able to pass the end of the year test, he would actually be given the weapon of his choice to keep.

This was a custom passed down by every academy and since every type of weapon could be made fairly cheap and around the price of the student's uniforms, it made sense that they would be given a weapon to train with without anyone asking for payment. Plus, there was a yearly fund that every human empire around the world would palace funds into for this exact reason.

The appearance of the first demons appeared as early as the very first book of humans was recorded and for over ten thousand years, a war between the two factions raged on in a stalemate of sorts once the humans had their first tenth ranked expert who alone was able to push back at the time all four of the demon generals.

Therefore, arming every single potential soldier for the humans was vital for their overall survival since there were demons alive today that were as old as five thousand years old with no signs of dying of old age since the blood in their bodies were so different along with the techniques passed down to them by their ancestors.

"Hey Cole, what type of weapon are you going to ask for? I think asking for a spear would be too cliche, but this scythe looks really awesome and fun to use while being a mid range weapon so I never have to get too close to a demon that I come across." Leo told Cole with a big smile on his face.

"Yeah, I was looking at the scythe for a while but figured you would choose it so I actually chose something slightly different." Cole replied while shaking his head. "You know Leo, maybe Ms. Williams could help you get over your fear of demons at least enough for you to be able to have better prospects once we graduate."

"Enough about me and my issues, since I told you the weapon I will be using, I expect you to tell me which one you will choose!" Leo was slightly angry that Cole would bring up his biggest weakness so casually but his curiosity overpowered the anger as he waited for Cole to tell him his decision.

"I was really excited to see that they offer swords here since my favorite legendary expert used one, but for the fighting style I want to use in the future and feeling rather fearless, I am choosing to use a staff and maybe if I am lucky, I will be able to buy a set of daggers to use as well."

"You do realize how much harder it would be for you to kill a demon using a staff even compared to a sharp spear? You are better off choosing to go about it the opposite way and starting with a set of daggers. Not to put you down, but I do not even feel physically strong enough to wield a staff as a weapon effectively and you are even smaller than I am!"

The next day, it was strange but even Ms. Williams seemed to have agreed with Leo's outlook on how Cole should train with a set of daggers instead of a staff. "I promise you that in the future if you are able to properly wield a staff, I will make sure you get a good one to use even one of a higher quality than these daggers that you will be using starting today."