My mate

Nine lean, square towers are scattered in a uniform design, built for an ideal defense, and are connected by high, thick walls made of golden stone.

Grand windows are assembled generously across the walls in a seemingly random pattern, along with symmetric marks for archers and artillery.

A great gate with colossal metal doors, a drawbridge, and strong defenses offer a safe home to all those in need in these cold mountains and it's the only way in, at least to those unfamiliar with the castle and its surroundings.

Fields of nothingness stretch out outside, allowing one to see anyone coming far before they pose a threat. Remnants of broken siege engines, swords, and shields litter the fields outside, a painful reminder of the past.

Large boulders litter the fields outside the castle, paths to and from the castle snake around them, and farm plots are small and scattered all around.

This castle has been around for at least a thousand years, but it doesn't seem like it will collapse anytime soon.

As you enter inside, you will be greeted with great braziers attached to one side of each of the fourteen obsidian columns, light up every part of the throne hall, and coat everything in a red glimmer.

The artistic depictions of legends on the arched ceiling dance in the flickering light while stone effigies and gargoyles look down upon the grey wood floor of this regal hall.

An ivory rug runs down from the throne and marks the closest spot people can stand when they address the one that sits on the throne, while dragon banners with ornate ornaments drape from the walls.

Between each banner, almost all of them have been lit and, in turn, illuminate the artistic depictions of conquerors and victors below them.

Wide windows are framed by veils colored the same ivory as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with decorating tips and jewels.

A towering throne of golden sits within a pagoda of sorts within this hall and is adjoined by one rather extravagant-looking seat that is filled with jewels all over the parts of the seat. As you continue to observe, there seems to be a crown placed in the center of the throne.

The throne is covered in holy crests and fixed on the wide backside is a ruby divine symbol. The stiff pillows are light ivory and these, have been adorned with gilded needlework.

Those expecting an audience with the person sitting on the throne can do so on the several impressively carved iron benches, all of which are facing the throne in a half-circle. Those of higher standing can instead take seats in the more ornate balconies overlooking the throne.

On the throne's seat, a person with a devilish face sat. With a bored look on his face, he suddenly smirks as the mark in his left hand glows. With a black, frizzy hair clumsily hangs over a fresh, frowning face. Expressive black eyes set narrowly within their sockets, watch rapidly over the throne hall where he safeguarded for so long.

A sword left a mark reaching from the bottom of the right cheekbone, running towards his right nostril and ending on his right cheekbone leaves an aching memory of forbidden love.

Something is charming about him. Perhaps it's his suffering, or perhaps it's simply a feeling of comfort. Nonetheless, people tend to lie about knowing him to brag, while jealousy consumes them.

This man's name is Caecilius Krauss. An ancient demon born after his race, the high elves were eradicated from the wars between the demon army thousand years ago. He was the prince of the high elves that was hidden because of his dangerous powers.

His country, the Zorus, is an immense country with a population of 1,911,948 high elves.

Bordered between large rock formations to the North of the continent of Oban, a wild ocean to the South, a wide river to the East, and woodlands to the West, the country of Zorus mainly lives of alchemy, animal training, and leatherworking.

Zorus itself is mainly covered in lakes and has a dry climate, which has led to a stretched population, despite the number of high elves, which means most of them to live in towns.

The country's landscape is quite frightening; dangerous mountains, dark, gloomy forests, and dangerous mountains are just a sliver of the blankness Zorus has to offer, which is why the country is despised among the elves.

The high elves of Zorus are arrogant towards foreigners and tend to welcome them with indifference. They feel foreigners could interrupt the country's well-being.

Zorus has rigid laws and law enforcement, which is fairly normal. The people are hostile due to mediocre medicine, caused by angered spirits.

His mother was the princess of Zorus and was abducted by an Arch Demon and was raped and killed, leaving him to his grandfather, the former king of the high elves.

He was protected by his grandfather, maybe because he was born with the same face as his mother. From childhood, his physical features were of high elves, but as the former king of the high elves discovered his dangerous powers. He was sent alone to leave their country and live in the inner part of the Neverending Tops.

By the time he knew the tragedy that happened to his country, it was already too late. Driven by his deep hatred, his blood as demonkin began to evolve as an Ancient Demon.

The first thing he did was to train his newly formed power. Then he befriended Shemer and the first emperor's group to help him eliminate the other Ancient Demons and Arch Demons that cause his country to fall.

After achieving his goals, he did not leave his castle again. Some people that have reported encountering him say that he is bloodthirsty and cruel. He does not like to leave his castle, and no one should ever think about stepping into his territory.

As Caecilius looks at the glow on his left hand, he sighed to relief as if he was waiting for it to happen for a long time. Then he whispered thru the air,

"My mate, finally, I found you."