chapter 1(Minecraft)

"I'm so sorry mortal I accidentally killed"

said a dark skin man as he looked at our protagonist who soon spoke with joy in his tone.

"does that mean what I think it means"

said our protagonist as he looked at the God in excitement as he thought about all the novels he read but was soon broken out of his thoughts by God who let out a laugh as his body soon changed to that of a attractive women and continuously kept changing between different races and some that might have been called alien back in his old world, but god soon calm down as he now looked like a a young rock Johnson.

"oh human your memories, *Wheezes* I quickly looked through your memories and what I saw was hilarious, bit sinse it's embarrassing I won't speak about it and also yes the three wishes style to"

with these words our protagonist felt a sinse of joy and excitement as he began to mull over his wishes and what world he wanted to go to and after immeaditly killing off the ideas of Naruto and dragon ball he soon came to a decision as he spoke.

"I want to go to the Minecraft but please don't make me or the people block likes but keep the normal functions of mining blocks and also please increase my chance of finding ores"

protagonist said as he waited for god response witch soon came with a nod as he continued and began to make his first wishes.

"for my first wish I want a system to monitor my strength skills and ability, next for my second wish I want the the ability to control lightning, electricity and generate it, and finally I want to have another ability like super speed "

saying this in one breath protagonist began to wait for god response as he contemplate weather or not he is happy with his wishes.

"okay but you have to go to a world where every month a new minor mod will be added and also a major mod witch can change the world"

god said causing my face to slightly pale, but soon fill with color as new excitement entered his body as a crazed smile crept on his face while he spoke.

"that's perfect also to spice it up can you give everyone abilitys"

he said while god gave him a smile as he spoke.

"yeah also keep a eye out for the famous Minecraft players also don't piss off the endermen, bye now will"

God said the last part seriously as he waved his hand causing will to disappeared into a cloud of dust.


in a open Field you can see a blue haired teen leaning against a tree as he slowly opened his eyes revealing pupiless white eyes as he soon sat up and began to look around as he spoke aloud.

"Minecraft in real life is much more beautiful than I expected but anyways 'status' "

he said as his vision seemed to become unfocused as he looked at his status.


[Name: will]

[energy: 100/100]

[str: 10]

[agi: 100]

[end: 10]

[wis: 10]

[int: 10]


[electricity augmentation]- allows user to ask increase his physical parameters by 3 times for 5 engery a second.

[super speed]- gives user super human speed 10 times faster than normal humans.

[electricity discharge control]- allows user to control electricity and blast it a beam or control it to cover the body and make it more durable.


looking at my status I began to smile as I began to run immeaditly covering a distance of dozens of meters as I moved in the forest where I ran amongst the tree's admiring my own speed as I see the world in a slow motion picture as I soon stoped in front of a tree.

"well let's test my abilitys [electrically augmented strength]"

I said as my boy began to emit a light glow with my eyes shinning the brightest as I punched the trees causing it to instantly explode as a small wooden log is left on the floor witch I soon take it as it appeared in my inventory.

"okay lets get the basics tools first"

I said while I went on to wipe out all the trees in a 20 block radius as I created many wooden tools as I began my mining spree where I mined stone and made stone tools as I with my increased chance of finding ore let's just say just say I have have more than enough ore to make a dozen different armor sets with a full set of tools to boot.

so with my wood I quickly built a ten by ten block house with a steel door because there no way in hell I'm sleeping at night with zombies and skelton's wondering around with out at least two block thick walls and a iron door between us.

so it is with this mind that after creating the furnaces and smelting all my iron I created 2 sets of iron amor witch I placed one in side a storage as I put the other set on my body and finally i found diamonds yes diamonds but sadly it was only six witch I planned to turn into axes with one for back up just incase.

"I loving this already but tomorrow I must improve my base and learn how to fight"

will said as he looked at the settings sun as he later on the floor to sleep his first night inside his new world