chapter 3(Minecraft)

"wait what the fuck!"

will shouted as he looked over the group of people with injuries and burns all over there body as they turned to look over at him with fear and worry.

"who the heck are you!"

shouted someone behind will as he felt something sharp press against his neck from behind witch caused a cold sweat to roll down his back as he spoke.

"well shouldn't I be asking that question as you all are standing around 50 blocks away from my house"

will said as he slowly turned around only to be shocked at who he see it's... Patrick or better known popularMMo the YouTuber and how I know it's him it's because his voice and also I seen alot of fan art about if he was human, but back to reality what I said seem to stun pat as he seem to calm down as he put his sword away and spoke.

"sorry dude were just on edge there's been a large increase of griefers and killers recently along with the recent attack on the nearby villages we were on edge"

he said as I go used noticed somone jump from down a tree witch I immeaditly realize was jen who next words surprised me.

"brothers right we just a little on edge oh and hi I'm jen"

she said as we shook hands with me immediately noticing the strong grip she had as I did as if testing how strong I am.

"my name is will, also may I ask what happened"

he said as he pointed at the group of injured villagers witch was answered as he soon got a answer from Pat who voice was laced with rage.

"some freaking illagers attacked with a group of killers and due to most of us chosen going to other villages to trade and to help repair and defend them after the increase in mob spawns"

he said as he clenched his fist in rage, but was soon calmed down due to Jen holding his shoulder witch I soon took advantage as I spoke out.

"you guys can come to my house if you need a safe place to stay"

I said causing pat and Jen to realize they didn't have no where to survive the night or to defend when the illagers probably chase and hunt them down.

"we will gladly accept"

they both said as they began to help the villagers to follow me back home where I soon opened the door and invite them inside as I let them rest inside with more than enough space due to my base being a ten by ten building with a second floor, Jen, pat and a few villagers who seemed to be armed with swords and leather armor stood outside as we began to talk.

"so how are we going to defend against the illagers"

one of the stronger looking villagers said as he brought out what looked like a incomplete map as he continued.

"we are here"

said the muscular villager as he pointed at a area surrounded by a gray area as he continued to speak.

"we are in the eternal forest, with the village being east of our current location"

he said while pointing one of the many green location witch seemed to be slowly turning to a dark orange color.

"fuck it's turning into a den"

the villager said confusing me greatly as I asked what he meant by den witch he soon answers with a grave expression.

"it's when a large a amount of villagers completely leave there born location causing it's already powerful monster attracting effects to be enhanced greatly and after around 7 days of none occupation the spawn rate and quality of monster spawns will rise"

he said all of this in one breath as he pointed at pat and Jen.

"can you guys give us a estimation of there numbers"

he asked with a serious expression witch was soon answered by Pat who took turns talking.

"from my estimation there should be around 3 dozen normal pillagers and 3 ravangers"

pat said while looking over at Jen who spoke next.

"for special types there were 5 vindicator, 3 illusioners and finally 2 invoker "

they said this causing me to scrunch my brow as I knew how dangerous just one of each are in the game not to say in real life where there not limited to programming and could grow and improve, but I was soon broken out of my thoughts by the villager witch soon spoke.

"now let's focus on our biggest problems... the killers"

he said while he voice raised in slight fear at the word of the killer as he continued speaking.

"luckily there only low rank but unluckily there around 6 of them but if we do it right we can get pat and gen in a 3 v 1 situation we can quickly kill them"

the villager said as he pointed at pat and gen as he then looked over at me.

"we need equipment and tools is there anything you can offer us"

he asked as I smirked as It was my time to shine, walking over to my nearby storage building witch I made today as I signal for them to follow me witch they soon did as we entered the shed where I told them to look into the chest witch they did as the exclaimed in shocked

"so much ore!"

one of the villager exclaimed as they looked over at will in shock but they all soon calmed down as they soon began to calm down and began to craft armor and weapons while will took all his diamonds and began to make weapons and chest plates for himself, jen and pat as he prepared for the battle.


[Name: will]

[energy: 100/100]

[str: 10]

[agi: 100]

[end: 10]

[wis: 10]

[int: 10]


[electricity augmentation]- allows user to ask increase his physical parameters by 3 times for 5 engery a second.

[super speed]- gives user super human speed 10 times faster than normal humans.

[electricity discharge control]- allows user to control electricity and blast it a beam or control it to cover the body and make it more durable.
