standing on a small hill I watched the television that mono should be coming out off as I checked my inventory as I took stock off all the items in my inventory as in the corner of my eye a timer slowly ticked down.
[5 sec]
[4 sec]
[3 sec]
[2 sec]
[1 sec]
on schedule two bodies came flying out with nearby TV as they role for several minutes as they seem to lay limp most likely passed out.
I quickly approached them as I used the wood in my inventory to create a quick 5 by 5 house with 5 of the three beds out of inventory as I lay them down and don't ask why I have 5 beds.
with them now laying on the beds I created a stair witch I sat on as I spent the next two hours sharpening my access which I discovered can give it a natural enchantment of sharpness witch pat explained was stronger than a normal enchantment of sharpness but does not last half as long it's instead good to do this right before battle as the natural enchantment will disappear after a little bit of use, but it's bad to do this repeatedly as it takes durability.
I began to focus on the kids who we're still pretending to be asleep as they woke up 1 hours ago 2 hour's after I rescued them, but I'm not going to lie the paper bags with holes in it does look pretty scary if there two of them staring back at you in a room dimly lit by the torch I put somewhere in between them.
"Hi my name is will what's yours"
I asked in a as friendly tone a voice as possible as the two kids stared at me unmoving witch continued for the next five minutes until the system spoke to me.
[Host I forgot to mention that in this world the people all have a kind of special connection to any one of their race essentially allowing them to speak mentally with each other causing them to never develop a language]
'damn it system you screwed me how in the hell am I supposed to communicate with them'
[simple host use gamers mind to connect to them and strengthen their [race connection] passive skill, until they get the [telepathy] active skill]
'well that shouldn't be to hard'
with this thought I easily used my gamers mind to connect to there connection as I slowly strengthen you until I hear the dean from the system that I lived in me that day the skill telepathy.
'holy crap that actually worked'
[of course host when gamers play games they look for levels monsters and chat witch is basically telepathy as you don't talk in game]
'yeah also I got this weird feeling I'm the only one who understand you'
[host is losing focused as you are currently wasting lightless daylight]
'yeah your right'
turning to the kids who seem to be using there new found telepathy to talk I begin to use gamers mind to speak to them.
'Hello my name is will what might yours be'
I asked causing two boys to visibly flinch as they hear my voice.
'my name is mono this is my brother nano'
a meek voice replied as both boys seemed to look at me nervously but with a hint of wisdom in there eyes.
'nice name may I ask why kids like you are in such a dangerous world'
I asked as the two boys seem to visibly struggle against them selves as they tried to remember why they were out here only to come out with two words from our mental connection.
'A feeling'
This didn't surprise me as in the moved like he knew exactly where to go so it's I'm not too far fetch for it to be a feeling but to be sure about what's going through n I ask a important question.
'what do you mean by feeling?'
the kids seems to struggle against himself as he tried to describe the feeling several times until his brother nano stepped in to speak.
'this feeling is just instinctual like it was born into our point on what we need to do when we need to do it and where we need to go, this feeling also Trump's fear anger anxiety and happiness'
'basically it's like you are a moth to a flame'
I replied receiving a nod from nano as I spoke again
'if I were to help you get to the end of this feeling would you become my students'
I asked receiving enough on both nano and mono who both said mentally.
'we accept'
'that was easy'
I thought as we all left the house and wander south