chapter 19

sitting on the floor in the Forest surrounded by tvs I was laughing at mono who fell face first through his own portal.

'hey mono how's the ground taste'

I said in a joking way that made mono a little mad as he opened a portal behind my head as he tried to slap me witch I swiftly doged as laughed aloud as I hugged all the kids for the next minute.

'any ways let's get out of here and go back to my house'

I said as the system message appeared in front of me.

[you have completed your recruitment mission with a S rank completion giving rewards]

[you have received a netherite pickaxe with the ability to have as many enchantments as you wish on it]

[your engery capacity has been increased by 200]

[due to certain circumstances host will not be receiving any more rewards]

'wait, what why not!'

[host it was system and the creator who gave you the connection to the god of thunder or his lesser known name the god of storms witch was supposed to be your reward along with the class witch you were never supposed to ha-]

'okay okay I get it but anyways system can you send us back'

[returning host back to your world]

after reading this I suddenly felt like I was being pulled through a viscous liquid as my surroundings seem to change immeaditly as I appeared in side the my mountain fortresses in the same spot I disappeared in but this time with the kids who all seem to be more vibrant and color full unlike in there previous world.

'any ways let me take them to there rooms and then see if I can enchant stuff'

I thought as I led all the kids to 4 of the 11 rooms on the third floor as I left them each in a room witch the moment I had them lay on the bed the fell asleep witch I took as a sign that I could leave witch I did as I went out the entrance of my base where I saw the vibrant village but I suddenly felt danger from my left and right witch I swiftly reacted by taking out my axe and shield to block incoming attacks from my left and right.


a pound sound rang out in the area around me as I blocked my two assailants attacks who were soon kicked away as I activated lightning cloak and delivered a devastating kick to there stomach sending them flying far in the village direction witch I followed as I tried to get a look at my attackers who landed close to the center of the village and let's just say what I saw shocked me.

'is that CaptainSparklez and Ssundee'

[yes host it is]

'why the heck are they here'

I asked the system who remained silent as I watched the two get up.

"man I never expected for you to be this tough I think you almost broke a rib"

said ssundee as he stood up from the floor and dusted himself as he winced at the pain and tried to go help CaptainSparklez who if I'm being honest I hit slightly harder witch is probably why he didn't get up yet, but I stead began to speak from his position on the floor.

"I'm not getting up any time soon so just wait for me to heal up"

he said with his glasses covering his eyes as he tried to look cool but I could see the obvious twitches of his body as he flinches in pain.

'dang it I was really hoping I could meet stampy and DanTDM'( my first YouTubers and Minecraft YouTubers)

I thought as I approached the resting SSundee who looked at me with a smile as I I spoke to him.

"why did you guys attack me"

I asked as SSundee smiled and spoke.

"obviously it's a test to see how strong you are because the hardcore season is approaching"

hearing him I'm confused as I asked what he meant witch got me look of confusion but soon changed to understanding as he spoke.

"you must have been a spawn instead of born so let me explain, basically 1 month in a year monster spawn rates are increased by 5x and they well become more well equip to the point where they could walk in the sun witch wouldn't be so tough to deal with as everyone during this time gathers inside the hub city where we defend and wait out this time, but the tough part is the mutants that show up with the ability to command the horde they lay siege to us continuously until we were able to kill them"

A look of horror appears on my face as Imagined the probably thousands of well armored zombies attacking a city with the occasional super strong zombie.

"dang that horrible".

that's all wonder if I can stand up to that army, but shake my head as asked the two where could find pat and Jen witch the answered by pointing towards a house closer to the outskirts of the village.

witch after approaching I found pat and Jen talking about something with a worried face witch when they saw me the seem to quiet down as they change the worried faces to Happy expression.

"so what you guys so worried about"

I asked directly causing both them to sigh as they liked at each other and spoke.

"The high council wants us to send a chosen to help with the extermination of the griefers and killers"

hearing this I smile as spoke

"then let me go"

I said shocking them, but before they could argue I activated lightning cloak as I appeared behind the two scaring them as I spoke.

"Im stronger than you two so don't worry I'm not in danger"

my word caused them to sigh as there not arrogant or prideful enough to deny it as they knew it's true.

"here take this"

pat said as he handed me a map and a letter as he began to explain my direction and path I'm heading in.

"do I'm around 50,000 blocks away from the hub and if I follow the path you gave me I should be able to avoid all the troublesome stuff and reach there in about week"

I asked witch pat and gen nodded


[Name: will]

[energy: 300/300]

[class: none](suggestion wanted)

[str: 10]

[agi: 100]

[end: 10]

[wis: 20]

[int: 20]

[stat points: 0]

[shadow army: 5 low class shadows]


[super speed]- user is 10x faster than the average human.

[2nd release]- gives user 20 times speed of a normal human but put strain on host body the longer it's activated.

[lightning manipulation]- allows user to manipulate lightning witch it strength may change based off of how much engery is put into the controlled engery.

[lightning cloak]- increases user speed by 5x for 1 engery every 3 seconds of skill activation.

[blessings of the thunder god]- increase effectiveness of all lightning abilities by two times passively and when activated increase all stats by 2x for 10 minute's

[true rage]- when condition satisfied, user receives a 5x strength increase for 5 minutes


(I revised the status hope you like it)